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Created October 7, 2015 06:47
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Save philgyford/6853747e1a3250939ba2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP file to combine RSS feeds etc, used on Requires many other files to work...
* @package Phil
* Combine recent photos, writing, links, etc into one feed and one HTML/PHP include.
* NOTE: Required the extension to be enabled in php.ini
* (It wasn't, by default, on Textdrive, 2013-03-14.)
* v1.4 2015-09-04
* Version history
* v1.0 2006-02-17
* v1.01 2006-03-20
* Checked for photo tags before cycling through them.
* v1.1 2006-04-22
* Look for featured photo tag in description, not tags.
* v1.11 2006-04-30
* Fixed problems with putting the wrong item descriptions/content-encodeds in.
* v1.12 2006-06-18
* Stopped including init.php, now just config.php.
* v1.13 2006-10-18
* Fixed a bug that was doing wrong descriptions for 'Writing' entries.
* v1.14 2007-05-03
* Added links for wfw:comments in Links and Writing.
* v1.15 2007-05-07
* Changed the featured photo tag stuff slightly.
* v1.2 2008-09-26
* Added the ability to fetch remote feeds, eg
* v1.21 2008-10-17
* Corrected the total number of photos when some aren't to be used.
* v1.22 2008-10-21
* Stopped photos from showing when they're marked not to be.
* v1.23 2008-10-27
* Added Comments blog to local feeds fetched.
* v1.24 2008-12-26
* Some fixes to make it more compatible with the rest of the site.
* v1.25 2008-12-30
* Stopped too-old items from remote feeds being displayed.
* v1.3 2009-02-09
* Added more feeds, support for YouTube feeds, generates two aggregated feeds, plus outputs HTML includes, rather than PHP arrays.
* v1.31 2009-02-12
* Added 'Posted in...' intros to RSS feed items. Fixed number of RSS items displaying.
* v1.32 2013-03-12
* Upgraded SimplePie.
* v1.33 2013-03-14
* Changed 'posted_url' to 'flickr_url' for multiple Flickr images when writing RSS feed.
* v1.34 2014-06-17
* Fixed errors from missing photo descriptions/titles.
* v1.4 2015-09-04
* Updated YouTube to use API v3.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
require_once '/home/philgyford/webapps_symlinked/gyfordphil/includes/init.php';
//require_once '/Users/phil/Sites/webfaction/webapps_symlinked/gyfordphil/includes/init.php';
require_once 'Flickr.php';
require_once 'RSSWriter.php';
require_once 'simplepie/autoloader.php';
require_once 'HTML.php';
* Configuration
* Number of days of entries to list on the website front page.
* It assumes there are that many days' worth of photos/entries available in feeds/includes.
* Now only used for the Photos page.
define('DAYS_TO_LIST_HTML', 60);
* Number of entries to list in the RSS feed.
* We'll fetch enough entries to fill the front page (see above).
* These RSS entries come out of that, so it's possible the ENTRIES_TO_LIST_RSS number won't be reached.
define('ENTRIES_TO_LIST_RSS', 12);
* The RSS files we're going to generate.
define('RSS_FILE_PATH_PERSONAL', DOCS_DIR . '/syndication/index-fb.rdf');
define('RSS_FILE_PATH_EVERYTHING', DOCS_DIR . '/syndication/everything-fb.rdf');
* The directory where the MT-generated files to include are.
* These contain arrays of data about recent entries in the writing and links blogs.
define('MT_INCLUDE_DIR', INCLUDES_DIR . '/caches/misc/');
* The directory where the saved HTML/PHP files will be saved.
* This will feature arrays of data about the latest photos, writing and links for inclusion on the front page.
* Another file will only feature the photos.
define('SAVED_FILE_DIR', INCLUDES_DIR . '/caches/misc/');
* The directoy SimplePie will cache remote feeds in.
define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR', INCLUDES_DIR . '/caches/simplepie/');
* If you add anything to this, you may want to add stuff in web/includes/Phil/classes/HTML.php (the entriesColumns() method) for the new source.
