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Created January 13, 2014 19:20
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  • Save philipbreau/8406320 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save philipbreau/8406320 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bridgeit.js with a few alerts for easier debugging
/* BridgeIt Mobile 1.0.0
* Copyright 2004-2013 ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
if (!window['ice']) { = {};
if (!window['bridgeit']) {
window.bridgeit = {};
window.bridgeIt = window.bridgeit; //alias bridgeit and bridgeIt
if (!window.console) {
console = {};
if (ice.logInContainer) {
console.log = ice.logInContainer;
} else {
console.log = function() {
console.error = function() {
* The BridgeIt JavaScript API. Native Mobile integration for your web app.
* BridgeIt provides a variety of device commands that allow access to
* device features from JavaScript, all while running in the stock browser
* such as Safari or Chrome. This is made possible by the BridgeIt utilty app
* that runs alongside the browser and is available for each of the supported
* platforms (currently Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8).
* For example,'myCamera', 'myCallback') will allow the user
* to take a photo identified by 'myCamera' and this will be returned via an
* event to the function named myCallback. For the best compatibility the
* callback is passed by name since the browser page may be refreshed when
* the callback returns. The callback will be passed an event where:
* event.response: HTTP response from the server if the command makes an HTTP POST
* event.preview: data-uri containing any preview image resulting from the command
* id specified in the command call
* event.value: return value from the command
* Most device commands accept an options parameter object. Options supported
* by a variety of commands are: options.postURL (the URL used to upload
* the result of the command), and extra parameters
* specific to the command may be added to the options argument.
* @class bridgeit
(function(b) {
/* *********************** PRIVATE ******************************/
function serializeForm(formId, typed) {
var form = document.getElementById(formId);
var els = form.elements;
var len = els.length;
var qString = [];
var addField = function(name, value) {
var tmpStr = "";
if (qString.length > 0) {
tmpStr = "&";
tmpStr += encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var el = els[i];
if (!el.disabled) {
var prefix = "";
if (typed) {
var vtype = el.getAttribute("data-type");
if (vtype) {
prefix = vtype + "-";
} else {
prefix = el.type + "-";
switch (el.type) {
case 'submit':
case 'button':
case 'fieldset':
case 'text':
case 'password':
case 'hidden':
case 'textarea':
addField(prefix +, el.value);
case 'select-one':
if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
addField(prefix +, el.options[el.selectedIndex].value);
case 'select-multiple':
for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) {
if (el.options[j].selected) {
addField(prefix +, el.options[j].value);
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if (el.checked) {
addField(prefix +, el.value);
addField(prefix +, el.value);
// concatenate the array
return qString.join("");
var useBase64 = false;
if (window.jQuery && {
//jquery mobile insists on parsing BridgeIt hashchange data
useBase64 = true;;
function getDeviceCommand() {
var commandData = null;
var sxkey = "#icemobilesx";
var sxlen = sxkey.length;
var locHash = "" + window.location.hash;
if (sxkey === locHash.substring(0, sxlen)) {
commandData = locHash.substring(sxlen + 1);
var dupIndex = commandData.indexOf(sxkey);
if (dupIndex > 0) {
commandData = commandData.substring(0, dupIndex);
console.error("trimmed corrupt " + locHash + " to "
+ commandData);
return commandData;
var reservedParams = ['postURL', 'element', 'form', 'deviceCommandCallback'];
function deviceCommandExec(command, id, options) {
console.log("deviceCommandExec('" + command + "', '" + id + ", " + JSON.stringify(options));
var ampchar = String.fromCharCode(38);
var uploadURL;
var sessionid;
var params;
var element;
var formID;
var callback;
if (options) {
if (options.postURL) {
uploadURL = options.postURL;
params = packObject(options, reservedParams);
if (options.deviceCommandCallback) {
callback = options.deviceCommandCallback;
if ("string" != typeof(callback)) {
if (bridgeit.allowAnonymousCallbacks) {
callback = "!anon";
} else {
