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Last active February 22, 2020 12:18
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OpenGLAM presentation (for use with MARP) for HACKS&TOOLS meets #OERcamp
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Open Galleries Libraries Archives Museums

“Housewives! Save Waste Fats for Explosives!”

MOMA vs. Google

Metacrap ?!

Die Suche nach offenen Inhalten ist aufwendig. Leider insbesondere dort, wo sie erleichtert werden sollte.

Visitenkarte für GLAMs


z.B. The Met(ropolitan Museum of Art)

…in Hamburg, zum Beispiel

…und im Rest der Welt


(Weitere Sammlungen zusammengetragen und kommentiert z.B. bei

IIIF: (UV-)Licht am Ende des Tunnels?

International Image Interoperability Framework

Access to image-based resources is fundamental to research, scholarship and the transmission of cultural knowledge. Digital images are a container for much of the information content in the Web-based delivery of images, books, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, scrolls, single sheet collections, and archival materials. Yet much of the Internet’s image-based resources are locked up in silos, with access restricted to bespoke, locally built applications.

SDC: Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons

Since 2019, the free media files on Wikimedia Commons can be enhanced with structured data.

Structured data on Wikimedia Commons is multilingual information about a media file that can be understood by humans, with enough consistency that it can also be uniformly processed by machines. Files on Wikimedia Commons can be described with multilingual concepts from Wikidata, Wikimedia's knowledge base.

…for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums

Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons benefits cultural heritage data: Wikimedia Commons files can be described with structured, machine-readable and multilingual metadata (Linked Open Data), structured copyright and attribution information, and rich APIs.

Danke für Eure Aufmerksamkeit!


Philipp Geisler

Wikipedia/Wikidata: p.geisler Twitter/Insta: @zelpst

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
OpenGLAM: „Kulturdaten“ als OER von Philipp Geisler ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz.

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