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Last active September 15, 2016 11:51
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Currying and chaining funcs and actions together in C#
public static class FunctionalBindingExtensions
public static Action<T2> Bind<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return action.Bind(getValueFunc());
public static Action<T1> Bind<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, Func<T2> getValueFunc)
return action.Bind(getValueFunc());
public static Action<T2> Bind<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, T1 value)
return openArg => action(value, openArg);
public static Action<T1> Bind<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, T2 value)
return openArg => action(openArg, value);
public static Action Bind<T1>(this Action<T1> action, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return () => action(getValueFunc());
public static Action Bind<T1>(this Action<T1> action, T1 value)
return () => action(value);
public static Func<T1, TResult> BindFirst<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, T1, TResult> func, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return openArg => func(getValueFunc(), openArg);
public static Func<T1, TResult> BindFirst<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, T1, TResult> func, T1 value)
return openArg => func(value, openArg);
public static Func<T1, TResult> BindSecond<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, T1, TResult> func, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return openArg => func(openArg, getValueFunc());
public static Func<T1, TResult> BindSecond<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, T1, TResult> func, T1 value)
return openArg => func(openArg, value);
public static Func<T2, TResult> Bind<T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T1, T2, TResult> func, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return func.Bind(getValueFunc());
public static Func<T2, TResult> Bind<T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T1, T2, TResult> func, T1 value)
return openArg => func(value, openArg);
public static Func<T1, TResult> Bind<T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T1, T2, TResult> func, Func<T2> getValueFunc)
return func.Bind(getValueFunc());
public static Func<T1, TResult> Bind<T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T1, T2, TResult> func, T2 value)
return openArg => func(openArg, value);
public static Func<TResult> Bind<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, TResult> func, Func<T1> getValueFunc)
return func.Bind(getValueFunc());
public static Func<TResult> Bind<T1, TResult>(this Func<T1, TResult> func, T1 value)
return () => func(value);
public static class FunctionalExtensions
public static Func<T2> Combine<T1, T2>(this Func<T1> firstFunc, Func<T1, T2> secondFunc)
return () => secondFunc(firstFunc());
public static Func<T1, T3> Combine<T1, T2, T3>(this Func<T1, T2> firstFunc, Func<T2, T3> secondFunc)
return firstArg => secondFunc(firstFunc(firstArg));
public static Action<T1> Combine<T1>(this Action<T1> firstAction, Action<T1> secondAction)
return arg =>
public static Action Combine(this Action firstAction, Action secondAction)
return () =>
public static Action<T2, T3> Do<T1, T2, T3>(this Func<T1> func, Func<T1, Action<T2, T3>> createAction)
return createAction(func());
public static Func<T1> Do<T1>(this Func<T1> func, Action<T1> applyAction)
return () =>
var result = func();
return result;
public static Func<T2> Return<T1, T2>(this Func<T1> func, Func<T1, T2> transformFunc)
return () => transformFunc(func());
public static class Instance
public static Func<T> Of<T>()
where T : new()
return () => new T();
public static Func<T1> Of<T1>(this T1 instance)
return () => instance;
// Here's how you use it:
public class Person
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Currying example - first declare the original Func
Func<int, int, int> add = (a, b) => a + b;
// Convert the func into a Func<int, int> and bind '2' to the first parameter
var addTwo = add.BindFirst(2);
var alwaysReturnFour = addTwo.Bind(2);
// This will print "4"
var person = new Person {Age = 18, Name = "John Smith"};
// Create the chain of actions to execute against the target person object
var printNameAndAge = Instance.Of(person)
.Do(p => Console.WriteLine("My name is {0}", p.Name))
.Do(p=>Console.WriteLine("My age is: {0}", p.Age));
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
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