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Created October 1, 2009 18:12
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[2:34p] phiggins: paul_irish: so what
[2:34p] JohnResig: nlogax: V8 == delorean
[2:34p] phiggins: 's the significance between 1.3.3 and 1.4? jq puts enhancements in the dot releases? Oh there's JohnResig
[2:35p] ben_alman: lol
[2:35p] JohnResig: phiggins: API changes in major releases
[2:35p] nlogax: JohnResig: omg! so that's why my computer is suddenly using 1.21 jiggawatts
[2:35p] phiggins: so like back-compat changes?
[2:35p] JohnResig: phiggins: yep
[2:35p] miketaylr: once you hit 88 back clicks....
[2:35p] phiggins: interesting. so no forward support for 1.3.x users, they have to take the regressions
[2:36p] JohnResig: phiggins: yep - naturally we only land API changes that we think are acceptable
[2:36p] MeltingIce: what about jQueryUI? will they have to make a new release to be compatable with jQuery 1.4?
[2:36p] paul_irish_: phiggins: just as it was big news when ff 3.1 went 3.5. release numbering is A BIG DEAL amirite?
[2:36p] phiggins: no i find them confusing
[2:36p] JohnResig: as is the case of the one that I just did - .add(), .siblings(), etc. now return nodes in document order
[2:36p] phiggins: so what are the compat breaking changes? and list anywhere yet?
[2:37p] phiggins: s/and/any
[2:37p] ajpiano: in retrospect it is surprisng there wasnt like a piecemeal 1.3.3 release in like mayish
[2:37p] ben_alman: phiggins: once the 1.4 docs come out, you'll have to read them *very* carefully to be able to update your jquery extensions for dojo
[2:37p] MeltingIce: lol no one ever runs tests for Konqueror 4.2 :(
[2:37p] phiggins: totally.
[2:37p] MeltingIce: not that i like the browser
[2:37p] MeltingIce: but i have it
[2:37p] ben_alman: JohnResig: it's a trap, he's asking you so that he doesn't have to look at the source!
[2:37p] JohnResig: did I say document order? I meant reverse document order
[2:38p] JohnResig: for everything!
[2:38p] nlogax: :D
[2:38p] ben_alman: heh
[2:38p] nlogax: MeltingIce: wtf man! there's a new webkit game in town!!
[2:38p] MeltingIce: i know xD
[2:38p] ben_alman: you should do that and then use the while( --i ) { ... } in $.each
[2:38p] ben_alman: it'd be faster!
[2:39p] JohnResig: phiggins: interesting, so you can't look at changelogs anymore - which means that you can't file patches (since it would mean that you're looking at the source). That's a fast way to take yourself out of the community, heh.
[2:39p] ben_alman: and not at all confusing
[2:39p] phiggins: i can look anywhere I want, I'm not touching the code.
[2:39p] phiggins: I'm just curious if you've started a doc outlining how you are breaking your own users' code
[2:39p] JohnResig: phiggins: which? the jq dojo layer?
[2:39p] JohnResig: phiggins: nope
[2:40p] phiggins: hilarious.
[2:40p] ben_alman: you could just run the 1.3.2 unit tests on 1.4 and see what breaks... ?
[2:40p] paul_irish_:
[2:40p] JohnResig: phiggins: it's a good thing we always leave our users out to dry, they're use to it by now
[2:40p] JohnResig: ben_alman: interesting theory, actually - I bet that might work
[2:40p] phiggins: wow. snarky
[2:41p] ben_alman: do you two need a timeout?
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