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Last active December 15, 2015 11:28
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namespace VideoCaptureInFSharp
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.IO
open MonoTouch.Foundation
open MonoTouch.UIKit
open MonoTouch.AVFoundation
open MonoTouch.CoreMedia
open MonoTouch.CoreGraphics
open MonoTouch.CoreVideo
open MonoTouch.AssetsLibrary
type Recording =
VideoUrl : NSUrl
Session : AVCaptureSession
Writer : AVAssetWriter
InputWriter : AVAssetWriterInput
module private __ =
// SEE:
let inline (!>) (x:^a) : ^b = ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Implicit : ^a -> ^b) x)
let alert msg =
NSAction(fun () -> (new UIAlertView("Trouble", msg, null, "OK", null)).Show())
|> (new NSString() :> NSObject).InvokeOnMainThread
let makeToggleButton recordToggle =
let tb = UIButton.FromType (UIButtonType.RoundedRect)
tb.SetTitle ("Record", UIControlState.Normal)
let bds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds
let sz = tb.IntrinsicContentSize
let pt = PointF ((bds.Width - sz.Width) / 2.0f, bds.Height - sz.Height - 50.0f)
tb.Frame <- RectangleF (pt, sz)
tb.TouchUpInside.Add (fun _ -> recordToggle tb)
let imageFromSampleBuffer (sampleBuffer : CMSampleBuffer) =
// Get the CoreVideo image
use pb = sampleBuffer.GetImageBuffer() :?> CVPixelBuffer
// Lock the base address
pb.Lock(CVOptionFlags.None) |> ignore
let flags = CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedFirst ||| CGBitmapFlags.ByteOrder32Little
// Create a CGImage on the RGB colorspace from the configured parameter above
use cs = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB()
use context = new CGBitmapContext(pb.BaseAddress, pb.Width, pb.Height, 8, pb.BytesPerRow, cs, flags)
use cgImage = context.ToImage()
pb.Unlock(CVOptionFlags.None) |> ignore
let initializeInputWriter () =
let dictionary =
let objects = [|AVVideo.CodecH264; new NSNumber(640); new NSNumber(480)|] : NSObject []
let keys = [|AVVideo.CodecKey; AVVideo.WidthKey; AVVideo.HeightKey|] : NSObject []
NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys)
Some(new AVAssetWriterInput(!> AVMediaType.Video, dictionary, ExpectsMediaDataInRealTime = true))
with | e -> alert(e.Message); None
let initializeAssetWriter () =
let filePath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "")
if File.Exists(filePath) then File.Delete(filePath)
let videoUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(filePath)
let error : Ref<NSError> = ref null
let writer = new AVAssetWriter(videoUrl, !> AVFileType.QuickTimeMovie, error)
if error.Value <> null then Choice2Of2(error.Value.LocalizedDescription)
else Choice1Of2(videoUrl, writer)
let initializeSession f =
//Create the capture session
let session = new AVCaptureSession(SessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.PresetMedium)
//Setup the video capture
match AVCaptureDevice.DefaultDeviceWithMediaType(!> AVMediaType.Video) with
| captureDevice when captureDevice <> null ->
let input = AVCaptureDeviceInput.FromDevice(captureDevice)
if input = null then
Choice2Of2("No input - this won't work on the simulator, try a physical device")
// create a VideoDataOutput and add it to the sesion
let output = new AVCaptureVideoDataOutput(VideoSettings = AVVideoSettings(CVPixelFormatType.CV32BGRA))
// configure the output
let queue = new MonoTouch.CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue("myQueue")
output.SetSampleBufferDelegate(f, queue)
| _ -> Choice2Of2("No captureDevice - this won't work on the simulator, try a physical device")
let startRecording
(initSession : unit -> AVCaptureSession option)
(initWriter : unit -> (NSUrl * AVAssetWriter) option)
(initInputWriter : unit -> AVAssetWriterInput option) =
match initSession() with
| None -> Choice2Of2("Couldn't initialize session")
| Some(session : AVCaptureSession) ->
match initWriter() with
| None -> Choice2Of2("Couldn't initialize writer")
| Some(url, writer : AVAssetWriter) ->
match initInputWriter() with
| None -> Choice2Of2("Couldn't initialize input writer")
| Some(inputWriter) ->
if not (writer.CanAddInput(inputWriter)) then
Choice2Of2("Couldn't add input writer to writer")
VideoUrl = url
Session = session
Writer = writer
