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Last active May 5, 2024 20:55
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generating a crl with smallstep


configure openssl

# /etc/step/openssl.conf
[ ca ]
default_ca = step

[ step ]
dir = /var/lib/step
certificate = $dir/certs/root_ca.crt
private_key = $dir/secrets/root_ca_key
crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber
database = $dir/index.txt
default_crl_days = 44
default_md = sha512
unique_subject = no

provider password

save your provider password to /etc/step/passwd

when using bbolt

configuration of ca.json

  "db": {
    "type": "bbolt",
    "dataSource": "/var/lib/step/db/bolt.db"

install required tools

dnf -y install golang jq
go go get

when using mysql

configuration of ca.json

  "db": {
    "type": "mysql",
    "dataSource": "step:step@tcp(",
    "database": "step"

install required tools

dnf -y install mariadb jq

generating the index.txt

when using bbolt

since the database is locked when step-ca is running, you must shut it down first

export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/go/bin
revokedcerts=$(echo "ls revoked_x509_certs/" | thunder "${db}" | sed '1,3d;$d')
for cert in ${revokedcerts}; do
  echo "get revoked_x509_certs/${cert}" | thunder "${db}" | sed '1,3d' | \
  eval $(
    jq -Mr '{enddate: .RevokedAt, serial: .Serial}|to_entries|map("export \(.key)=\(.value)")|.[]'
  printf "R\t%s\t%s\t%s\tunknown\tdummy\n" \
	$(TZ=Z date -d "${enddate}" +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ) \
	$(TZ=Z date -d "${enddate}" +%g%m%d%H%M%SZ) \
done > ${step}/index.txt

when using mysql

mysql -Ne 'select nvalue from revoked_x509_certs' step | while read cert; do
  eval $(
    jq -Mr '{enddate: .RevokedAt, serial: .Serial}|to_entries|map("export \(.key)=\(.value)")|.[]' \
  printf "R\t%s\t%s\t%s\tunknown\tdummy\n" \
    $(TZ=Z date -d "${enddate}" +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ) \
    $(TZ=Z date -d "${enddate}" +%g%m%d%H%M%SZ) \
done > ${step}/index.txt

generating the crl.pem

openssl ca -config /etc/step/openssl.conf -gencrl -passin file:/etc/step/passwd -out /path/to/crl.pem

running an ocsp responder

Add a certificate for ocsp and use it to sign the responses. See man 1 ocsp for details.

openssl ocsp -rmd sha256 -port 8080 -nmin 360 \
  -index /var/lib/step/index.txt \
  -CA /var/lib/step/certs/root_ca.crt \
  -rsigner /path/to/ocsp.pem \
  -rkey /path/to/ocsp.key
# generate index.txt and crl from step database
# Copyright 2022, Philippe Kueck <projects at unixadm dot org>
# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
# general public license version 2.
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf ${tmp}" 0 1 2 15
export TZ=Z
now=$(date +%s)
prep_revoked() {
eval $(
thunder "${db}" <<<"get revoked_x509_certs/${cert}" | sed '1,3d' | \
jq -Mr '{revokedAt: .RevokedAt, serial: .Serial}|to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value)")|.[]'
date -d "${revokedAt}" +%g%m%d%H%M%SZ > ${tmp}/${serial}.revoked
proc_cert() {
thunder "${db}" <<<"get x509_certs/${cert}" | \
dd bs=1 skip=57 of="${tmp}/${cert}.der" status=none
eval $(
openssl x509 -inform DER -in "${tmp}/${cert}.der" -noout -subject -nameopt compat | \
sed 's/=/="/;s/$/"/'
openssl x509 -inform DER -in "${tmp}/${cert}.der" -noout -serial
openssl x509 -inform DER -in "${tmp}/${cert}.der" -noout -enddate | \
sed 's/=/="/;s/$/"/'
enddate=$(date -d "${notAfter}" +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ)
if [[ -e "${tmp}/${serial}.revoked" ]]; then
read revoked < "${tmp}/${serial}.revoked"
elif [[ $(date -d "${notAfter}" +%s) -le ${now} ]]; then
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\tunknown\t%s\n" \
"${state}" \
"${enddate}" \
"${revoked}" \
"${serial}" \
systemctl stop step-ca
revoked_certs=$(thunder "${db}" <<<"ls revoked_x509_certs/" | sed '1,3d;$d')
for cert in ${revoked_certs}; do
prep_revoked "${cert}"
all_certs=$(thunder "${db}" <<<"ls x509_certs" | sed '1,3d;$d')
for cert in ${all_certs}; do
proc_cert "${cert}"
done > "${step}/index.txt"
systemctl start step-ca
for cert in root_ca intermediate_ca; do
eval $(
openssl x509 -in "${step}/certs/${cert}.crt" -noout -subject -nameopt compat | \
sed 's/=/="/;s/$/"/'
openssl x509 -in "${step}/certs/${cert}.crt" -noout -serial
openssl x509 -in "${step}/certs/${cert}.crt" -noout -enddate | \
sed 's/=/="/;s/$/"/'
enddate=$(date -d "${notAfter}" +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ)
printf "V\t%s\t\t%s\tunknown\t%s\n" \
"${enddate}" \
"${serial}" \
done >> "${step}/index.txt"
chown step: "${step}/index.txt"
chmod 600 "${step}/index.txt"
mkdir -p "${step}/crls/" 2>/dev/null
openssl ca -config "${conf}/openssl-crl.conf" -gencrl \
-passin "file:${conf}/passwd" -out "${step}/crls/crl.pem"
openssl crl -inform PEM -outform DER \
-in "${step}/crls/crl.pem" -out "${step}/crls/crl.der"
chown -R step: "${step}/crls"
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how do you decode such a nvalue blob?


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how do you decode such a nvalue blob?


| xxd -r -p 😁

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philfry commented Apr 5, 2022


I just added a script to this gist I've been using for over a year now to generate a "full featured" index.txt which contains valid, expired and revoked certificates. All three types are needed to run an ocsp responder.

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