"BridgeIt callbacks must be named in window scope");
callback = null;
if (options.element) {
element = options.element;
if (options.form) {
formID = options.form.getAttribute("id");
if (!uploadURL) {
uploadURL = getUploadURL(element);
var windowLocation = window.location;
var barURL = windowLocation.toString();
var baseURL = barURL.substring(0,
barURL.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/";
var returnURL = "" + window.location;
var lastHash = returnURL.lastIndexOf("#");
var theHash = "";
var theURL = returnURL;
if (lastHash > 0) {
theHash = returnURL.substring(lastHash);
theURL = returnURL.substring(0, lastHash);
returnURL = theURL + "#icemobilesx";
var hashSubClause = "";
if (!!theHash) {
hashSubClause = "&h=" + escape(theHash);
var callbackClause = "";
if (!!callback) {
callbackClause = "&c=" + escape(callback);
seqClause = "&seq=" + (new Date()).getTime();
var hashClause = "";
if (!!hashSubClause || !!callbackClause) {
hashClause = "&h=" + escape(hashSubClause) + escape(callbackClause)
+ escape(seqClause);
deviceOptions = null;
if (useBase64) {
//jquery mobile insists on parsing BridgeIt hashchange data
deviceOptions = "enc=base64";
var optionsClause = "";
if (!!deviceOptions) {
optionsClause = "&o=" + escape(deviceOptions);
if (params && ("" != params)) {
params = "&ub=" + escape(baseURL) + ampchar + params;
console.log('params = ' + params);
var sessionidClause = "";
if (sessionid && ("" != sessionid)) {
sessionidClause = "&JSESSIONID=" + escape(sessionid);
var serializedFormClause = "";
if (formID && ("" != formID)) {
serializedFormClause = "&p=" +
escape(serializeForm(formID, false));
var uploadURLClause = "";
if (uploadURL && ("" != uploadURL)) {
uploadURLClause = "&u=" + escape(uploadURL);
var sxURL = "c=" + escape(command +
"?id=" + id + ampchar + (params ? params : '')) +
uploadURLClause +
"&r=" + escape(returnURL) +
sessionidClause +
optionsClause +
hashClause +
if (b.isWindowsPhone8()) {
sxURL = escape(sxURL);
var sxBase = "icemobile:";
if (b.isAndroid()) {
sxBase = ""
sxURL = sxBase + sxURL;
console.log('sxURL=' + sxURL);
window.location = sxURL;
function getSplashClause() {
var splashClause = "";
if (null != bridgeit.splashImageURL) {
var splashImage = "i=" + escape(bridgeit.splashImageURL);
splashClause = "&s=" + escape(splashImage);
return splashClause;
var autoDetectUploadURL = false;
function getUploadURL(element) {
if (!autoDetectUploadURL) {
return null;
var uploadURL;
var windowLocation = window.location;
var barURL = windowLocation.toString();
var baseURL = barURL.substring(0,
barURL.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/";
if (!element) {
uploadURL = baseURL;
} else {
var form = formOf(element);
formID = form.getAttribute('id');
var formAction = form.getAttribute("action");
if (!uploadURL) {
uploadURL = element.getAttribute("data-posturl");
if (!uploadURL) {
if (0 === formAction.indexOf("/")) {
uploadURL = window.location.origin + formAction;
} else if ((0 === formAction.indexOf("http://")) ||
(0 === formAction.indexOf("https://"))) {
uploadURL = formAction;
} else {
uploadURL = baseURL + formAction;
return uploadURL;
var checkTimeout;
function deviceCommand(command, id, callback, options) {
if( !b.isSupportedPlatform(command) ){
b.notSupported(id, command);
if (b.isIOS()) {
checkTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
}, 3000);
if (!options) {
options = {};
console.log(command + " " + id);
bridgeit.deviceCommandCallback = callback;
options.deviceCommandCallback = callback;
deviceCommandExec(command, id, options);
function setInput(target, name, value, vtype) {
console.log('setInput(target=' + target + ', name=' + name + ', value=' + value + ', vtype=' + vtype);
var hiddenID = name + "-hid";
var existing = document.getElementById(hiddenID);
if (existing) {
existing.setAttribute("value", value);
var targetElm = document.getElementById(target);
if (!targetElm) {
var hidden = document.createElement("input");
hidden.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
hidden.setAttribute("id", hiddenID);
hidden.setAttribute("name", name);
hidden.setAttribute("value", value);
if (vtype) {
hidden.setAttribute("data-type", vtype);
targetElm.parentNode.insertBefore(hidden, targetElm);
function formOf(element) {
var parent = element;
while (null != parent) {
if ("form" == parent.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
return parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
function packObject(params, exclude) {