InputWriter = inputWriter
with | e -> Choice2Of2(e.Message)
let stopRecording onComplete = function
| {Session = session; Writer = writer; InputWriter = _} ->
writer.FinishWriting(new NSAction(onComplete))
type LabelledView = {Label : UILabel; View : UIImageView}
type VideoCapture(labelledView) =
inherit AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate()
let frame = ref 0
member val recording : Recording option = None with get, set
member x.StartRecording () =
match startRecording (x.InitializeSession) (x.InitializeAssetWriter) initializeInputWriter with
| Choice1Of2(r) -> x.recording <- Some(r); true
| Choice2Of2(m) -> alert(m); x.recording <- None; false
member x.StopRecording () =
match x.recording with
| Some(r) -> try stopRecording (fun () -> x.MoveFinishedMovieToAlbum()) r with | e -> alert(e.Message)
| None -> ()
member x.InitializeSession () =
match initializeSession x with
| Choice1Of2(s) -> Some(s)
| Choice2Of2(m) -> alert(m); None
member x.InitializeAssetWriter () =
match initializeAssetWriter() with
| Choice1Of2(u, w) -> Some(u, w)
| Choice2Of2(m) -> alert(m); None
member x.MoveFinishedMovieToAlbum () =
match x.recording, labelledView with
| Some({VideoUrl = url; Session = _; Writer = _; InputWriter = _}), {Label = l; View = _} ->
(new ALAssetsLibrary()).WriteVideoToSavedPhotosAlbum(
ALAssetsLibraryWriteCompletionDelegate(fun _ _ ->
l.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(fun () ->
l.Text <- "Movie saved to Album.")))
| None, _ -> ()
member x.DidOutputSampleBuffer (captureOutput, sampleBuffer : CMSampleBuffer, connection) =
let lastSampleTime = sampleBuffer.PresentationTimeStamp
match !frame, x.recording with
| 0, Some({Session = _; Writer = w; InputWriter = _}) ->
w.StartWriting() |> ignore
frame := 1
| _, Some({Session = _; Writer = _; InputWriter = iw}) ->
match labelledView with
| {Label = l; View = v} ->
v.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(fun () -> v.Image <- imageFromSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer))
l.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(fun () ->
let infoString =
if iw.ReadyForMoreMediaData then
if not (iw.AppendSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer)) then
"Failed to append sample buffer"
frame := !frame + 1
String.Format("{0} frames captured", !frame)
"Writer not ready"
l.Text <- infoString)
| _ -> ()
with | e -> alert(e.Message)
finally sampleBuffer.Dispose()
type ContentView(fillColor, recordToggle) as x =
inherit UIView()
let lv =
let bds = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds
let imageBounds = RectangleF (10.0f, 10.0f, bds.Width - 20.0f, bds.Height - 120.0f)
Label = new UILabel (RectangleF (bds.Width - 150.0f, 10.0f, 140.0f, 50.0f))
View = new UIImageView (imageBounds, BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue)
x.BackgroundColor <- fillColor
([lv.View; lv.Label; makeToggleButton recordToggle] : UIView list)
|> List.iter (fun v -> x.AddSubview v)
member val LabelledView = lv
type VideoCaptureController(viewColor, title) =
inherit UIViewController()
let capture : Ref<VideoCapture option> = ref None
let toggle lv (capture : VideoCapture option) =
match capture with
| Some(c) -> c.StopRecording(); None
| None ->
let vc = new VideoCapture(lv())
if vc.StartRecording() then Some(vc) else None
override x.ViewDidLoad() =
x.Title <- title
x.View <- new ContentView(viewColor, fun uib -> x.RecordToggle(fun s -> uib.SetTitle(s, UIControlState.Normal)))
member x.RecordToggle (titleSetter : string -> unit) =
let getLabelledView =
match base.View with
| :? ContentView as cv -> fun () -> cv.LabelledView
| _ -> failwith "Base class is not a ContentView"
toggle getLabelledView !capture
|> (function | None -> None, "Start" | Some(c) as vc -> vc, "Stop")
|> fun (state, nextAction) -> capture := state; nextAction |> titleSetter
type AppDelegate() =
inherit UIApplicationDelegate()
override __.FinishedLaunching(_, _) =
let viewController = new VideoCaptureController(UIColor.Red, "Main")
let window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds, RootViewController = viewController)
type Application() =
static member Main(args) = UIApplication.Main(args, null, "AppDelegate")
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