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Created March 28, 2017 07:11
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Speech recognition #
# 1. Work through the following resources:
# Viterbi algorithm. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 9, 2016, from
# The 44 Phonemes in English. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2016, from
# 2. Read and run the code given below.
# 3. Answer the following questions:
# a. What does the transition_probability table describe?
# b. What does the emission_probability table describe?
# c. What does the start_probability table describe?
# d. What does the Viterbi algorithm do with these tables?
# e. Describe the optimal substructure found in this problem.
# f. How should one interpret the output of the Viterbi algorithm?
def viterbi(obs, states, start_p, trans_p, emit_p):
V = [{}]
for st in states:
V[0][st] = {"prob": start_p[st] * emit_p[st][obs[0]], "prev": None}
# Run Viterbi when t > 0
for t in range(1, len(obs)):
for st in states:
max_tr_prob = max(V[t - 1][prev_st]["prob"] * trans_p[prev_st][st]
for prev_st in states)
for prev_st in states:
if V[t - 1][prev_st]["prob"] * trans_p[prev_st][
st] == max_tr_prob:
max_prob = max_tr_prob * emit_p[st][obs[t]]
V[t][st] = {"prob": max_prob, "prev": prev_st}
for line in dptable(V):
print line
opt = []
# The highest probability
max_prob = max(value["prob"] for value in V[-1].values())
previous = None
# Get most probable state and its backtrack
for st, data in V[-1].items():
if data["prob"] == max_prob:
previous = st
# Follow the backtrack till the first observation
for t in range(len(V) - 2, -1, -1):
opt.insert(0, V[t + 1][previous]["prev"])
previous = V[t + 1][previous]["prev"]
print 'The steps of states are ' + ' '.join(
opt) + ' with highest probability of %s' % max_prob
def dptable(V):
# Print a table of steps from dictionary
yield " ".join(("%9s" % i) for i in range(len(V)))
for state in V[0]:
yield "%.9s: " % state + " ".join("%.9s" % ("%.3E" % v[state]["prob"])
for v in V)
states = 'abcdr'
observations = ('/a/', '/b/', '/r/', '/ã/', '/k/', '/a/', '/d/', '/a/', '/b/',
'/r/', '/ã/')
start_probability = {'a': 0.4, 'b': 0.1, 'c': 0.1, 'd': 0.3, 'r': 0.1}
transition_probability = {'a': {'a': 0,
'b': 0.3,
'c': 0.3,
'd': 0.3,
'r': 0.1},
'b': {'a': 0.2,
'b': 0,
'c': 0.2,
'd': 0.1,
'r': 0.5},
'c': {'a': 0.5,
'b': 0.1,
'c': 0.1,
'd': 0.1,
'r': 0.1},
'd': {'a': 0.5,
'b': 0.2,
'c': 0.2,
'd': 0.0,
'r': 0.1},
'r': {'a': 0.7,
'b': 0.1,
'c': 0.1,
'd': 0.1,
'r': 0}}
emission_probability = {'a': {'/a/': 0.4,
'/ã/': 0.4,
'/b/': 0.05,
'/r/': 0.05,
'/d/': 0.05,
'/k/': 0.05},
'b': {'/a/': 0.05,
'/ã/': 0.05,
'/b/': 0.65,
'/r/': 0.05,
'/d/': 0.2,
'/k/': 0.05},
'c': {'/a/': 0.05,
'/ã/': 0.05,
'/b/': 0.05,
'/r/': 0.05,
'/d/': 0.05,
'/k/': 0.75},
'd': {'/a/': 0.05,
'/ã/': 0.05,
'/b/': 0.2,
'/r/': 0.05,
'/d/': 0.6,
'/k/': 0.05},
'r': {'/a/': 0.05,
'/ã/': 0.05,
'/b/': 0.05,
'/r/': 0.7,
'/d/': 0.05,
'/k/': 0.1}}
viterbi(observations, states, start_probability, transition_probability,
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@philip-sterne: based on the psuedo-code on Wikipedia, I think that Line 29 ( should be:
max_tr_prob = max(V[t - 1][prev_st]["prob"] * trans_p[prev_st][st] * emit_p[st][obs[t]] for prev_st in states)

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JoshBroomberg commented Nov 20, 2017

@philip-sterne: never mind, the emit_p[st][obs[t]] is constant during the calculation of the max. Technically, it could be included but doesn't need to be.

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