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Last active August 14, 2024 01:38
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Personal dev boxstarter scripts
######## Phil's dev VM boxstarter script ########
#### NOTES ####
## After a restart/reconnect, even though it shows the login screen, boxstarter is still working
### NOTES when kicking off remotely from host to VM, fails on Configuring CredSSP settings
## check
## Boxstarter repeats the _entire_ script after restart. For already-installed packages, Chocolatey will take a couple seconds each to verify. This can get tedious, so consider putting packages that require a reboot near the beginning of the script.
## Boxstarter automatically disables windows update so you don't need to do that at the beginning of the script.
## you still want to Restart or Update and Restart afterwards - and to ensure UAC is enabled
## took 1:20 hours on an Azure VM with SSD
## required 4 reboots
## VS 2017 with 2 workloads took 28:23 minutes
## 6 Windows updates took 19:01 minutes
### HACK Workaround choco / boxstarter path too long error
$ChocoCachePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey"
New-Item -Path $ChocoCachePath -ItemType Directory -Force
$cup = 'choco upgrade --cacheLocation="$ChocoCachePath"'
#### make sure we're not bothered ####
#### dependencies ####
## NOTE none right now
#### requires reboot ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup googlechrome"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019enterprise"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-netcore"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-netweb"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-azure"
#### general utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup brave"
Invoke-Expression "$cup 7zip.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup Recuva"
Invoke-Expression "$cup sysinternals"
## NOTE: by default, installs to C:\tools\sysinternals
Invoke-Expression "$cup windirstat"
Invoke-Expression "$cup lockhunter"
## NOTE: opens webpage after install
#### general apps ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup SublimeText3"
Invoke-Expression "$cup keepass.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup teracopy"
#### dev utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup fiddler"
Invoke-Expression "$cup winmerge"
Invoke-Expression "$cup postman"
#### dev apps ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup resharper-ultimate-all"
Invoke-Expression "$cup sql-server-management-studio"
#### NOW get windows updates ####
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula
#### cleanup ####
del C:\eula*.txt
del C:\install.*
del C:\vcredist.*
del C:\vc_red.*
#### windows configuration ####
## NOTE do these here so that it only happens once (shouldn't reboot any more at this point)
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -DisableShowProtectedOSFiles
TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time"
#### restore disabled stuff ####
## TODO figure out how to force a single restart here, but only once (not every time the script runs)
#### manual installs ####
## NOTE none right now
#### optional installs ####
### general utils
# imgburn
# bulkrenameutility
# mpc-hc
# markdownpad2
# dropbox
## NOTE causes reboot
## NOTE opens UI after restart
### general apps
# Kindle
# skype
# foxitreader
### dev utils
# ilmerge
# ilspy
### sql server
# sql-server-express
$cred=Get-Credential MicrosoftAccount\{your_ms_account_here}
Install-BoxstarterPackage -Credential $cred -PackageName {public_location_of_your_boxstarter_install_script}
######## Phil's VM host boxstarter script ########
#### NOTES ####
## After a restart/reconnect, even though it shows the login screen, boxstarter is still working
### NOTES when kicking off remotely from host to VM, fails on Configuring CredSSP settings
## check
## Boxstarter repeats the _entire_ script after restart. For already-installed packages, Chocolatey will take a couple seconds each to verify. This can get tedious, so consider putting packages that require a reboot near the beginning of the script.
