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Created January 6, 2017 14:19
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Interim PM Processes
## Interim PM Process
- Alan to write up high level user story's for the clients requirements.
- Al to met with Zoe (PM) to discuss the user stories and Zoe Gnatt chart and make specification with task allocation (populate trello).
- **If designing process only**
Alan and Zoe (PM) then to meet with Matt to pass over user story's. Matt to start his design process(**TBC** - making wireframes, design).
- **Else if design and build process**
Alan and Zoe (PM) then to meet with Studio to pass over user story's, Studio to agree proposed plan for build including platform (Wordpress/Magento/Standalone) and any additional development. Matt to start his design process(**TBC** - making wireframes, design).
**Revisit when Quanta is through this process.**
###Additional point
Helping hands and SJones to use new Lorow PM process.
##Trello Process
###New Swimlanes
| Backlog | To-do | Doing | Awaiting | QA | Client Sign-off |
| :------:|:----:|:-----:|:--------:|:--:|:---------------:|
| Any **new** task must start here and can be added by PM or client, can only be assign to PM at this stage | PM moves to here and assigns member of studio and attachs due date. Task **must** comform to [Well formed task guidelines](#wellformedtaskguidelines) | Only studio can move to this lane once the task has been started to work on by the assignee | Studio moves task to this column because they need additional information or assets to comeplete this task, Studio assigns to PM to liase with client. Due date may need to be assessed | Studio has completed this task moves to this column and assigns to PM. Studio should provide link to staging site for PM to QA | PM moves to this column when they are happy the task is complete |
####Flow Diagram for new swimlanes
![alt text]( "Trello Process")
###<a name="wellformedtaskguidelines"></a>Well formed task guidelines
#####Add a title
Title should indicate what the task is but not go in to full details.
Example of a good title – Create design for new blog archive layout
Example of a bad title - Hi, can the hazardous waste enquiry form be added to every page that's listed under 'Hazardous Waste Collection & Treatment' in place of the Get a Quote form please?
#####Add a description
Add a description that explains the task clearly, outlining what needs to be achieved and delivered. The general rule is anyone can look or be assigned to a task and from the description they understand what needs to be done, they are provided with all the information, credentials and assets they need.
#####Add a due date
All tasks must have a due date to work to. The due date is when the PM wants the work handed back to them.
If due date is set studio is liable, if no due date set PM is liable.
#####Add attachments
Attach any assets to a card that will be need in order to complete a task eg. PSDs, brand guidelines etc. It is also acceptable to save assets on our file share as long as it is made clear where they are saved.
#####Assign someone to a card
Once a card is created it should be assigned to the person who is expected to do the work. There may be some circumstances where tasks are created, added to the backlog and then not assigned to someone.
#####Only assign one person to a card
There should only be one person assigned to a task. If you create a card with multiple tasks which will be worked on by different people create multiple cards and assign them accordingly.
### Help PM to see archived tasks
Use the search functionality to find archived tasks per board.
`is:archived board:" ("`
### Rollout tasks
Rollout becomes a task in its own right, it can relate to one or many other trello tasks but must be linked to those trello task(s). Needs to conform to all other tasks as in go into To-do column with studio assignee and due date.
## Outsourcer Process
- PM to instruct outsourcer
- PM to provide access to repo in bitbucket.
- Outsourcer to do development on their local enviroment
- When task is complete push to their **own** staging site for the PM to QA.
- When PM signs off the task, PM creates a Code Review task for studio.
- Studio will code review outsourcers work
- If studio finds an issue they will communicate back to PM
- Else studio will merge code into develop and rollout code to staging site
- PM to gain client sign-off
- If client has given sign off then PM creates task for studio to merge code to master and rollout to live site
- Else goes back to outsourcer with amends.
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