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Last active June 7, 2019 08:12
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Simple GraphJet
package segments;
import java.util.*;
public class AdjacencyList {
private static final int[] NODE_THRESHOLDS;
static {
NODE_THRESHOLDS = new int[32];
for (int i = 1; i < NODE_THRESHOLDS.length; i++) {
NODE_THRESHOLDS[i] += Math.pow(2, i);
private final int expectedNodes;
private final IdEncoder encoder;
private final List<EdgePool> edgePools = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> adjacencyList;
private final Map<Integer, Integer> cardinalities;
public AdjacencyList(int expectedNodes) {
this.expectedNodes = expectedNodes;
this.encoder = new IdEncoder();
adjacencyList = new HashMap<>();
cardinalities = new HashMap<>();
public void addEdge(int sourceNode, int target, byte edgeType) {
int encodedEdge = encoder.encode(target, edgeType);
List<Integer> poolPositions = adjacencyList.getOrDefault(sourceNode, new ArrayList<>(4));
int currentPool = poolPositions.size() - 1;
// Load cardinality for node to calculate position in pool
int cardinality = cardinalities.getOrDefault(sourceNode, 0);
int poolIndex = getPoolForCardinality(cardinality) - 1;
if (poolIndex > (edgePools.size() - 1)) {
// We need a new pool
int slicePosition;
if (poolIndex == currentPool && poolPositions.size() > 0) {
// There is a current slice and there is still space in it
slicePosition = poolPositions.get(currentPool);
} else {
// We need to create a new slice
slicePosition = edgePools.get(poolIndex).getNewSlicePosition();
EdgePool pool = edgePools.get(poolIndex);
int positionInSlice = cardinality - NODE_THRESHOLDS[poolIndex];
pool.addToSlice(slicePosition, positionInSlice, encodedEdge);
adjacencyList.put(sourceNode, poolPositions);
cardinalities.put(sourceNode, cardinality + 1);
public int[] getRightNodes(int sourceNode) {
List<Integer> slices = adjacencyList.get(sourceNode);
int cardinality = cardinalities.get(sourceNode);
int[] nodes = new int[cardinality];
int nodeCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
EdgePool pool = edgePools.get(i);
int[] slice = pool.getSlice(slices.get(i));
// Convert bitpacked edges to vertex only
int nodesLeft = cardinality - nodeCount;
for (int s = 0; s < slice.length && s < nodesLeft; s++) {
int decoded = encoder.decodeNode(slice[s]);
nodes[(nodeCount + s)] = encoder.decodeNode(decoded);
nodeCount += slice.length;
return nodes;
void addEdgePool(int expectedNodes) {
int currentPools = edgePools.size();
// Slice sizes scale 2^(pools + 1): 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
int sliceSize = (int) Math.pow(2, 1 + currentPools);
// Number of slices per pool scale n / 2^(pools - 1): n, n/2, n/4, n/8...
int slices = (int) (expectedNodes / Math.pow(2, currentPools - 1));
// Create a edge pool
edgePools.add(new EdgePool(slices, sliceSize));
int getPoolForCardinality(int cardinality) {
// Todo: Make faster with lookup table:
return (int) Math.floor(Math.log(cardinality + 2) / Math.log(2));
package segments;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Holds all adjacency list slices for one size
public class EdgePool {
private final int sliceSize;
private final int numberOfSlices;
private final int[] slices;
private int currentSlice;
public EdgePool(int sliceCount, int sliceSize) {
this.numberOfSlices = sliceCount;
this.sliceSize = sliceSize;
this.slices = new int[sliceCount * sliceSize];
public void addToSlice(int slice, int position, int encodedEdge) {
if (slice > numberOfSlices) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No segment at position " + slice);
// We iterated into next slice.
if (position - (slice * sliceSize) >= sliceSize) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Segment at position " + slice + "is full in this pool.");
slices[position] = encodedEdge;
public int[] getSlice(int position) {
int i = position * sliceSize;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(slices, i, i + sliceSize);
public int getNewSlicePosition() {
return currentSlice;
public int getSliceSize() {
return sliceSize;
package segments;
public class IdEncoder {
private static final int EDGE_TYPE_BITS = Byte.BYTES * 8;
private static final int ALLOWED_NODE_BITS = (Integer.BYTES * 8) - EDGE_TYPE_BITS;
public IdEncoder() {
public int encode(int node, byte edgeType) {
if (node >>> ALLOWED_NODE_BITS > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("The node needs to be less than %d bits long.", ALLOWED_NODE_BITS));
return (edgeType << ALLOWED_NODE_BITS) | node;
public byte decodeEdgeType(int encodedEdge) {
return (byte) (encodedEdge >>> ALLOWED_NODE_BITS);
public int decodeNode(int encodedEdge) {
return ((encodedEdge << EDGE_TYPE_BITS) >> EDGE_TYPE_BITS);
package segments;
* Left side of bipartite graph, contains references to outgoing edges.
public class WriteableSegment {
private final AdjacencyList adjacencyList;
public WriteableSegment(int expectedNodes) {
this.adjacencyList = new AdjacencyList(expectedNodes);
public void insert(int sourceNode, int targetEdge, byte edgeType) {
adjacencyList.addEdge(sourceNode, targetEdge, edgeType);
public int[] getRightEdges(int sourceNode) {
return adjacencyList.getRightNodes(sourceNode);
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