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Created February 7, 2019 17:39
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upload a taxonomy to openEQUELLA using a specially-formatted CSV
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# ################################# #
# #
# #
# added CLI by Eric Phetteplace #
# California College of the Arts #
# | #
# 2014-07-32 #
# #
# Pearson's notes below #
# ################################# #
# Author: Jim Kurian, Pearson
# Date: November 15, 2012
# This script populates a taxonomy in EQUELLA 4.1 and higher.
# It requires Python 2.7.
# It requires a CSV file to be formatted as follows:
# term0\term00\term000
# term0\term00\term001
# term1
# term1\term10
# term1\term11
# etc...
# If keys are required then following format should be used:
# term0\term00\term000, key1, value1, key2, value2, key3, value3
# term0\term00\term001, key1, value1, , , ,
# term1 , key1, value1, key2, value2, ,
# term1\term10 , LONG_DATA, value1, key2, value2, ,
# term1\term11 , LONG_DATA, value1, , , ,
# etc...
# Any number of key/value pairs can be added to each row however
# each row of the csv must have the same number of columns. Value
# fields with commas or quotes in them should be surrounded by
# double quotes. MS Excel does this for you automatically.
# Use the key "LONG_DATA" to add a HTML Fragments to a term for
# display in the pop-view view of the term selector control.
# Set the EQUELLA connection settings in and the
# location of the CSV file and the taxonomy ID in the variables
# below.
# This script requires the deleteTerm() method to be implemented
# in module. This function is not present in the
# module in the integration pack that ships with
# EQUELLA 5.0 or earlier. Use the module provided with this
# script.
import csv
import codecs
import sys
import traceback
import time
import equellasoap
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Upload a taxonomy to VAULT.')
parser.add_argument('--un', nargs='?', action='store', help='EQUELLA Username')
parser.add_argument('--pw', nargs='?', action='store', required=True,
help='EQUELLA Password')
parser.add_argument('--tid', nargs='?', action='store', required=True,
help='Taxonomy ID')
parser.add_argument('--csv', nargs='?', action='store',
help='Path to taxonomy CSV file')
parser.add_argument('--clear', action='store_true',
help='Clear the taxonomy (delete all prior terms)')
parser.add_argument('--start', default=1, type=int,
help='Row of the CSV to start at, e.g. use 2 to skip header row')
args = parser.parse_args()
csvFileName = args.csv # relative path to CSV file to load
# Pearson's code below except for calls to args
# ---- SETTINGS ---- #
# EQUELLA parameters
institutionUrl = ''
username = args.un
password =
# CSV unicode encoding
# typically "utf-8" or "latin1" (Excel often saves non-Ascii CSV files as "latin1")
encoding = "utf-8"
# id of taxonomy to update (retrieve from Admin Console)
taxonID = args.tid
# set clearTaxonomy to True if taxonomy is to be cleared first
clearTaxonomy = args.clear
# which row in the CSV to start processing at (e.g. 1 to process entire CSV)
startRow = args.start
# set to true to only unlock taxonomy (no uploading)
unlockOnly = False
# set to true to only clear taxonomy (no uploading)
clearOnly = False
# set to true to cause script to retry on error (useful for poor network connections)
retryOnError = False
# optional EQUELLA parameters:
proxyUrl = None
useTokens = False
tokenUser = 'tokenUsername'
sharedSecretId = 'tokenSecretId'
sharedSecretValue = 'tokenSecretValue'
# --- END SETTINGS --- #
def unicode_csv_reader(utf8_data, encoding, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs):
csv_reader = csv.reader(utf8_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
firstRow = True
for row in csv_reader:
# remove BOM for utf-8
if firstRow:
if row[0].startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
row[0] = row[0].decode("utf-8")[1:]
firstRow = False
yield [cell.decode(encoding) for cell in row]
if not institutionUrl.endswith("/"):
institutionUrl += "/"
# test logging in and logging out of EQUELLA
equella = equellasoap.EquellaSoap(institutionUrl, username, password, proxyUrl)
# test unlocking taxonomy
equella.unlockTaxonomy(taxonID, force=1)
raise "Unable to unlock taxonomy, check taxonomy ID"
# test opening and closing CSV
csvFile = open(csvFileName, "rb")
rownum = 0
lastAttemptedRow = 0
lastAttemptedTerm = ""
incomplete = True
retrying = False
while incomplete:
# instantiate an EquellaSoap object and lock the taxonomy for editing
print "Logging into EQUELLA..."
equella = equellasoap.EquellaSoap(institutionUrl, username, password, proxyUrl)
equella.unlockTaxonomy(taxonID, force=1)
if unlockOnly:
print "Taxonomy successfully unlocked."
sys.exit("Unlock taxonomy only")
print "Locking taxonomy for editing..."
# clear the taxonomy in EQUELLA
if clearTaxonomy or clearOnly:
print "Clearing taxonomy..."
rootTerms = equella.listTerms(taxonID, "")
for rootTerm in rootTerms:
equella.deleteTerm(taxonID, rootTerm)
if clearOnly:
print "Taxonomy successfully cleared."
sys.exit("Clear taxonomy only")
# read CSV file
print "Importing taxonomy from CSV starting from row %s..." % (startRow)
csvFile = open(csvFileName, "rb")
reader = csv.reader(csvFile, dialect=csv.excel)
# get row count
rowcount = len(list(reader))
csvFile = open(csvFileName, "rbU")
reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvFile, encoding)
# remove last term in case it was only partially completed
if lastAttemptedRow > 0:
if len(equella.listTerms(taxonID, lastAttemptedTerm)) == 0:
print "Deleting " + lastAttemptedTerm + " to reimport..."
equella.deleteTerm(taxonID, lastAttemptedTerm)
# iterate through csv rows
for row in reader:
rownum += 1
if rownum >= startRow:
lastAttemptedRow = rownum
print "Processing row %s of %s" % (rownum, rowcount)
terms = row[0].split("\\")
parentTerm = ""
# iterate through terms of path
termsAdded = False
for i in range(0, len(terms)):
term = terms[i].strip()
fullTermPath = ""
if parentTerm == "":
fullTermPath = term
fullTermPath = parentTerm + "\\" + term
lastAttemptedTerm = fullTermPath
# if term deosn't exist add it
siblingTerms = equella.listTerms(taxonID, parentTerm)
if term not in siblingTerms:
termsAdded = True
print " adding " + fullTermPath
equella.insertTerm(taxonID, parentTerm, term)
# Add data to term if it is a leaf node
for j in range(1, len(row), 2):
key = row[j].strip()
if i == len(terms) - 1 and key != "":
print " adding data key: " + key
equella.setTermData(taxonID, fullTermPath, key, row[j + 1].strip())
# set current term as parent for next row
# (i.e. term) in the CSV
parentTerm = fullTermPath
if not termsAdded:
print " no new terms to be added"
incomplete = False
exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
error = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback))
if "Clear taxonomy only" in error or "Unlock taxonomy only" in error:
incomplete = False
elif retryOnError:
# retry
print "Error occured: " + str(exceptionValue)
print " Last Attempted Term: " + lastAttemptedTerm
print " Last Attempted Row: " + str(lastAttemptedRow)
print " Retrying..."
clearTaxonomy = False
startRow = lastAttemptedRow
rownum = 0
raise Exception, error
# unlock the taxonomy, logout of EQUELLA and close the csv file
if not clearOnly and not unlockOnly:
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