$sources = array (
'writing' => array (
'rss_intro' => 'Posted in <a href="">Phil Gyford\'s Writing</a>'
'links' => array (
'comments' => array (
'rss_intro' => 'Posted in <a href="">Comments posted elsewhere</a>'
//'philipgyford' => array (
// 'feed_url' => '',
// 'rss_intro' => 'Posted at <a href=""></a>'
// 'overmorgen' => array (
// 'feed_url' => '',
// 'rss_intro' => 'Posted at <a href="">Overmorgen</a>'
// ),
// 'whitstillman' => array (
// 'feed_url' => '',
// 'rss_intro' => 'Posted at <a href="">Whit Stillman</a>'
// ),
'septivium' => array (
'feed_url' => '',
'rss_intro' => 'Posted at <a href="">Septivium</a>'
'pepysdiarynews' => array (
'feed_url' => '',
'rss_intro' => 'Posted at <a href="">Pepys\' Diary Site News</a>'
'youtube' => array (
//'feed_url' => '',
'feed_url' => '' . YOUTUBE_API_KEY,
'rss_intro' => 'Favourited <a href="">on YouTube</a>'
* The array in which we'll put all the entries to display.
* This will have keys like '1102167975_flickr'.
* The values are an array of entry data.
$ITEMS = array();
* Start doing stuff...
// Sort in reverse chronological order.
writeRSS('personal', $sources, array_values($ITEMS));
writeRSS('everything', $sources, array_values($ITEMS));
* Puts all the photos for the time period into $items.
* The list of photos for a day is in an array provided by phpFlickr.
* There are also two extra arrays, featured_indexes and
* thumbnail_indexes which indicate which photos for that day
* are to be featured on the website.
function getFlickr() {
global $ITEMS;
$from_day = gmdate('Y-m-d', time() - (86400 * (DAYS_TO_LIST_HTML - 1)));
$days_of_photos = Flickr::getDayCounts($from_day, DAYS_TO_LIST_HTML);
// Cycle through each day and get photos for any day on which there are some.
foreach ($days_of_photos as $day) {
if ($day['count'] > 0) {
$photo_data = Flickr::dayPhotosForDisplay($day['fromdate'], 'posted');
// It could be that every photo that day was marked not to be displayed so we
// end up with none to show.
if ($photo_data['photos']['total'] > 0) {
$ITEMS[$day['fromdate'] . '_flickr'] = $photo_data;
function getLocalWeblogs($sources) {
global $ITEMS;
foreach ($sources as $blog_key => $source_data) {
if (!isset($source_data['feed_url'])) {
// If there's no RSS feed, we assume it's a local file.
include MT_INCLUDE_DIR . 'mt_recent_entries_' . $blog_key . '.php';
$ITEMS = array_merge($ITEMS, $entries);
function getYouTube($sources) {
global $ITEMS;
$contents = file_get_contents($sources['youtube']['feed_url']);
$json = json_decode($contents, TRUE);
if (isset($json['items'])) {
foreach($json['items'] as $item) {
$snippet = $item['snippet'];
$video_url = '' . $snippet['resourceId']['videoId'];
$item_datetime = date_format(date_create($snippet['publishedAt']), 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
$entry = array();
$entry['blog_key'] = 'youtube';
$entry['title'] = $snippet['title'];
$entry['permalink'] = $video_url;
$entry['author'] = '';
$entry['date'] = $item_datetime;
$entry['body'] = '<a href="' . $video_url . '"><img src="' . $snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url'] . '" alt="YouTube thumbnail" /></a>';
$entry['extended'] = true;
$entry['more'] = '<p>' . $snippet['description'] . '</p>';
$entry['excerpt'] = strip_tags($entry['body']);
$ITEMS[strtotime($item_datetime) . '_' . $blog_key] = $entry;
function getRemoteWeblogs($sources) {
global $ITEMS;
foreach ($sources as $blog_key => $source_data) {
if (isset($source_data['feed_url'])) {
$feed = new SimplePie();
// Feedburner wasn't letting us see the feed with the default useragent.
