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Created February 2, 2022 19:37
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////////// model_training_walkthrough.ipynb
// ========================================================
import TensorFlow
import PythonKit
import Foundation
import FoundationNetworking
func download(from sourceString: String, to destinationString: String) {
let source = URL(string: sourceString)!
let destination = URL(fileURLWithPath: destinationString)
let data = try! Data.init(contentsOf: source)
try! data.write(to: destination)
let trainDataFilename = "iris_training.csv"
download(from: "", to: trainDataFilename)
let f =
for _ in 0..<5 {
let featureNames = ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"]
let labelName = "species"
let columnNames = featureNames + [labelName]
// print("Features: \(featureNames)")
// print("Label: \(labelName)")
let classNames = ["Iris setosa", "Iris versicolor", "Iris virginica"]
let batchSize = 32
/// A batch of examples from the iris dataset.
struct IrisBatch {
/// [batchSize, featureCount] tensor of features.
let features: Tensor<Float>
/// [batchSize] tensor of labels.
let labels: Tensor<Int32>
/// Conform `IrisBatch` to `Collatable` so that we can load it into a `TrainingEpoch`.
extension IrisBatch: Collatable {
public init<BatchSamples: Collection>(collating samples: BatchSamples)
where BatchSamples.Element == Self {
/// `IrisBatch`es are collated by stacking their feature and label tensors
/// along the batch axis to produce a single feature and label tensor
features = Tensor<Float>(stacking:{$0.features})
labels = Tensor<Int32>(stacking:{$0.labels})
/// Initialize an `IrisBatch` dataset from a CSV file.
func loadIrisDatasetFromCSV(
contentsOf: String, hasHeader: Bool, featureColumns: [Int], labelColumns: [Int]) -> [IrisBatch] {
let np = Python.import("numpy")
let featuresNp = np.loadtxt(
delimiter: ",",
skiprows: hasHeader ? 1 : 0,
usecols: featureColumns,
dtype: Float.numpyScalarTypes.first!)
guard let featuresTensor = Tensor<Float>(numpy: featuresNp) else {
// This should never happen, because we construct featuresNp in such a
// way that it should be convertible to tensor.
fatalError("np.loadtxt result can't be converted to Tensor")
let labelsNp = np.loadtxt(
delimiter: ",",
skiprows: hasHeader ? 1 : 0,
usecols: labelColumns,
dtype: Int32.numpyScalarTypes.first!)
guard let labelsTensor = Tensor<Int32>(numpy: labelsNp) else {
// This should never happen, because we construct labelsNp in such a
// way that it should be convertible to tensor.
fatalError("np.loadtxt result can't be converted to Tensor")
return zip(featuresTensor.unstacked(), labelsTensor.unstacked()).map{IrisBatch(features: $0.0, labels: $0.1)}
let trainingDataset: [IrisBatch] = loadIrisDatasetFromCSV(contentsOf: trainDataFilename,
hasHeader: true,
featureColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3],
labelColumns: [4])
let trainingEpochs: TrainingEpochs = TrainingEpochs(samples: trainingDataset, batchSize: batchSize)
let firstTrainEpoch =!
let firstTrainBatch = firstTrainEpoch.first!.collated
let firstTrainFeatures = firstTrainBatch.features
let firstTrainLabels = firstTrainBatch.labels
// print("First batch of features: \(firstTrainFeatures)")
// print("firstTrainFeatures.shape: \(firstTrainFeatures.shape)")
// print("First batch of labels: \(firstTrainLabels)")
// print("firstTrainLabels.shape: \(firstTrainLabels.shape)")
let firstTrainFeaturesTransposed = firstTrainFeatures.transposed()
let petalLengths = firstTrainFeaturesTransposed[2].scalars
let sepalLengths = firstTrainFeaturesTransposed[0].scalars
import TensorFlow
let hiddenSize: Int = 10
struct IrisModel: Layer {
var layer1 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 4, outputSize: hiddenSize, activation: relu)
var layer2 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: hiddenSize, outputSize: hiddenSize, activation: relu)
var layer3 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: hiddenSize, outputSize: 3)
func callAsFunction(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
return input.sequenced(through: layer1, layer2, layer3)
var model = IrisModel()
// Apply the model to a batch of features.
