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Created January 31, 2019 22:09
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london concourse user group jan 2019

Pipelines done right

  • Diego Lemos @dlresende, Derik Evangelista @kirederik
  • this talk is about pipelines and how you can use best practices to write better pipelines
  • who here works with concourse? [lots of hands]



  • CI is the practice of building and testing your application on every checkin
  • cd is an extension of ci that enable teams to release to your customers quickly, sustainably
  • goal: make release process boring


  • automatable build
    • build, test and deploy via command line
  • version control
  • team buy-in
    • CI is a practice, not a tool

short introduction to concourse

  • configuration as code
    • pipeline is under version control
  • isolated, reproducible, debuggable builds
  • anatomy of a pipeline
    • input: version, source-code
    • job: build
    • output : binary


  • we’re explaining some concepts, but our goal is to share continuous delivery best practices
    • reference to the red & black jez humble / dave farley book
  • start from an empty concourse - no pipelines configured
    • i have some yaml here
    • first thing we want is a job
      • consume some resources, process, output
  • fly -t local set-pipeline -p petclinic -l secrets.yml -c 0_pipeline__blank_page
  • fly -t local unpause-pipeline -p petclinic
    • calling this pipeline “petclinic” from the spring example app I’m using
  • pushing stuff through minio - S3-compatible API
  • concourse docker-compose to run locally
  • let’s create a plan for this job
  - name: source-code
    type: git
      uri: https://.../foo.git
      branch: master
  maven: &maven
  - name: build
      - get: source-code
        trigger: true # without this, we won't automatically build when source-code changes
      - task: package
          <<: *maven
            - name: source-code

            path: /bin/bash
              - -c
              - |
                cd source-code
                mvn package
  • You can do a simple dumb smoke test with curl --fail $URL

principles & best practices

  1. all changes need to be propagated through the pipeline
    • when you have a lot of inputs, complex pipelines, you need to ensure that your pipeline reacts to all the possible changes
    • ensure your builds have appropriate triggers
  2. if you deploy, try to deploy in an environment that is as close as possible to production
  3. smoke tests are important to tell you if a deployment has succeeded
    • when you deploy, multiple things are coming together at once
    • you want to know if they are working together
  4. build your binaries once, and deploy the same binary everywhere
    • don’t rebuild when you deploy to a new environment
  5. if a build step fails, stop the whole pipeline
    • there is a passed attribute to inputs
  6. use the same method to deploy to each environment
    • in some environments, you have ops teams and dev teams who use different tools


  • looking at CD from a lean/kanban point of view: “stop the line” from factory pipelines. in our teams, people tend to push extra commits onto broken builds. do you have that problem?
    • I’d like to say we immediately revert but maybe not. it’s hard
  • how do you build your binaries once in cloud foundry when it’s not java and not go. when you’re doing the build inside cloud foundry? you do a build on every cf push don’t you?
    • there are two dimensions here: compiled/not compiled language, and paas/not-paas environment
      • you can kind of hack artefacts for a language like ruby
      • with cf, you can use a container if you want
    • the v3 endpoints let you download the droplet, and push that somewhere else
    • in cf you can at least specify a buildpack - sets ruby version
  • in your pipeline, you’re running cf push as a task in a job. what are your thoughts on using the cf resource instead?
    • my opinion is: pipelines should be complicated not complex
      • lots of small things that are easy to reason about
    • when i design pipelines, i try to ensure that there’s a resource, but if a step is important i make a script that a dev could run locally so that they could understand it


how and why we built our own resource type

  • federico figus
  • Tessian is a machine intelligent email security platform
  • we moved from travis to concourse for CI a year ago
  • we have ~45 pipelines now

intro to resources

  • a resource is an ojbect that is going to be used for the jobs in the pipeline
    • git repo
    • docker image
  • every time something changes in the resource, there’s a new version
    • this can trigger jobs
    • for git resources, the version is the hash
    • for docker images, the image id

how to implelement a concourse resource

  • a resource is a docker image with three executables:
    • /opt/resource/check: discover new versions of the resource
    • /opt/resource/in: fetch the actual resource
    • /opt/resource/out: create a new version of the resource
  • check:
    • input: JSON with the resource configuration (source) and the last version we knew about
    • outpit: JSON array with list of new versions
  • in (get):
    • input: a JSON object with the resource configuration (source), the version of the resource to get (version), some specific parameters (params), and the directory to store the data ($1)
    • output: JSON object with fetched version and some metadata describing the version
  • out (create):
    • input: a JSON object with the resource configuration (source), some params, and the path to the build directory ($1)
    • output: a JSON object with the new version and some metadata describing the new version


  • we deploy docker containers and images to amazon ECS
  • we like concourse but we wanted fine-grained permissions and have a lot of auditing
    • 2FA around auditing and releasing
  • we built a resource type driven by S3
    • S3 is permissioned with IAM, can turn on MFA
    • drive concourse through those S3 files
    • CloudTrail on S3 for audit
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