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Created August 1, 2011 12:07
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exports.ellipsis = function ellipsis(str, chunk, elip){
// summary: Ellipsis some text. Break `str` into `chunk` sized
// bites (bytes?), breaking only on full words within the `chunk` size
// str: String
// The string to break apart.
// chunk: Integer:
// The size of the chunk
// elip: String?
// Optional ellipsis marker. defaults to "..."
// returns: Array
// An Array containing all the broken up parts of the `str`,
// with `elip` delimeter included.
if(str.length <= chunk){ return [str]; }
if(!elip){ elip = "..."; }
var part = str.substring(0, chunk - elip.length).replace(/\w+$/, ""),
idx = part.length,
sub = [part.trim() + elip],
rest = str.substring(idx, str.length)
// recursion FTW:
sub.push.apply(sub, ellipsis(rest, chunk, elip));
return sub; // Array
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