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Forked from kawabata/tarai.clj
Created December 7, 2011 07:16
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tarai mawashi in overtone
(ns tarai.core
(:use [])
(:use [clojure.algo.monads :only [state-t cont-m run-cont domonad]]))
(def m (metronome 400))
;; basic.clj より
(defsynth foo [freq 200 dur 0.5]
(let [src (saw [freq (* freq 1.01) (* 0.99 freq)])
low (sin-osc (/ freq 2))
filt (lpf src (line:kr (* 10 freq) freq 10))
env (env-gen (perc 0.1 dur) :action FREE)]
(out 0 (pan2 (* 0.8 low env filt)))))
(defmacro at-current-beat
"An action in the beat monad which evaluates a number of exprs on the current beat using the at macro."
[& exprs]
`(fn [[m# beat#]]
(fn [k#]
(at (m# beat#) ~@exprs)
(k# [nil [m# beat#]]))))
(defn wait
"An action in the beat monad which waits for a given number of beats. Schedules the
next beat using apply-at and updates the state accordingly."
(fn [[m beat]]
(fn [k]
(let [next-beat (+ beat num-beats)]
(apply-at (m next-beat) k [nil [m next-beat]] [])))))
(def beat-m
"The beat monad; equivalent to (state-t cont-m).
The state used by the state-t is of the form [metro beat-num], where metro is a value
returned by the metronome fn from overtone.
The use of cont-m allows the scheduling of future events using apply-at."
(state-t cont-m))
(defn run-beat
"Runs a beat defined by the beat-m, the beat monad.
Runs the continuation and sets the initial state to [metro beat-num]. If no beat-num
is supplied, (metro) is used."
([beat metro]
(run-beat beat metro (metro)))
([beat metro beat-num]
(run-cont (beat [metro beat-num]))))
(defn foo-play-b [x y z j]
(domonad beat-m
[_ (at-current-beat (foo (* 100 (+ x 3)) 1.0))
_ (wait 1)
_ (at-current-beat (foo (* 100 (+ y 3)) 1.0))
_ (wait 1)
_ (at-current-beat (foo (* 100 (+ z 3)) 1.0))
_ (wait 1)
_ (at-current-beat (foo (* 100 (+ j 3)) 1.0))
_ (wait 1)]
(comment ;use as follows:
(run-beat (foo-play-b 4 3 2 1) m)
;; which is equivalent to the long form:
(run-cont ((foo-play-b 4 3 2 1) [m (m)]))
(defn tarai-b [x y z j]
(domonad beat-m
[_ (foo-play-b x y z j)
x (if (<= x y)
(m-result y)
[new-x (tarai-b (dec x) y z j)
new-y (tarai-b (dec y) z j x)
new-z (tarai-b (dec z) j x y)
new-j (tarai-b (dec j) x y z)
result (tarai-b new-x new-y new-z new-j)]
(run-beat (tarai-b 8 3 2 3) m)
;; note that because we are using a metronome, we can change the tempo
;; after starting the playback, unlike the version which used Thread/sleep
(m :bpm 500))
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