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Created February 19, 2018 06:57
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import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import scala.util.Random
object Main {
sealed trait Ingredient
case object Mushroom extends Ingredient
case object Tomato extends Ingredient
type Pizza = Array[Array[Ingredient]]
type Row = Int
type Col = Int
final case class Input(rows: Int, cols: Int, minIngredient: Int, maxCells: Int, pizza: Pizza)
def isValidSlice(pizza: Pizza, rows: Int, cols: Int, startRow: Row, startCol: Col, l: Int, h: Int, taken: Map[Int, BitSet]): Boolean = {
if (startRow + rows > pizza.length || startCol + cols > pizza(0).length)
else {
val (tomatoes, mushrooms) = (startRow until startRow + rows).foldLeft((0, 0)) { case ((tomatoes, mushrooms), row) =>
(startCol until startCol + cols).foldLeft((tomatoes, mushrooms)) { case ((tsCol, msCol), col) =>
if (taken.get(row).map(_.apply(col)).getOrElse(false))
(tsCol, msCol)
else pizza(row)(col) match {
case Tomato => (tsCol + 1, msCol)
case Mushroom => (tsCol, msCol + 1)
mushrooms >= l && tomatoes >= l && mushrooms + tomatoes <= h
def updateTaken(row: Row, col: Col, taken: Map[Int, BitSet]): Map[Int, BitSet] = {
taken.get(row) match {
case Some(oldRow) => taken + (row -> (oldRow + col))
case None => taken + (row -> BitSet(col))
def generateSlices(pizza: Pizza, row: Row, col: Col, l: Int, h: Int, taken: Map[Int, BitSet]): (List[(Int, Int)], Map[Int, BitSet]) = {
(1 to h).foldLeft((List.empty[(Int, Int)], taken)) { case ((s0, t0), i) =>
(1 to h).foldLeft((s0, t0)) { case ((s1, t1), j) =>
if (i * j <= h && isValidSlice(pizza, i, j, row, col, l, h, t1))
((i, j) :: s1, updateTaken(i, j, t1))
(s1, t1)
def findSlices(pizza: Pizza, row: Row, col: Col, taken: Map[Int, BitSet], slices: (List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)], Int), l: Int, h: Int, level: Int, rand: Random)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)], Int)] = {
val (validSlices, updatedTaken) = generateSlices(pizza, row, col, l, h, taken)
def nextSlices(rows: Int, cols: Int): Future[(List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)], Int)] = {
val slicesUpdated = ((row, col, rows, cols) :: slices._1) -> ((rows * cols) + slices._2)
for {
x <- findSlices(pizza, row + rows, col, updatedTaken, slicesUpdated, l, h, level + 1, rand)
y <- findSlices(pizza, row, col + cols, updatedTaken, slicesUpdated, l, h, level + 1, rand)
} yield {
if (x._2 > y._2) x
else y
if (validSlices.isEmpty)
else {
validSlices.foldLeft(Future.successful((List.empty[(Int, Int, Int, Int)], 0))) { case (aggF, (rows, cols)) =>
if (level % 100 == 0 && rand.nextDouble() > 0.95) {
println("parallelisation: " + level)
val nextF = nextSlices(rows, cols)
for {
agg <- aggF
next <- nextF
} yield {
if (agg._2 < next._2) next
else agg
else {
for {
agg <- aggF
next <- nextSlices(rows, cols)
} yield {
if (agg._2 < next._2) next
else agg
def readFile(filename: String): Iterator[String] =
def parseInput(lines: List[String]): Input = {
val Array(rows, cols, minIngredient, maxCells) = lines.head.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
maxCells, { line =>
val row: Array[Ingredient] = {
case 'T' => Tomato
case 'M' => Mushroom
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val filename = args(0)
val input = parseInput(readFile(filename).toList)
val rand = new Random
val t = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(Await.result(findSlices(, 0, 0, Map.empty, (Nil, 0), input.minIngredient, input.maxCells, 0, rand), 10.minutes))
println("time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t))
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