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Created April 23, 2013 19:03
Troubleshooting Zebra_Form with password comparison
function ne_explorer_signup_form() {
//ZF Library
$form = new Zebra_Form('explorer-signup', 'POST');
$form->add('label', 'label_firstname', 'explorer_firstname', 'Your name');
$field = $form->add('text', 'explorer_firstname');
'required' => array('error', 'Name is required'),
'alphabet' => array('.,\'', 'error', 'Letters only please!'),
'length' => array(2, 20, 'error', '20 character max'),
$field = $form->add('text', 'explorer_lastname');
'required' => array('error', 'Name is required'),
'alphabet' => array('.,\'', 'error', 'Letters only please!'),
'length' => array(2, 20, 'error', '20 character max'),
$form->add('label', 'label_username', 'explorer_username', 'Pick a username');
$field = $form->add('text', 'explorer_username');
'required' => array('error', 'Username required'),
'alphanumeric' => array('', 'error', 'Numbers and letters only!'),
'length' => array(4, 20, 'error', 'Between 4 and 20 characters'),
$form->add('label', 'label_email', 'explorer_email', 'Email Address');
$field = $form->add('text', 'explorer_email');
'required' => array('error', 'Email address is required'),
'email' => array('error', 'Not a valid email'),
$form->add('label', 'label_password', 'explorer_password', 'Choose a password');
$field = $form->add('password', 'explorer_password');
'required' => array('error', 'Password is required'),
'length' => array(7, 0, 'error', 'More than 7 characters, please!'),
$form->add('label', 'label_password_confirm', 'explorer_password_confirm', 'Confirm your password');
$field = $form->add('password', 'explorer_password_confirm');
'compare' => array('explorer_password', 'error', 'Passwords must match!'),
$form->add('label', 'label_captcha', 'explorer_captcha', 'Spam Prevention');
$field = $form->add('captcha', 'explorer_captcha');
$field = $form->add('text', 'explorer_captcha_solution');
'required' => array('error', 'Please prove you\'re not a robot!'),
'captcha' => array('error', 'Please try again'),
$form->add('submit', 'explorer_submit', 'Create your profile');
//Server side validation
if( $form->validate() ) {
//Form passed validation
//Show the form
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