var packed = "";
var sep = "";
for (var key in params) {
if (exclude.indexOf(key) < 0) {
packed += sep + escape(key) + "=" + escape(params[key]);
sep = "&";
return packed;
function unpackDeviceResponse(data) {
var result = {};
if (useBase64 && (data.indexOf("!") < 0)) {
data = data.replace(/~/g,"=");
data = data.replace(/\./g,"/");
data = decodeURIComponent(atob(data));
var params = data.split("&");
var len = params.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var splitIndex = params[i].indexOf("=");
var paramName = unescape(params[i].substring(0, splitIndex));
var paramValue = decodeURIComponent(
params[i].substring(splitIndex + 1) );
if ("!" === paramName.substring(0,1)) {
//BridgeIt parameters are set directly
result[paramName.substring(1)] = paramValue;
} else {
//only one user value is supported = paramName;
result.value = paramValue;
return result;
function url2Object(encoded) {
var parts = encoded.split("&");
var record = {};
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (!!parts[i]) {
var pair = parts[i].split("=");
record[unescape(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
return record;
function getNamedObject(name) {
var parts = name.split(".");
var theObject = window;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
theObject = theObject[parts[i]];
if (!theObject) {
return null;
if (window == theObject) {
return null;
return theObject;
function addOnLoadListener(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
try {
if (oldonload) {
} catch (e) {
var isDataPending = false;
var isLoaded = false;
var pendingData = null;
function loadComplete() {
isLoaded = true;
function checkExecDeviceResponse() {
var data = getDeviceCommand();
if (null == data) {
data = pendingData;
//record URL/hash changes that are not device commands
var deviceParams;
if (null != data) {
pendingData = data;
isDataPending = true;
if (!isLoaded) {
console.log("checkExecDeviceResponse waiting for onload");
var name;
var value;
var needRefresh = true;
if ("" != data) {
deviceParams = unpackDeviceResponse(data);
if ( {
name =;
value = deviceParams.value;
setInput(name, name, value);
needRefresh = false;
if (needRefresh) {
console.log('needs refresh');
if ( {
setTimeout( function(){
if (!isDataPending) {
alert("checkExecDeviceResponse is done, exiting");
var sxEvent = {
name : name,
value : value
var callback = bridgeit.deviceCommandCallback;
alert('sxEvent: ' + JSON.stringify(sxEvent) + " " +
var restoreHash = "";
if (deviceParams) {
if (deviceParams.r) {
sxEvent.response = deviceParams.r;
if (deviceParams.p) {
sxEvent.preview = deviceParams.p;
if (deviceParams.c) {
if (ice.push) {
deviceParams.c );
if (deviceParams.h) {
var echoed = url2Object(unescape(deviceParams.h));
if (echoed.h) {
restoreHash = echoed.h;
if (echoed.c) {
var namedCallBack = getNamedObject(echoed.c);
if (namedCallBack) {
callback = namedCallBack;
var loc = window.location;
isDataPending = false;
pendingData = null;
if( !hasInstalledToken() ){
if (callback) {
try {
var restoreLocation =
loc.pathname + + restoreHash;
history.replaceState("", document.title,
alert('bridgeit history replaceState: ' +
} catch (e) {
alert("Device function callback failed " + e);
bridgeit.deviceCommandCallback = null;
} else{
alert('no deviceCommandCallback registered :(');
}, 1);
var CLOUD_PUSH_KEY = "ice.notifyBack";
function setCloudPushId(id) {
//rely on local storage since cloud push is on modern platforms
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(CLOUD_PUSH_KEY, id);
function getCloudPushId() {
if (localStorage) {
return localStorage.getItem(CLOUD_PUSH_KEY);
return null;
function setupCloudPush() {
var cloudPushId = getCloudPushId();
if (!!cloudPushId) {
if (ice.push) {
console.log("Cloud Push registered: " + cloudPushId);
//move pause and resume to ICEpush when ready
function pausePush() {
if ( && ice.push) {
function resumePush() {
if ( && ice.push) {
function resumePushGroups() {
for (var pushID in pushListeners) {
var pushListener = pushListeners[pushID];
console.log("rejoining push group with old pushid " + + " " + pushID );
ice.push.addGroupMember(, pushID);
var LAST_PAGE_KEY = "bridgeit.lastpage";
function storeLastPage(lastPage) {
if (!lastPage) {
var sxkey = "#icemobilesx";
var sxlen = sxkey.length;
var locHash = "" + window.location.hash;
lastPage = "" + document.location;
if (sxkey === locHash.substring(0, sxlen)) {
lastPage = lastPage.substring(0,
lastPage.length - locHash.length)
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(LAST_PAGE_KEY, lastPage);
