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Last active June 10, 2021 15:26
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import emcee
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import vegas
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from astropy import units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
jy_factor = (u.W / u.Hz / u.m / u.m).to(u.Jy)
whz_factor = (u.Jy * u.m * u.m).to(u.W / u.Hz)
class Integrator:
def __init__(self, logm_observed, logm_error, f_observed, f_error, z_observed, z_error,
mu, V,
logl_range, logm_range,
z_range=(0.0001, 1.), zpoints=1000, n_adapt_samples=1000,
zdeg=2, cosmo=Planck15, alpha=-0.71):
self.f_observed = f_observed
self.f_error = f_error
self.z_observed = z_observed
self.z_error = z_error
self.logm_observed = logm_observed
self.logm_error = logm_error = mu
self.V = V
self.gaussian_component = stats.multivariate_normal(mu, V)
if z_range[0] <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"minimum z cannot be zero")
self.z_range = z_range
self.alpha = alpha
_zs = np.linspace(*z_range, num=zpoints)
_dls = cosmo.luminosity_distance(_zs).to(u.m).value
self.dl_params = np.polyfit(_zs, _dls, zdeg)
self.logm_range = logm_range
self.logl_range = logl_range
self.adaptive_map = vegas.AdaptiveMap([logm_range, logl_range, z_range]) # uniform map
self.logm_dist = stats.norm(self.logm_observed, self.logm_error)
self.f_dist = stats.norm(self.f_observed, self.f_error)
self.z_dist = stats.norm(self.z_observed, self.z_error)
self._samples = self.generate_map_samples(n_adapt_samples)
def logdl(self, z):
"""luminosity_distance in metres"""
return np.log10(np.polyval(self.dl_params, z))
def logl_to_f(self, logl, z):
"""log[W/Hz] -> Jy (10^-26W/m2/Hz)
return (10**(logl - np.log10(4 * np.pi) - (2 * self.logdl(z)) + ((1 + self.alpha) * np.log10(1 + z)))) * jy_factor
def f_to_logl(self, f, z):
return np.log10(f * whz_factor * 4 * np.pi) + (2 * self.logdl(z)) - ((1 + self.alpha) * np.log10(1 + z))
def invdetjacobian(self, f, z):
The jacobian for the transform `P(f,z | vL, vz) -> P(log[L], z | vL, vz)` is
[[1/f, dL/dz],
[0, 1]]
1 / abs(determinant) ~ f
return f / np.log(10) # since we're using log10
def logprob_lz(self, true_logl, true_z):
true_f = self.logl_to_f(true_logl, true_z)
return self.f_dist.logpdf(true_f) + np.log(self.invdetjacobian(true_f, true_z))
def logprob_observed_given_true(self, true_m, true_logl, true_z):
logl_part = self.logprob_lz(true_logl, true_z)
z_part = self.z_dist.logpdf(true_z)
m_part = self.logm_dist.logpdf(true_m)
return logl_part + z_part + m_part
def logprob_gaussian_component(self, true_mlogl):
return self.gaussian_component.logpdf(true_mlogl)
def logintegrand(self, x):
r = np.where(x[:, 2] >= 0, self.logprob_observed_given_true(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], x[:, 2]) + \
self.logprob_gaussian_component(x[:, :2]), -np.inf)
r[~np.isfinite(r)] = -np.inf
return r
def sample_true_given_observed(self, n):
zs = self.z_dist.rvs(n)
fs = self.f_dist.rvs(n)
logms = self.logm_dist.rvs(n)
logls = self.f_to_logl(fs, zs)
r = np.stack([logms, logls, zs]).T
return r[np.isfinite(r).all(axis=1)]
def generate_map_samples(self, ninit, nwalkers=100, chain=200, burn=100):
comp_samples = np.concatenate([self.gaussian_component.rvs(ninit), self.z_dist.rvs((ninit, 1))], axis=1)
samples = np.concatenate([self.sample_true_given_observed(ninit), comp_samples])
gmm = GaussianMixture(1).fit(samples)
samples = np.concatenate([samples, gmm.sample(ninit)[0]])
ndim = 3
p0 = samples.reshape(-1, ndim)[:nwalkers, :]
nwalkers = p0.shape[0]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, self.logintegrand, vectorize=True)
sampler.run_mcmc(p0, chain)
return sampler.chain[:, burn:].reshape(-1, ndim)
def integrate(self, neval=1e5, nitn=10, nadapt=10, alpha=0.1):
x, y = self._samples, self.logintegrand(self._samples)
adjustment = -np.mean(y)
y = np.exp(y + adjustment)
self.adaptive_map.adapt_to_samples(x, y, nitn=nadapt) # precondition map
integ = vegas.Integrator(self.adaptive_map, alpha=alpha)
func = vegas.batchintegrand(lambda x: np.exp(self.logintegrand(x) + adjustment))
return integ(func, neval=neval, nitn=nitn), np.exp(adjustment)
def plot_result(self, r):
plt.errorbar(np.arange(len(r.itn_results)), *zip(*[(i.mean, i.sdev) for i in r.itn_results]))
plt.axhspan(r.mean - r.sdev, r.mean + r.sdev, alpha=0.2)
def plot_plane(self, log=False, slices=(slice(8, 12, 0.05), slice(19,22,0.05))):
grid = np.mgrid[slices[0], slices[1], self.z_observed:self.z_observed+0.001:0.001][..., :1]
r = self.logintegrand(grid.reshape(grid.shape[0], -1).T).T.reshape(grid.shape[1:])
if not log:
r = np.exp(r)
plt.pcolormesh(grid[0, ..., 0], grid[1, ..., 0], r[..., 0])
m, l = self.sample_true_given_observed(10000)[:, :2].T
h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(m, l, bins=10)
xbins = xedges[:-1] + (xedges[1] - xedges[0]) / 2
ybins = yedges[:-1] + (yedges[1] - yedges[0]) / 2
h = h.T
plt.contour(xbins, ybins, h, levels=10, cmap='Reds')
gaussian_prob = np.exp(self.logprob_gaussian_component(grid[:2, ..., 0].reshape(2, -1).T).T.reshape(grid.shape[1:-1]))
plt.contour(grid[0, ..., 0], grid[1, ..., 0], gaussian_prob, cmap='Greys')
plt.xlim(slices[0].start, slices[0].stop)
plt.ylim(slices[1].start, slices[1].stop)
def plot_luminosity_distribution(self, z=None):
z = self.z_observed if z is None else z
ls = np.linspace(*self.logl_range, num=1000)
lnp = self.logprob_lz(ls, z)
plt.plot(ls, np.exp(lnp))
if __name__ == '__main__':
mu = [11, 20.8]
cov = np.eye(2) * 0.01
f, ferr, z, zerr = 1e-4, 1e-3, 0.085, 0.0001
m, merr = 11, 0.1
# logprobs = []
# ferrs = [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1]
# for ferr in ferrs:
# integrator = Integrator(m, merr, f, ferr, z, zerr, mu, cov, [0, 50], [0, 50])
# r, adjustment = integrator.integrate()
# logprobs.append(np.log(r.val) - adjustment)
# plt.plot(ferrs, logprobs)
integrator = Integrator(m, merr, f, ferr, z, zerr, mu, cov, [0, 50], [0, 50])
r, adjustment = integrator.integrate()
# print(f'result = {r / np.exp(adjustment)} adjustment=exp({adjustment})')
# print(r.summary())
print(np.log(r) - adjustment)
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Added sampler to get better initial adaption samples

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