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Last active July 27, 2020 21:49
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object Main extends App {
" SCALA FP COMBINATORS CODE KATA - start with expression 'ma flatMap f' and keep refactoring it by "
" applying each of the following rewrite rules in turn, until you get back to 'ma flatMap f' "
'①'; " flatmap can be defined in terms of map and flatten ......................................" ;'①'
'②'; " map can be defined in terms of flatMap and pure ........................................." ;'②'
'③'; " flatten can be defined in terms of flatMap and identity ................................." ;'③'
'④'; " chained flatMaps are equivalent to nested flatMaps (flatMap associativity law) .........." ;'④'
'⑤'; " Kleisli composition can be defined in terms of flatMap (apply this the other way around) " ;'⑤'
'⑥'; " the identity function can be defined in terms of flatten and pure ......................." ;'⑥'
'⑦'; " pure followed by flatten cancel each other out .........................................." ;'⑦'
'⑧'; " pure is the identity function for Kleisli composition, so (f >=> pure) is the same as f.." ;'⑧'
/////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
'①'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma map f flatten) ) ;'①'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma map f flatten) )
'②'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap (pure compose f) flatten) ) ;'②'; assert((ma map f) == (ma flatMap (pure compose f)))
'③'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap (pure compose f) flatMap identity) ) ;'③'; assert((mma flatten) == (mma flatMap identity) )
'④'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap (a => (pure compose f)(a) flatMap identity)) ) ;'④'; assert(((ma flatMap f) flatMap g) == (ma flatMap (a => f(a) flatMap g)))
'⑤'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap ((pure compose f) >=> identity)) ) ;'⑤'; assert((f >=> g)(n) == ((a:Int) => f(a) flatMap g)(n))
'⑥'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap ((pure compose f) >=> (flatten compose pure)))) ;'⑥'; assert(identity(ma) == (flatten compose pure[List[Int]])(ma) )
'⑦'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap (f >=> pure)) ) ;'⑦'; // pure followed by flatten cancel each other out
'⑧'; assert((ma flatMap f) == (ma flatMap f) ) ;'⑧'; assert(((f >=> pure)(n)) == f(n))
`🏆`; assert((ma flatMap f) == List(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) ) ;`🏆`; // back to the original expression: well done!
lazy val n : Int = 3
lazy val ma : List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
lazy val mma : List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
lazy val f : (Int) => List[Int] = x => List(x, x, x)
lazy val g : (Int) => List[Int] = x => List(x, x, x)
def pure[A]: A => List[A] = List(_)
def flatten[A]: List[List[A]] => List[A] = _ flatten
implicit class ListFunctionOps[A,B](f:A=>List[B] ) {
def >=>[C](g: B => List[C]): A => List[C] =
a => f(a).foldRight(List[C]())((b, cs) => g(b) ++ cs)
val `🏆` = "well done!";
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