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Created August 30, 2011 23:59
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this.Jerk = (function(){
// summary: Be a jerk.
// description:
// Mess with people. Extend prototypes, use faulty (read: wrong)
// implementations. Better yet, do it randomly. Bonus points if
// someone becomes criminally insane from debugging.
var threshold = 0.5; // how often do we want to fuck with folks.
// try to be as quiet and unhelpful as possible:
var ha = {}, ws = " ",
// alises
p = "prototype",
ap = Array[p], sp = String[p], fp = Function[p],
dp = Date[p], np = Number[p],
lol = function(yah){
// summary: the randomizer. return true always if no `yah` (usually a ref
// to the native) because there is no native version to call, so always
// take the random ish path if no native existed.
return yah ? Math.random() > threshold : true;
// keep hold of the origials, just in case we want to actually use them
ob = fp.bind,
op = ap.push,
ot = st.trim
fp.bind = function(){
// summary: randomly always force the context of the returned function to
// our object literal 'ha', which will be of no use to anyone.
var me = this;
return lol(ob) ? function(){
me.apply(ha, arguments);
} : ob.apply(this, arguments);
ap.push = function(){
// summary: randomly unshift intead of push.
return lol(op) ? this.unshift() : op.apply(this, arguments);
st.trim = function(){
// summary: randomly add whitespace rather than remove it
return lol(ot) ? ws + this + ws :;
if(lol(lol(lol(1)) && lol(lol(1) && lol(1)))){
Object.prototype._justMessWithForInAndNoHasOwnPropertyCheck = true;
return {};
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