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Created October 29, 2010 17:18
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  • Save philchristensen/653932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save philchristensen/653932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Takes text input files and generates William Borroughs-style cutup poetry
use strict;
use Options;
my $options = new Options(params => [
['file', 'f', undef, 'The data file of return-separated lines to cutup.'],
['lines', 'l', 10, 'Resulting cutup will contain this many lines.'],
#['density', 'd', 3, 'Each line will contain, at most, this many pieces.'],
['chars', 'c', 70, 'The desired approximate length of a line.']
flags => [
['burroughs', 'b', 'Create a William Burroughs-style cutup.']
my $file = $options->get_result('file');
my $line_count = $options->get_result('lines');
my $density = 3; #$options->get_result('density');
my $chars = $options->get_result('chars');
my $burroughs = $options->get_result('burroughs');
my @lines = ();
open(INPUT, $file);
push(@lines, $_);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $line_count; $i++){
my @chosen_pieces = ();
for(my $j = 0; $j < $density; $j++){
my $random = rand() * @lines;
my $selected_piece = splice(@lines, $random, 1);
my $fragment_length = $chars / $density;
my $fragment = substr($selected_piece, rand() * (length($selected_piece) - $fragment_length), $fragment_length);
my $space_count = scalar($fragment =~ m/\s/);
my $start = rand() * $space_count;
my $length = abs((rand() * $space_count) - $start) / $density;
my (undef, @pieces, undef) = split(m/\s/, $selected_piece);
splice(@pieces, $start, $length);
my $line = join(" ", @pieces);
push(@chosen_pieces, $line);
#print "$finished_line ";
my $finished_line = substr(join(($burroughs ? " -- " : " "), @chosen_pieces), 0, $chars);
($finished_line) = ($finished_line =~ m/(.*?)\s*[^\s]*$/);
$finished_line =~ s/^\s+//;
$finished_line =~ s/\s+$//;
$finished_line =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
print $finished_line . "\n";
# fisher_yates_shuffle( \@array ) : generate a random permutation of @array in place
sub shuffle {
my $array = shift;
my $i;
for ($i = @$array; --$i; ) {
my $j = int rand ($i+1);
next if $i == $j;
@$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];
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