console.log("bridgeit storeLastPage " + lastPage);
/* Page event handling */
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("pagehide", function () {
//hiding the page either indicates user does not require
//BridgeIt or the url scheme invocation has succeeded
if (ice.push && ice.push.connection) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("pageshow", function () {
if (ice.push && ice.push.connection) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("hashchange", function () {
alert('entered hashchange listener hash=' + window.location.hash);
}, false);
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
}, false);
document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", function () {
if (document.webkitHidden) {
} else {
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function () {
if (document.hidden) {
} else {
function httpGET(uri, query) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var queryStr = "";
if (!!query) {
queryStr = "?" + query;
}'GET', uri + queryStr, false);
if (xhr.status == 200) {
return xhr.responseText;
} else {
throw xhr.statusText + '[' + xhr.status + ']';
function endsWith(s, pattern) {
return s.lastIndexOf(pattern) == s.length - pattern.length;
var absoluteGoBridgeItURL = null;
function fetchGoBridgeIt(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == xhr.readyState) {
if (200 == xhr.status) {
if (!absoluteGoBridgeItURL) {
absoluteGoBridgeItURL = getAbsoluteURL(url);
console.log("Cloud Push return via goBridgeIt: " +
};'GET', url, true);
function findGoBridgeIt() {
if (!!bridgeit.goBridgeItURL) {
//page setting overrides detection
absoluteGoBridgeItURL = getAbsoluteURL(bridgeit.goBridgeItURL);
//host-wide page
//application-specific page
function getAbsoluteURL(url) {
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = url;
url = img.src;
return url;
function loadPushService(uri, apikey) {
if (ice && ice.push) {
console.log('Push service already loaded and configured');
} else {
var baseURI = uri + (endsWith(uri, '/') ? '' : '/');
var codeURI = baseURI + 'code.icepush';
var code = httpGET(codeURI);
ice.push.configuration.contextPath = baseURI;
ice.push.configuration.apikey = apikey;
var pushListeners = {};
function addPushListenerImpl(group, callback) {
if (ice && ice.push && ice.push.configuration.contextPath) {
var pushId = ice.push.createPushId();
pushListeners[pushId] = {group: group, callback: callback};
ice.push.addGroupMember(group, pushId);
if ("string" != typeof(callback)) {
"BridgeIt Cloud Push callbacks must be named in window scope");
} else {
var callbackName = callback;
callback = getNamedObject(callback);
if (!!callback) {
if (localStorage) {
var callbacks = localStorage
if (!callbacks) {
callbacks = " ";
if (callbacks.indexOf(" " + callbackName + " ") < 0) {
callbacks += callbackName + " ";
localStorage.setItem(CLOUD_CALLBACKS_KEY, callbacks);
ice.push.register([ pushId ], callback);
} else {
console.error('Push service is not active');
var BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_KEY = "bridgeit.installed";
var BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_LOG_KEY = "bridgeit.installedLogged";
function hasInstalledToken(){
var result = false;
if( window.localStorage){
var installTimestamp = localStorage.getItem(BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_KEY);
if( installTimestamp ){
if( !window.sessionStorage.getItem(BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_LOG_KEY) ){
console.log('bridgeit installed '
+ new Date( parseInt(localStorage.getItem(BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_KEY))).toGMTString());
window.sessionStorage.setItem(BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_LOG_KEY, 'true');
result = true;
return result;
function setInstalledToken(){
if( window.localStorage ){
localStorage.setItem(BRIDGEIT_INSTALLED_KEY, '' + new Date().getTime());
/* *********************** PUBLIC **********************************/
* Application provided callback to detect BridgeIt launch failure.
* This should be overridden with an implementation that prompts the
* user to download BridgeIt and potentially fallback with a different
* browser control such as input file.
* @alias plugin.launchFailed
* @param {String} id The id passed to the command that failed
* @template
b.launchFailed = function(id) {
alert("BridgeIt not available for " + id);
* Application provided callback to detect non-supported clients.
