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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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standalone mapit experience


standing up a mapit instance

Setting up a standalone mapit instance is documented at but there are some issues. This summarizes what I needed to do:

# install postgis
brew install postgis

# set up db
createuser mapit
createdb mapit
psql -d mapit -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'

# clone the mapit repo
git clone git://
cd mapit

# set up standalone django project
cp conf/general.yml-example conf/general.yml
# edit according to documentation above.  in particular, you want these settings:
# MAPIT_DB_HOST: localhost
# AREA_SRID: 4326
# -- leave everything else alone

# install deps into a virtualenv:
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

# compile sass (may require installing the rubygem)

# initialize db for django app
./ migrate

# start the django server:
./ runserver

parking lot: documentation issues to report upstream

  • ./ migrate mapit doesn’t work if you haven’t already run ./ migrate

importing postcodes from the postcode register

The docs for importing data are quite good. To import data from the postcode register, you only need two commands:

curl -O
./ mapit_import_postal_codes --coord-field-lat 3 --code-field 2 --strip --header-row all.csv


  • --coord-field-lat says which column the latitude will be in. (You can specify a seprate column number for longitude, but it will assume it’s the next column after latitude if you don’t)
  • --code-field says which column the postcode will be in.
  • --strip says that the postcode field contains spaces that mapit will want to strip (ie “SW1A 0AA” -> “SW1A0AA”)
  • --header-row says that the csv has a header row which needs to be skipped

Caveat: the all.csv only returns 1000 records at the moment.

To check it worked, visit http://localhost:8000/ and search for “AB15 9NT” which should be the first postcode in all.csv. It should show you that postcode’s location (north deeside road) on openstreetmap.

To investigate: streaming updates after initial import.

importing boundaries

We don’t have an equivalent register for this at the moment.

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