## Boxstarter automatically disables windows update so you don't need to do that at the beginning of the script.
## you still want to Restart or Update and Restart afterwards - and to ensure UAC is enabled
### HACK Workaround choco / boxstarter path too long error
$ChocoCachePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey"
New-Item -Path $ChocoCachePath -ItemType Directory -Force
$cup = 'choco upgrade --cacheLocation="$ChocoCachePath"'
#### make sure we're not bothered ####
#### dependencies ####
## NOTE none right now
#### requires reboot ####
#### general utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup googlechrome"
Invoke-Expression "$cup brave"
Invoke-Expression "$cup 7zip.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup Recuva"
Invoke-Expression "$cup sysinternals"
## NOTE: by default, installs to C:\tools\sysinternals
Invoke-Expression "$cup windirstat"
Invoke-Expression "$cup lockhunter"
## NOTE: opens webpage after install
#### general apps ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup SublimeText3"
Invoke-Expression "$cup dropbox"
Invoke-Expression "$cup keepass.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup steam"
Invoke-Expression "$cup slack"
Invoke-Expression "$cup microsoft-teams"
Invoke-Expression "$cup discord"
Invoke-Expression "$cup teamviewer"
#### general utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup teracopy"
Invoke-Expression "$cup mpc-hc"
Invoke-Expression "$cup foxitreader"
Invoke-Expression "$cup autohotkey"
#### diagnostic ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup hwinfo"
Invoke-Expression "$cup cpu-z"
#### dev utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup vscode"
Invoke-Expression "$cup winmerge"
#### dev apps ####
#### NOW get windows updates ####
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula
#### cleanup ####
del C:\eula*.txt
del C:\install.*
del C:\vcredist.*
del C:\vc_red.*
#### windows configuration ####
## NOTE do these here so that it only happens once (shouldn't reboot any more at this point)
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -DisableShowProtectedOSFiles
TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time"
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
#### restore disabled stuff ####
## TODO figure out how to force a single restart here, but only once (not every time the script runs)
#### manual installs ####
## NOTE none right now
######## Phil's work dev VM boxstarter script ########
#### NOTES ####
## After a restart/reconnect, even though it shows the login screen, boxstarter is still working
### NOTES when kicking off remotely from host to VM, fails on Configuring CredSSP settings
## check
## Boxstarter repeats the _entire_ script after restart. For already-installed packages, Chocolatey will take a couple seconds each to verify. This can get tedious, so consider putting packages that require a reboot near the beginning of the script.
## Boxstarter automatically disables windows update so you don't need to do that at the beginning of the script.
## you still want to Restart or Update and Restart afterwards - and to ensure UAC is enabled
### HACK Workaround choco / boxstarter path too long error
$ChocoCachePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey"
New-Item -Path $ChocoCachePath -ItemType Directory -Force
$cup = 'choco upgrade --cacheLocation="$ChocoCachePath"'
#### make sure we're not bothered ####
#### dependencies ####
## NOTE none right now
#### requires reboot ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup googlechrome"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019enterprise"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-netcore"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-netweb"
Invoke-Expression "$cup visualstudio2019-workload-azure"
#### general utils ####
# Invoke-Expression "$cup brave"
Invoke-Expression "$cup 7zip.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup Recuva"
Invoke-Expression "$cup sysinternals"
## NOTE: by default, installs to C:\tools\sysinternals
Invoke-Expression "$cup windirstat"
Invoke-Expression "$cup lockhunter"
## NOTE: opens webpage after install
#### general apps ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup SublimeText3"
# Invoke-Expression "$cup keepass.install"
Invoke-Expression "$cup teracopy"
Invoke-Expression "$cup poshgit"
#### dev utils ####
Invoke-Expression "$cup fiddler"
Invoke-Expression "$cup winmerge"
Invoke-Expression "$cup postman"
Invoke-Expression "$cup microsoft-windows-terminal"
#### dev apps ####
# Invoke-Expression "$cup resharper-ultimate-all"
Invoke-Expression "$cup azure-cli"
Invoke-Expression "$cup vscode"
Invoke-Expression "$cup python"
Invoke-Expression "$cup nodejs"
Invoke-Expression "$cup terraform"
Invoke-Expression "$cup sql-server-management-studio"
#### NOW get windows updates ####
Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula
#### cleanup ####
del C:\eula*.txt
del C:\install.*
del C:\vcredist.*
del C:\vc_red.*
#### windows configuration ####
## NOTE do these here so that it only happens once (shouldn't reboot any more at this point)
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -DisableShowProtectedOSFiles
TZUTIL /s "Eastern Standard Time"
#### restore disabled stuff ####
## TODO figure out how to force a single restart here, but only once (not every time the script runs)
#### manual installs ####
## NOTE none right now
#### optional installs ####
### general utils
# imgburn
# bulkrenameutility
# mpc-hc
# markdownpad2
# dropbox
## NOTE causes reboot
## NOTE opens UI after restart
### general apps
# Kindle
# skype
# foxitreader
### dev utils
# ilmerge
# ilspy
### sql server
# sql-server-express
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