* This should be overridden with an implementation that informs the
* user the user that native mobile functionality is only available
* on supported platforms or potentially fallback with a different
* browser control such as input file, which would be available on
* all browsers.
* @param {String} id The id passed to the command that failed
* @param {String} command The BridgeIt api command that was launched
* @alias plugin.notSupported
* @template
b.notSupported = function(id, command) {
alert('Sorry, the command ' + command + ' for BridgeIt is not supported on this platform');
* Launch the device QR Code scanner.
* The callback function will be called once the scan is captured.
* The return value will be set to the text resulting from the scan.
* The QR Code scanner does not currently accept additional parameters,
* but these may used in the future.
* @alias plugin.scan
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
* @param {String} options.postURL Server-side URL accepting POST of command result (optional)
b.scan = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("scan", id, callback, options);
* Launch the native camera.
* The callback function will be called once the photo is captured.
* @alias
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
* @param {String} options.postURL Server-side URL accepting POST of command result (optional)
* @param {Object} options.maxwidth The maxium width for the image in pixels
* @param {Object} options.maxheight The maxium height for the image in pixels
*/ = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("camera", id, callback, options);
* Launch the native video recorder.
* The callback function will be called once the video has been captured.
* @alias plugin.camcorder
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
b.camcorder = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("camcorder", id, callback, options);
* Launch the native audio recorder.
* The callback function will be called once the audio is captured.
* @alias plugin.microphone
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
b.microphone = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("microphone", id, callback, options);
* Launch the native contact list.
* The callback function will be called once the contact is retrieved.
* @alias plugin.fetchContact
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
* @param {Object} options.fields The contact fields to retrieve, default = "name,email,phone"
b.fetchContact = function(id, callback, options) {
var ops = options || {};
ops.fields = "name,email,phone";
deviceCommand("fetchContacts", id, callback, ops);
* Send an SMS message.
* The sms function will send an SMS message to a number on supported
* platforms. On iOS devices, a native SMS call is made through the
* BridgeIt utility app. On other platforms an SMS URL protocol is used in a
* DOM anchor element, which the browser may use to launch the device
* SMS functionality, if available.
* @alias plugin.sms
* @param {String} number The phone number to send the message to
* @param {String} message The message
b.sms = function(number, message) {
if( !b.isSupportedPlatform('sms') ){
b.notSupported(null, 'sms');
if( number == 'undefined' || number == '')
if( b.isIOS()){
deviceCommand('sms', '_sms', null, {n: number, body: message});
var smsBtn = document.createElement('a');
var cleanNumber = number.replace(/[\s-\.\+]/g,'');
smsBtn.href = 'sms:+' + cleanNumber + '?body=' + encodeURI(message); = 'display:none';
* Launch an Augmented Reality view.
* The Augmented Reality view displays a set of geographic icons on
* a video overlay. The icons are positioned according to the
* orientation of the device so that they appear in a line-of-sight
* with their physical geographic position. The user can select an
* icon and this is relayed back to the application.
* The callback function will be called once the augmented reality
* view exits with the user selection provided in the return value.
* The command is invoked with a locations parameter containing an
* array of named locations, each with a comma-separated latitude,
* longitude, altitude, direction, and icon URL
* @alias plugin.augmentedReality
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
* @param {Object} options.locations The augmented reality locations to display
b.augmentedReality = function(id, callback, options) {
//copy locations directly into options. The JavaScript API
//will not change, but the future deviceCommand will accept
//the locations as a subparameter to avoid this copying
if (options && options.locations) {
for (var key in options.locations) {
if (reservedParams.indexOf(key) < 0) {
options[key] = options.locations[key];
delete options.locations;
deviceCommand("aug", id, callback, options);
* Activate location tracking.
* Location tracking will run in the
* background according to the specified strategy and duration, and will POST
* a geoJSON record to the specified postURL.
* Three strategies are currently supported: "continuous" where the location
* of the device will be uploaded as frequently as it changes (intended for
* testing only due to high power consumption), "significant" where the
* location is uploaded when it changes significantly, and "stop" to cease
* location tracking.
* The callback function will be called once location tracking is activated.
* @param {String} id The id of the return value
* @param {Function} callback The callback function.
