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Last active November 24, 2021 01:59
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  • Save phi10s/f19d10e84eae9ce52c31eaf085aef68e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phi10s/f19d10e84eae9ce52c31eaf085aef68e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple, hacky python script to automate initial enumeration of hosts, for use by OSCP/general infosec students and in virtual labs. Some component scripts may be too loud and intrusive for use in actual pentests. Only use on hosts you own/have permission to test.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import random
import re
from time import sleep
import shlex
from ipaddress import ip_address
from termcolor import colored,cprint
# Takes a piped process started by subprocess.Popen and directs its
# output both to sys.stdout and to a string variable.
def handle_output(proc):
output = ""
while proc.poll() is None:
outputline = proc.stdout.readline()
output += outputline
outputline =
output += outputline
return output
def printred(text):
def printgrey(text):
# Open /dev/null for writing unwanted shell messages.
devnull = open('/dev/null','w')
# Do basic TCP/UDP scan and return a string representation of results.
def do_nmap(ipAddr):
printred(" ___ _ ___ "
+ "\n| _ \___ _ _| |_/ __| __ __ _ _ _ "
+ "\n| _/ _ \ '_| _\__ \/ _/ _` | ' \ "
+ "\n|_| \___/_| \__|___/\__\__,_|_||_|")
printgrey("\n[+] Beginning initial Nmap scan. This may take a few minutes.\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen(["nmap","-sSU","-Pn",ipAddr],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
nmapResult = handle_output(proc)
return nmapResult
except Exception,e:
printgrey("\n[-] Nmap scan failed with exception: " + str(e) + "\n")
return ""
# Returns tuple of open TCP and UDP ports lists for further scanning.
def getOpenPorts(nmapResult):
openTCPPorts = []
openUDPPorts = []
for line in re.findall(r'.*open.*',nmapResult):
if "tcp" in line:
openTCPPorts = list(set(openTCPPorts))
if "udp" in line:
openUDPPorts = list(set(openUDPPorts))
except Exception,e:
printgrey("\n[-] Failed with exception: " + str(e) + "\n")
return openTCPPorts, openUDPPorts
# Run in depth nmap vuln script scan on open ports, and return a string representation of results.
def do_script_scan(ipAddr, openPorts):
printgrey("\n[+] Running Nmap script scans on open ports.\n")
cmdstr = "nmap -sSUV -Pn --script default,vuln -p" + ",".join(openPorts) + " " + ipAddr
args = shlex.split(cmdstr)
proc = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
nmapScriptRes = handle_output(proc)
return nmapScriptRes
except Exception,e:
print("[-] Script scan failed with exception: " + str(e))
return ""
# Detect Samba version and run Enum4linux, and return a tuple of strings as
# their respective results.
def smb_enum(ipAddr):
printred(" ___ __ __ ___ ___ "
+ "\n/ __| \/ | _ ) | __|_ _ _ _ _ __ "
+ "\n\__ \ |\/| | _ \ | _|| ' \ || | ' \ "
+ "\n|___/_| |_|___/ |___|_||_\_,_|_|_|_|")
printgrey("\n[+] Starting Tcpdump and attempting to capture Samba version.\n")
smbVersion = ""
cmdstr = "tcpdump host " + ipAddr + " and tcp port 445 or port " \
+ "139 -i tap0 -A -c 14 -l -q > tcpdump.tmp"
p = subprocess.Popen([cmdstr],shell=True,stderr=devnull,stdout=devnull)
# smbclientResult = subprocess.check_output(["smbclient","-L",ipAddr,"-N","-d0"])
printgrey("\n[+] Running Enum4linux.\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen(["enum4linux","-a",ipAddr],
enum4linuxResult = handle_output(proc)
cmdstr = 'grep -o -P \'(?<=Unix.).*(?=.MYGROUP)\' tcpdump.tmp'
smbVersion = subprocess.check_output(cmdstr, shell=True)
printgrey("\n[+] Samba Version:\n")
print(smbVersion + "\n")
except Exception,e:
printgrey("[-] Couldn't get Samba version.\n" + str(e) + "\n")
return enum4linuxResult, smbVersion
except Exception,e:
printgrey("\n[-] Couldn't get SMB info.\n")
return "",""
