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Created September 3, 2011 01:42
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  • Save philcali/1190380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save philcali/1190380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple stand-alone scala script to pull DoD entries.
if (args.length < 1) {
println("Please provide a date, in the form of year-month. ie: 11-08")
def read(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) {
val buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
in read(buf) match {
case n if n > -1 => out.write(buf, 0, n); read(in, out)
case _ => in.close(); out.close()
val Contest = """href="%s-(.+)/">""".format(args(0)).r
val MP3 = """href="(.+)\.mp3">""".r
val base = ""
val archives = new URL(base)
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
read(archives.openStream, out)
val contents = Contest.findFirstIn(out.toString) { c =>
val Contest(name) = c
val location = new File(args(0) + "-" + name)
if (!location.exists) location.mkdir
println("Created %s" format location.getName)
val newUrl = new URL("%s/%s-%s".format(base, args(0), name))
val outInner = new ByteArrayOutputStream
read(newUrl.openStream, outInner)
outInner.toString.split("\n").foreach { html =>
MP3.findFirstIn(html).map { li =>
val MP3(song) = li
println("Retrieving %s..." format song)
val songUrl = new URL("%s/%s.mp3".format(newUrl, song))
val file = new FileOutputStream(new File(location, song + ".mp3"))
read(songUrl.openStream, file)
} orElse {
Some(println("Are you sure you entered the right date?"))
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