* @param {Object} options Additional command options
* @param {String} options.postURL The URL accepting the geoJSON POST
* @param {String} options.strategy The strategy, "continuous", "significant" or "stop"
* @param {String} options.duration The duration in hours
* @alias plugin.geoTrack
b.geoTrack = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("geospy", id, callback, options);
* Register BridgeIt integration and configure Cloud Push.
* This call is necessary to obtain the Cloud Push ID of the
* device so that notifications can be delivered when the
* user is not currently viewing your application in the browser.
* The callback function will be called when Cloud Push registration
* completes.
* @alias plugin.register
* @inheritdoc #scan
b.register = function(id, callback, options) {
deviceCommand("register", id, callback, options);
* Verify that BridgeIt Cloud Push is registered.
* @alias plugin.isRegistered
b.isRegistered = function() {
return !!(getCloudPushId());
* Utility method to unpack url-encoded parameters into an object.
* @alias plugin.url2Object
* @param {String} encoded The encoded URL string to unpack
b.url2Object = function(encoded) {
return url2Object(encoded);
* Set allowAnonymousCallbacks to true to take advantage of persistent
* callback functions currently supported on iOS.
* @property {Boolean} [allowAnonymousCallbacks=false]
b.allowAnonymousCallbacks = false;
* Is the current browser iOS
* @alias plugin.isIOS
b.isIOS = function(){
var i = 0,
iOS = false,
iDevice = ['iPad', 'iPhone', 'iPod'];
for ( ; i < iDevice.length ; i++ ) {
if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf(iDevice[i]) > -1 ){
iOS = true; break;
return iOS;
* Is the current client an iPhone
* @alias plugin.isIPhone
b.isIPhone = function(){
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1;
* Is the current browser iOS 6
* @alias plugin.isIOS6
b.isIOS6 = function(){
return /(iPad|iPhone|iPod).*OS 6_/.test( navigator.userAgent );
* Is the current browser iOS 7
* @alias plugin.isIOS7
b.isIOS7 = function(){
return /(iPad|iPhone|iPod).*OS 7_/.test( navigator.userAgent );
* Is the current browser Android
* @alias plugin.isAndroid
b.isAndroid = function(){
return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
.indexOf("android") > -1;
* Is the current browser Android
* @alias plugin.isAndroidFroyo
b.isAndroidFroyo = function(){
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 2.2") > -1;
* Is the current browser Android
* @alias plugin.isAndroidGingerBreadOrGreater
b.isAndroidGingerBreadOrGreater = function(){
return b.isAndroid() && !b.isAndroidFroyo();
* Is the current browser Windows Phone 8
* @alias plugin.isWindowsPhone8
b.isWindowsPhone8 = function(){
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
return ua.indexOf('IEMobile') > -1
|| ( ua.indexOf('MSIE 10') > -1
&& typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined');
var android = b.isAndroid();
var supportedAndroid = b.isAndroidGingerBreadOrGreater();
var iOS = b.isIOS();
var iOS6 = b.isIOS6();
var iOS7 = b.isIOS7();
var wp8 = b.isWindowsPhone8();
var iPhone = b.isIPhone();
var commands = ['camera','camcorder','microphone','fetchContacts','aug','push','scan','geospy','sms'];
var fullySupported = [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true];
var supportMatrix = {
'6': [true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true],
'7': fullySupported
'6': [true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false],
'7': [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false]
'wp8': [true, true, true, true, false, false, true, false, true],
'android': [true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true]
* Set to true to have Augmented Reality (in experimental status) be used on Android (default false)
* @property overrideAugmentedRealityAlphaLevel
b.overrideAugmentedRealityAlphaLevel = false;
* Check if the current browser is supported by the BridgeIt Native Mobile app.
* Currently iOS, Android, and some features on Windows Phone 8 are supported.
