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Last active April 25, 2019 21:54
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CNCF May Governing Board meeting

Hello CNCF Project Maintainers,

Michelle Noorali and I represent developers working on CNCF projects to the CNCF governing board (GB). The next GB meeting is May 20th in Barcelona; Michelle will be attending.

If you have any business that you would like us to raise at this meeting please email us off list or file an issue. The deadline is May 13th so there is time to prepare.

Since our last meeting Michelle and I have worked on a number of topics:

The CNCF can only be as successful as its projects; so if you feel there is something the CNCF could be doing to make the developers on your project more successful please let us know.

Thank You,

Michelle and Brandon

P.S. As a reminder about the role of the CNCF Governing Board: "The CNCF Governing Board (GB) will be responsible for marketing and other business oversight and budget decisions for the CNCF. The GB does not make technical decisions for the CNCF, other than working with the TOC to set the overall scope for the CNCF. "

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