# Check for port 161 and do snmpwalk with various MIB values, if available.
# Note: Must have Seclists repo installed to brute force SNMP community string.
# returns dictionary of strings as the results of using different MIB values.
def snmp_enum(ipAddr):
printred(" ___ _ _ __ __ ___ ___ "
+"\n/ __| \| | \/ | _ \ | __|_ _ _ _ _ __ "
+"\n\__ \ .` | |\/| | _/ | _|| ' \ || | ' \ "
+"\n|___/_|\_|_| |_|_| |___|_||_\_,_|_|_|_|")
printgrey("\n[+] Beginning SNMP enumeration.\n\n[+] Attempting to brute force SNMP community string.\n")
communityStr = subprocess.check_output("nmap -sU -p161 --open --script snmp-brute "
+ str(ipAddr) + " --script-args"
+ " snmp-brute.communitiesdb=/usr/share/seclists/"
+ "Miscellaneous/wordlist-common-snmp-community-strings.txt"
+ " | grep Valid | cut -d' ' -f3",shell=True).strip()
if communityStr != "":
printgrey("\n[+] Found SNMP community string:\n\n")
print(communityStr + "\n")
printgrey("\n[+] Attempting to enumerate system processes:\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen("snmpwalk -c " + communityStr + " -v1 " + ipAddr +
" | cut -d':' -f2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
sysProc = handle_output(proc)
printgrey("\n[+] Attempting to enumerate running programs:\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen("snmpwalk -c " + communityStr + " -v1 " + ipAddr
+ " | cut -d':' -f2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
runProg = handle_output(proc)
printgrey("\n[+] Attempting to enumerate installed software:\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen("snmpwalk -c " + communityStr + " -v1 " + ipAddr
+ " | cut -d':' -f2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
installedSW = handle_output(proc)
printgrey("\n[+] Attempting to enumerate user accounts:\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen("snmpwalk -c " + communityStr + " -v1 " + ipAddr
+ " | cut -d':' -f2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
userAccounts = handle_output(proc)
printgrey("\n[+] Attempting to enumerate local TCP ports:\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen("snmpwalk -c " + communityStr + " -v1 " + ipAddr
+ " | cut -d':' -f2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
tcpPorts = handle_output(proc)
portlist = list(set(tcpPorts.split("\n")))
localPorts = "\n".join(portlist)
return {"System Processes":sysProc,"Running Programs":runProg,
"Installed Software":installedSW,"User Accounts":userAccounts,
"Local Ports":localPorts}
except Exception,e:
printgrey("[-] Failed to get SNMP info: " + str(e))
return {}
# Gobuster HTTP enum with seclist common web dirs. Returns result as string.
def http_enum(ipAddr,httpPort):
printred("\n _ _ _____ _____ ___ ___ "
+ "\n| || |_ _|_ _| _ \ | __|_ _ _ _ _ __ "
+ "\n| __ | | | | | | _/ | _|| ' \ || | ' \ "
+ "\n|_||_| |_| |_| |_| |___|_||_\_,_|_|_|_|")
printgrey("\n[+] Enumerating HTTP with Gobuster. This may take a while.\n")
url = "http://" + ipAddr + ":" + str(httpPort) + "/"
wordlist = "/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/common.txt"
proc = subprocess.Popen(["gobuster","-u",url,"-w",wordlist],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
httpResult = handle_output(proc)
return httpResult
print("\n[-] Couldn't get HTTP directory info.\n")
return ""
# Gobuster HTTPS enum with seclist common web dirs. Returns result as string.
def https_enum(ipAddr,httpPort):
printgrey("\n[+] Enumerating HTTPS with Gobuster. This may take a while.\n")
url = "https://" + ipAddr + ":" + str(httpPort) + "/"
wordlist = "/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/common.txt"
proc = subprocess.Popen(["gobuster","-u",url,"-w",wordlist],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
httpsResult = handle_output(proc)
return httpsResult
print("\n[-] Couldn't get HTTP directory info.\n")
return ""
# Run Nmap scan on all TCP ports. Returns result as string.
def full_tcp_scan(ipAddr):
printred("\n|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _| |_ / __| __ __ _ _ _ "
+"\n | | | ' \/ _ \ '_/ _ \ || / _` | ' \ \__ \/ _/ _` | ' \ "
+"\n |_| |_||_\___/_| \___/\_,_\__, |_||_| |___/\__\__,_|_||_|"
+"\n |___/ ")
printgrey("\n[+] Beginning Nmap scan of all TCP ports.\n")
# nmapResult = subprocess.check_output(["nmap","-p-","-Pn","-T4",ipAddr])
proc = subprocess.Popen(["nmap","-sS","-v","-p-","-T4","-Pn",ipAddr],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
nmapResult = handle_output(proc)
return nmapResult
except Exception,e:
printgrey("[-] Failed with exception: " + str(e))
return ""
# Run Nmap scan on all UDP ports. Returns result as string.
def full_udp_scan(ipAddr):
printgrey("\n[+] Beginning Nmap scan of all UDP ports.\n")
proc = subprocess.Popen(["nmap","-sU","-v","-p-","-T4","-Pn",ipAddr],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
nmapResult = handle_output(proc)
return nmapResult
except Exception,e:
printgrey("[-] Failed with exception: " + str(e))
return ""
def main():
printred(" _____ ___ _ ")
printred("| ____|_ __ _ _ _ __ ___ |_ _| |_ _ __ _ _ ")
printred("| _| | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \ | || __| | '_ \| | | |")
printred("| |___| | | | |_| | | | | | || || |_ _| |_) | |_| |")
printred("|_____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|___|\__(_) .__/ \__, |")
printred(" |_| |___/ ")
print(" By phi10s\n")
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("\n[+] Usage: %s <target ip addr>\n" % sys.argv[0])
ipAddr = sys.argv[1]
# Check whether ip addr is valid:
print("\n[-] Not a Valid IP Address.\n")
print("[+] Usage: %s <target ip addr>\n" % sys.argv[0])
nmapResult = do_nmap(ipAddr)
tcpPorts, udpPorts = getOpenPorts(nmapResult)
openPorts = list(set(tcpPorts + udpPorts))
scriptScanResult = do_script_scan(ipAddr,openPorts)
if "139" in openPorts or "445" in openPorts:
smbResult = smb_enum(ipAddr)
if "161" in udpPorts:
snmpEnumDict = snmp_enum(ipAddr)
if "80" in tcpPorts:
http80Result = http_enum(ipAddr,80)
if "8000" in tcpPorts:
http8000Result = http_enum(ipAddr,8000)
if "8080" in tcpPorts:
http8080Result = http_enum(ipAddr,8080)
if "443" in tcpPorts:
httpsResult = https_enum(ipAddr,443)
fullTCP = full_tcp_scan(ipAddr)
fullUDP = full_udp_scan(ipAddr)
printgrey("\n[+] All Done!\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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