* @param {String} command The BridgeIt API command that may or may not be supported
* @alias plugin.isSupportedPlatform
b.isSupportedPlatform = function(command){
if( 'register' == command ){
return true; //do not check platform for cloud push registration
var supported = false;
if( android ){
if( supportedAndroid ){
if( 'aug' == command ){
supported = b.overrideAugmentedRealityAlphaLevel;
supported = true;
else if( wp8 ){
return supportMatrix['wp8'][commands.indexOf(command)];
else if( iOS ){
if( iPhone ){
if( iOS6 ){
return supportMatrix['iPhone']['6'][commands.indexOf(command)];
else if( iOS7 ){
return supportMatrix['iPhone']['7'][commands.indexOf(command)];
else {
if( iOS6 ){
return supportMatrix['iPad-iPod']['6'][commands.indexOf(command)];
else if( iOS7 ){
return supportMatrix['iPad-iPod']['7'][commands.indexOf(command)];
console.log("bridgeIt supported platform for '" + command + "' command: " + supported);
return supported;
* Returns the app store URL to BridgeIt for the appropirate platform
* @alias plugin.appStoreURL
b.appStoreURL = function(){
if( b.isAndroid() ) {
return '';
else if( b.isIOS() ) {
return '';
else if( b.isWindowsPhone8() ) {
return '';
var jguid;
* Returns a persistent id that allows an application to persistently maintain information for
* an individual user without requiring a server-side session.
* @alias plugin.getId
b.getId = function() {
var JGUID_KEY = "bridgeit.jguid";
if (!jguid) {
if (localStorage) {
jguid = localStorage.getItem(JGUID_KEY);
if (!jguid) {
jguid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g,
function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
if (localStorage) {
localStorage.setItem(JGUID_KEY, jguid);
return jguid;
* Set goBridgeItURL to the URL of your goBridgeIt.html file
* to allow {@link bridgeit#push Cloud Push} to go back to the most recent page
* The defaults of the host root and the current relative
* directory URL do not need to be specified. For an example, see
* @property {String} [goBridgeItURL]
b.goBridgeItURL = null;
var CLOUD_CALLBACKS_KEY = "bridgeit.cloudcallbacks";
* Public callback used by Cloud Push implementation
* to relay push event to a newly opened browser window.
* This API is not for application use.
* @alias plugin.handleCloudPush
* @private
b.handleCloudPush = function () {
var callbacks = localStorage.getItem(CLOUD_CALLBACKS_KEY);
var parts = callbacks.split(" ");
var callback;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
callback = getNamedObject(parts[i]);
if (callback) {
* Configure Push service and connect to it.
* @alias plugin.usePushService
* @param uri the location of the service
* @param apikey
b.usePushService = function(uri, apikey) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
loadPushService(uri, apikey);
}, 1);
* Add listner for notifications belonging to the specified group.
* Callbacks must be passed by name to receive cloud push notifications,
* regardless of bridgeit.allowAnonymousCallbacks setting
* @param group
* @param callback
* @alias plugin.addPushListener
b.addPushListener = function(group, callback) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
addPushListenerImpl(group, callback);
}, 1);
* Augment a URL so that callbacks will be invoked upon Cloud Push
* return.
* If called with no argument, the current URL is used.
* @param url
* @alias plugin.cloudPushReturnURL
b.cloudPushReturnURL = function(url) {
if (!url) {
if (localStorage) {
url = localStorage[LAST_PAGE_KEY];
if (!url) {
url = window.location.href;
var seq = (new Date()).getTime();
var urlExtra =
btoa("!h=" + escape("c=bridgeit.handleCloudPush&seq=" + seq));
urlExtra = urlExtra.replace(/=/g,"~");
urlExtra = urlExtra.replace(/\//g,".");
var returnURL = url + "#icemobilesx_" + urlExtra;
return returnURL;
* Push notification to the group.
* This will result in an Ajax Push (and associated callback)
* to any web pages that have added a push listener to the
* specified group. If Cloud Push options are provided
* (options.subject and options.detail) a Cloud Push will
* be dispatched as a home screen notification to any devices
* unable to recieve the Ajax Push via the web page.
* @param {String} groupName The Ajax Push group name to push to
* @param {Object} options Options that a notification can carry
* @param {String} options.subject The subject heading for the notification
* @param {String} options.message The message text to be sent in the notification body
* @alias plugin.push
b.push = function(groupName, options) {
if (!absoluteGoBridgeItURL) {
if (!!bridgeit.goBridgeItURL) {
absoluteGoBridgeItURL = getAbsoluteURL(bridgeit.goBridgeItURL);
if (!!absoluteGoBridgeItURL) {
if (options && !options.url) {
options.url = absoluteGoBridgeItURL;
if (ice && ice.push && ice.push.configuration.contextPath) {
console.log("bridgeit.push " + JSON.stringify(options));
if (options && options.delay) {
ice.push.notify(groupName, options, options);
} else {
ice.push.notify(groupName, options);
} else {
console.error('Push service is not active');
//android functions as full page load
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