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Created April 15, 2020 11:17
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Snowplow stream enrich output column list
app_id: String
platform: String
etl_tstamp: String
collector_tstamp: String
dvce_created_tstamp: String
event: String
event_id: String
txn_id: String
name_tracker: String
v_tracker: String
v_collector: String
v_etl: String
user_id: String
user_ipaddress: String
user_fingerprint: String
domain_userid: String
domain_sessionidx: Integer
network_userid: String
geo_country: String
geo_region: String
geo_city: String
geo_zipcode: String
geo_latitude: Float
geo_longitude: Float
geo_region_name: String
ip_isp: String
ip_organization: String
ip_domain: String
ip_netspeed: String
page_url: String
page_title: String
page_referrer: String
page_urlscheme: String
page_urlhost: String
page_urlport: Integer
page_urlpath: String
page_urlquery: String
page_urlfragment: String
refr_urlscheme: String
refr_urlhost: String
refr_urlport: Integer
refr_urlpath: String
refr_urlquery: String
refr_urlfragment: String
refr_medium: String
refr_source: String
refr_term: String
mkt_medium: String
mkt_source: String
mkt_term: String
mkt_content: String
mkt_campaign: String
contexts: String
se_category: String
se_action: String
se_label: String
se_property: String
se_value: String
unstruct_event: String
tr_orderid: String
tr_affiliation: String
tr_total: String
tr_tax: String
tr_shipping: String
tr_city: String
tr_state: String
tr_country: String
ti_orderid: String
ti_sku: String
ti_name: String
ti_category: String
ti_price: String
ti_quantity: String
pp_xoffset_min: Integer
pp_xoffset_max: Integer
pp_yoffset_min: Integer
pp_yoffset_max: Integer
useragent: String
br_name: String
br_family: String
br_version: String
br_type: String
br_renderengine: String
br_lang: String
br_features_pdf: Byte_
br_features_flash: Byte
br_features_java: Byte
br_features_director: Byte
br_features_quicktime: Byte
br_features_realplayer: Byte
br_features_windowsmedia: Byte
br_features_gears: Byte
br_features_silverlight: Byte
br_cookies: Byte
br_colordepth: String
br_viewwidth: Integer
br_viewheight: Integer
os_name: String
os_family: String
os_manufacturer: String
os_timezone: String
dvce_type: String
dvce_ismobile: Byte
dvce_screenwidth: Integer
dvce_screenheight: Integer
doc_charset: String
doc_width: Integer
doc_height: Integer
tr_currency: String
tr_total_base: String
tr_tax_base: String
tr_shipping_base: String
ti_currency: String
ti_price_base: String
base_currency: String
geo_timezone: String
mkt_clickid: String
mkt_network: String
etl_tags: String
dvce_sent_tstamp: String
refr_domain_userid: String
refr_dvce_tstamp: String
derived_contexts: String
domain_sessionid: String
derived_tstamp: String
event_vendor: String
event_name: String
event_format: String
event_version: String
event_fingerprint: String
true_tstamp: String
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