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Philipp Münch philippmuench

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philippmuench /
Created July 13, 2023 14:06
check for malformed file
import os
import argparse
import random
def is_fasta(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
first_line = f.readline().strip()
if not first_line:
return 'empty'
## app.R ##
title: "GenomeNet Viewer"
orientation: rows
social: menu
theme: united #cerulean
source_code: embed
runtime: shiny
philippmuench / gist:6b9bbb9f9f987ab22efb573f9f19160f
Created August 3, 2020 13:39
train for wavenet binary target
#' @title Trains a (mostly) LSTM model on genomic data. Designed for developing genome based language models (GenomeNet)
#' @description
#' Depth and number of neurons per layer of the netwok can be specified. First layer can be a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that is designed to capture codons.
#' If a path to a folder where FASTA files are located is provided, batches will ge generated using an external generator which
#' is recommended for big training sets. Alternative, a dataset can be supplied that holds the preprocessed batches (generated by \code{preprocessSemiRedundant()})
#' and keeps them in RAM. Supports also training on instances with multiple GPUs and scales linear with number of GPUs present.
#' @param train_type Either "lm" for language model, "label_header" or "label_folder". Language model is trained to predict next character in sequence.
#' label_header/label_folder are trained to predict a corresponding class, given a sequence as input. If "label_header", class will be read from f
trainMinimalFunctionalAPI <- function(path = "example_files/fasta") {
message("Initialize model! This can take a few minutes.")
maxlen <- 1000
input <- keras::layer_input(batch_shape = c(64, maxlen, 6))
first <- keras::layer_conv_1d(
trainMinimalFunctionalAPI <- function(path = "example_files/fasta") {
message("Initialize model! This can take a few minutes.")
input <- keras::layer_input(batch_shape = c(256, 50, 6))
cnn <-
object = input,
kernel_size = 3,
The Human Microbiome Project Consortium
Curtis Huttenhower, Dirk Gevers, Rob Knight, Sahar Abubucker, Jonathan H. Badger, Asif T. Chinwalla, Heather H. Creasy, Ashlee M. Earl, Michael G. FitzGerald, Robert S. Fulton, Michelle G. Giglio, Kymberlie Hallsworth-Pepin, Elizabeth A. Lobos, Ramana Madupu, Vincent Magrini, John C. Martin, Makedonka Mitreva, Donna M. Muzny, Erica J. Sodergren, James Versalovic, Aye M. Wollam, Kim C. Worley, Jennifer R. Wortman, Sarah K. Young, Qiandong Zeng, Kjersti M. Aagaard, Olukemi O. Abolude, Emma Allen-Vercoe, Eric J. Alm, Lucia Alvarado, Gary L. Andersen, Scott Anderson, Elizabeth Appelbaum, Harindra M. Arachchi, Gary Armitage, Cesar A. Arze, Tulin Ayvaz, Carl C. Baker, Lisa Begg, Tsegahiwot Belachew, Veena Bhonagiri, Monika Bihan, Martin J. Blaser, Toby Bloom, Vivien Bonazzi, J. Paul Brooks, Gregory A. Buck, Christian J. Buhay, Dana A. Busam, Joseph L. Campbell, Shane R. Canon, Brandi L. Cantarel, Patrick S. G. Chain, I-Min A. Chen, Lei Chen, Shaila Chhibba, Ken Chu, Dawn M. C
tensorflow::install_tensorflow(version="1.12.0-gpu", method = "conda", conda_python_version = "2.7")
hist <- trainNetwork(path = "/scratch/pmuench/crispr_refseq/with_crispr", use.cudnn = F, use.codon.cnn = F, maxlen = 80, batch.size = 500, "CrisprNet_v1_no_cnn", epochs = 50, steps.per.epoch = 1000, layers.lstm = 3, max.queue.size = 100, dropout.rate = 0.15, layer.size = 5, vocabulary.size = 5)
# ValueError: No data provided for "lstm_input". Need data for each key in: ['lstm_input']
# requirement: anaconda
conda install virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/deepG_env
source ~/deepG_env/bin/activate
# deepG is tested with tensorflow 1.14
pip3 install
pip3 install keras
# setup cuda, required is cuda10 and cudnn 7.4
conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit
philippmuench /
Last active August 12, 2019 18:21
installation of CRISPRCasFinder
unzip DownloadFile?
cd CRISPRCasFinder
# install perl modules
curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 local::lib && eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
cpanm JSON::Parse
# install prodigal