// Assuming we know that all included HTML tags are safe.
// We also know we want to keep attributes (particularly 'class'):
// Otherwise we at least need to do this:
// $strip_htmltags = $feed->strip_htmltags;
// unset($strip_htmltags[array_search('object', $strip_htmltags)]);
// unset($strip_htmltags[array_search('param', $strip_htmltags)]);
// unset($strip_htmltags[array_search('embed', $strip_htmltags)]);
// $strip_htmltags = array_values($strip_htmltags);
// $feed->strip_htmltags($strip_htmltags);
// And something to keep the 'class' attribute.
if ($feed->data) {
//$from_time = time() - (86400 * (DAYS_TO_LIST_HTML - 1));
foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
// if ($item->get_date('U') < $from_time) {
// // This item is older than we want for the front page, so stop here.
// break;
// }
$entry = array();
$entry['blog_key'] = $blog_key;
$entry['title'] = $item->get_title();
$entry['permalink'] = $item->get_permalink();
$entry['author'] = $item->get_author()->get_name();
$entry['date'] = $item->get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($blog_key == 'youtube') {
// We need to add an image to the YouTube data.
if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()) {
$entry['body'] = '<a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '" title="' . $item->get_title() . '"><img src="' . $enclosure->get_thumbnail() . '" alt="YouTube thumbnail" /></a>';
$entry['extended'] = true;
$entry['more'] = '<p>' . $enclosure->get_description() . '</p>';
} else {
// All the standard text-based feeds, probably generated by me.
preg_match("/^(.*?<p>.*?<\/p>)(.*)?$/s", $item->get_content(), $matches);
$entry['body'] = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] != '') {
$entry['extended'] = true;
$entry['more'] = trim($matches[2]);
$entry['excerpt'] = strip_tags($entry['body']);
$ITEMS[strtotime($item->get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . '_' . $blog_key] = $entry;
* Write the files that will be included in the site.
* @param array $entries An array of hashes - each hash info about an entry.
function writeHTML($entries) {
// Create the old front page list view. Might as well keep it going.
if ($fh = @fopen(SAVED_FILE_DIR . 'home.html', 'w')) {
$html = HTML::entries($entries, array('return_html'=>true));
if (@fwrite($fh, $html)) {
// Create the columned-view for the front page.
if ($fh = @fopen(SAVED_FILE_DIR . 'home_columns.html', 'w')) {
$html = HTML::entries($entries, array('return_html'=>true, 'format' => 'columns'));
if (@fwrite($fh, $html)) {
// Create the list view for the Photos page.
$photo_entries = array();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($entry['blog_key'] == 'photos') {
$photo_entries[] = $entry;
if ($fh = @fopen(SAVED_FILE_DIR . 'photos.html', 'w')) {
$html = HTML::entries($photo_entries, array('return_html'=>true));
if (@fwrite($fh, $html)) {
* @param string $type Either 'personal' or 'everything'.
* @param array $entries The big array of all entries.
function writeRSS($type, $sources, $entries) {
if ($type == 'personal') {
$feed_title = 'Phil Gyford (personal)';
$feed_description = 'Writing, photos and links by Phil Gyford';
$blogs_to_use = array('writing', 'photos', 'links', 'comments', 'philipgyford');
} else {
$feed_title = 'Phil Gyford (everything)';
$feed_description = 'Most things created or liked by Phil Gyford across the web';
$blogs_to_use = array(); // ALL!