let firstTrainPredictions = model(firstTrainFeatures)
print("Prediction: \(firstTrainPredictions.argmax(squeezingAxis: 1))")
print(" Labels: \(firstTrainLabels)")
let untrainedLogits = model(firstTrainFeatures)
let untrainedLoss = softmaxCrossEntropy(logits: untrainedLogits, labels: firstTrainLabels)
print("Loss test: \(untrainedLoss)")
let optimizer = SGD(for: model, learningRate: 0.01)
let (loss, grads) = valueWithGradient(at: model) { model -> Tensor<Float> in
let logits = model(firstTrainFeatures)
return softmaxCrossEntropy(logits: logits, labels: firstTrainLabels)
print("Current loss: \(loss)")
optimizer.update(&model, along: grads)
let logitsAfterOneStep = model(firstTrainFeatures)
let lossAfterOneStep = softmaxCrossEntropy(logits: logitsAfterOneStep, labels: firstTrainLabels)
print("Next loss: \(lossAfterOneStep)")
let epochCount = 500
var trainAccuracyResults: [Float] = []
var trainLossResults: [Float] = []
func accuracy(predictions: Tensor<Int32>, truths: Tensor<Int32>) -> Float {
return Tensor<Float>(predictions .== truths).mean().scalarized()
for (epochIndex, epoch) in trainingEpochs.prefix(epochCount).enumerated() {
var epochLoss: Float = 0
var epochAccuracy: Float = 0
var batchCount: Int = 0
for batchSamples in epoch {
let batch = batchSamples.collated
let (loss, grad) = valueWithGradient(at: model) { (model: IrisModel) -> Tensor<Float> in
let logits = model(batch.features)
return softmaxCrossEntropy(logits: logits, labels: batch.labels)
optimizer.update(&model, along: grad)
let logits = model(batch.features)
epochAccuracy += accuracy(predictions: logits.argmax(squeezingAxis: 1), truths: batch.labels)
epochLoss += loss.scalarized()
batchCount += 1
epochAccuracy /= Float(batchCount)
epochLoss /= Float(batchCount)
if epochIndex % 50 == 0 {
print("Epoch \(epochIndex): Loss: \(epochLoss), Accuracy: \(epochAccuracy)")
let testDataFilename = "iris_test.csv"
download(from: "", to: testDataFilename)
let testDataset = loadIrisDatasetFromCSV(
contentsOf: testDataFilename, hasHeader: true,
featureColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3], labelColumns: [4]).inBatches(of: batchSize)
// NOTE: Only a single batch will run in the loop since the batchSize we're using is larger than the test set size
for batchSamples in testDataset {
let batch = batchSamples.collated
let logits = model(batch.features)
let predictions = logits.argmax(squeezingAxis: 1)
print("Test batch accuracy: \(accuracy(predictions: predictions, truths: batch.labels))")
let firstTestBatch = testDataset.first!.collated
let firstTestBatchLogits = model(firstTestBatch.features)
let firstTestBatchPredictions = firstTestBatchLogits.argmax(squeezingAxis: 1)
let unlabeledDataset: Tensor<Float> =
[[5.1, 3.3, 1.7, 0.5],
[5.9, 3.0, 4.2, 1.5],
[6.9, 3.1, 5.4, 2.1]]
let unlabeledDatasetPredictions = model(unlabeledDataset)
for i in 0..<unlabeledDatasetPredictions.shape[0] {
let logits = unlabeledDatasetPredictions[i]
let classIdx = logits.argmax().scalar!
print("Example \(i) prediction: \(classNames[Int(classIdx)]) (\(softmax(logits)))")
////////// raw_tensorFlow_operators.ipynb
// ========================================================
// I don't know if this one works; I commented it out for some reason.
import TensorFlow
print(_Raw.mul(Tensor([2.0, 3.0]), Tensor([5.0, 6.0])))
infix operator .* : MultiplicationPrecedence
extension Tensor where Scalar: Numeric {
@differentiable(reverse where Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint)
static func .* (_ lhs: Tensor, _ rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor {
return _Raw.mul(lhs, rhs)
extension Tensor where Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint {
@derivative(of: .*)
static func multiplyDerivative(
_ lhs: Tensor, _ rhs: Tensor
) -> (value: Tensor, pullback: (Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor)) {
return (lhs * rhs, { v in
((rhs * v).unbroadcasted(to: lhs.shape),
(lhs * v).unbroadcasted(to: rhs.shape))
let x: Tensor<Double> = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
let y: Tensor<Double> = [[8.0, 7.0], [6.0, 5.0]]
print(x .* y)
print(gradient(at: x, y) { x, y in
(x .* y).sum()
// this isn't a separate tutorial, but run it as its own script anyway
// ========================================================
import TensorFlow
let matrix = Tensor<Float>([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print(_Raw.matMul(matrix, matrix, transposeA: true, transposeB: true))
print(_Raw.matMul(matrix, matrix, transposeA: true, transposeB: false))
print(_Raw.matMul(matrix, matrix, transposeA: false, transposeB: true))
print(_Raw.matMul(matrix, matrix, transposeA: false, transposeB: false))
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