$rss = new RSSWriter(
array (
"dc:date" => date(DATE_ATOM),
"dc:creator" => "Phil Gyford <>",
"dc:publisher" => "Phil Gyford <>",
"dc:language" => "en-gb"
$rss->setImage("", "Phil Gyford");
$rss->useModule("content", "");
$rss->useModule("wfw", "");
foreach ($entries as $n => $entry) {
if ($n+1 > ENTRIES_TO_LIST_RSS) {
// Only add this entry if we're using ALL blogs ($blogs_to_use is empty)
// or this entry's blog is in the $blogs_to_use list.
if (count($blogs_to_use) == 0 || in_array($entry['blog_key'], $blogs_to_use)) {
$comments = '';
if ($entry['blog_key'] == 'photos') {
if ($entry['photos']['total'] > 0) {
$link = $entry['photos']['flickr_url'];
$title = 'Photos for ' . date("j F Y", strtotime($entry['date']));
$description = '';
$content_encoded = '';
foreach ($entry['photos']['photo'] as $photo) {
if ($photo['photo']['description'] == '') {
$description_text = '';
} else {
$description_text = "<br />\n" . preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />\n", $photo['photo']['description']);
$description .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody><tr>
<td valign="top" align="center" width="100" style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="' . $photo['urls']['photopage'] . '" title="See a larger version"><img src="' . $photo['urls']['thumbnail'] . '" alt="' . $photo['photo']['title']. '" border="0" /></a></td>
<td valign="top" style="vertical-align: top;"><strong><a href="' . $photo['urls']['photopage'] . '">' . $photo['photo']['title'] . "</a></strong>
} elseif ($entry['blog_key'] == 'links') {
$link = $entry['permalink'];
$title = 'Links for ' . date("j F Y", strtotime($entry['date']));
$description = $entry['body'];
$content_encoded = '';
if (isset($entry['comments_active']) && $entry['comments_active']) {
$comments = $entry['permalink'] . '#comments';
} else {
// writing, philipgyford, etc.
if (isset($entry['remoteurl'])) {
// Comments feed.
$link = $entry['remoteurl'];
} else {
$link = $entry['permalink'];
$title = $entry['title'];
if (isset($entry['extended']) && $entry['extended']) {
$description = $entry['body'] . "\n<p><a href=\"$link#more\">Read more&#8230</a></p>";
$content_encoded = $entry['body'] . "\n\n" . $entry['more'];
} else {
$description = $entry['body'];
$content_encoded = $entry['body'];
if (isset($entry['comments_active']) && $entry['comments_active']) {
$comments = $entry['permalink'] . '#comments';
$item_details = array (
'description' => $description
if (isset($content_encoded) && $content_encoded != '') {
$item_details['content:encoded'] = $content_encoded;
if (isset($comments) && $comments != '') {
$item_details['wfw:comments'] = $comments;
if (isset($sources[$entry['blog_key']]) && isset($sources[$entry['blog_key']]['rss_intro'])) {
$item_details['description'] = '<p>' . $sources[$entry['blog_key']]['rss_intro'] . "</p>\n" . $item_details['description'];
$item_details['content:encoded'] = '<p>' . $sources[$entry['blog_key']]['rss_intro'] . "</p>\n" . $item_details['content:encoded'];
$item_details['dc:creator'] = 'phil';
$item_details['dc:date'] = date('c', strtotime($entry['date']));
$rss->addItem($link, $title, $item_details);
// RSSWriter prints its stuff to screen.
// So we use output buffering to write it to a file instead.
$file_path = $type == 'personal' ? RSS_FILE_PATH_PERSONAL : RSS_FILE_PATH_EVERYTHING;
$text = ob_get_contents();
if ($fh = @fopen($file_path, 'w')) {
if (@fputs($fh, $text, strlen($text))) {
* Replacement for file_get_contents for when URL file-access is disabled.
* @param string $url
* @return string The contents of the file or an empty string on failure.
function fetchFileContents($url)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
// Without this we were getting Internal Server Errors
// when was unavailable and returning nothing after
// a long delay.
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
// Return the result instead of printing it.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$string = curl_exec ($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
// For debugging.
//print curl_error($ch);
if (!is_string($string) || !strlen($string)) {
// Something went wrong with the curl_exec and it returned false.
// Use the curl_error() bit above to find out what went wrong.
return '';
} else {
return $string;
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