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Created June 1, 2024 03:06
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import Foundation
import HDL
import MM4
import Numerics
import OpenMM
func createGeometry() -> [Entity] {
// Create the compiled structure.
var hexagon = Hexagon()
hexagon.minimize() [0, 0, -2])
// Render the minimized structure.
// Minimization is a necessary step before running an MD simulation. Every
// part needs to be minimized. Equilibriation, on the other hand, can either
// be very cheap or neglected (if working at ~0 K). I've found a way to get
// useful equilibriation at 273 K with only 1 ps of simulation.
return hexagon.topology.atoms
struct Hexagon {
var topology: Topology
init() {
let lattice = Self.createLattice()
topology = Self.createTopology(lattice: lattice)
static func createLattice() -> Lattice<Hexagonal> {
Lattice<Hexagonal> { h, k, l in
let h2k = h + 2 * k
Bounds { 16 * h + 10 * h2k + 2 * l }
Material { .elemental(.carbon) }
Volume {
Origin { 8 * h + 5 * h2k }
var directions: [SIMD3<Float>] = []
directions.append(k + h)
directions.append(-k - h)
for direction in directions {
Convex {
Origin { 5 * direction }
Plane { direction }
Replace { .empty }
static func createTopology(lattice: Lattice<Hexagonal>) -> Topology {
var topology = Topology()
topology.insert(atoms: lattice.atoms)
guard topology.bonds.count == .zero else {
fatalError("The topology should not have any bonds yet.")
// Encapsulate 'insertedBonds' in a scope. This way, you cannot reference
// the variable name (by accident) later in the code.
do {
let matches = topology.match(
topology.atoms, algorithm: .covalentBondLength(1.5))
var insertedBonds: [SIMD2<UInt32>] = []
for i in topology.atoms.indices {
for j in matches[i] where i < j {
let bond = SIMD2(UInt32(i), UInt32(j))
topology.insert(bonds: insertedBonds)
guard topology.bonds.count > .zero else {
fatalError("No bonds were added.")
// Encapsulate 'nonbondingOrbitals', 'insertedAtoms', and 'insertedBonds'
// within their own scope, so they will be deleted as soon as they're not
// relevant.
do {
// 'nonbondingOrbitals' is a list of lists.
let nonbondingOrbitals = topology.nonbondingOrbitals(hybridization: .sp3)
var insertedAtoms: [Entity] = []
var insertedBonds: [SIMD2<UInt32>] = []
for atomID in topology.atoms.indices {
let carbon = topology.atoms[atomID]
let carbonPosition = carbon.position
// Here, you have fetched a list from the 'list of lists'.
let orbitals = nonbondingOrbitals[atomID]
for orbital in orbitals {
// Get a rough estimate of the bond length. I often substitute this
// with precise values from the literature, or MM3/MM4 equilibrium
// bond lengths. Usually it doesn't matter too much, because
// minimization will relax it to the exact value.
let chBondLength = Element.carbon.covalentRadius +
// Position + Length * (Direction Vector)
// The direction vector is normalized (unit length), and
// 'chBondLength' effectively gives it a length.
let hydrogenPosition = carbonPosition + chBondLength * orbital
let hydrogen = Entity(
position: hydrogenPosition, type: .atom(.hydrogen))
// Predict the passivator's index in the topology, after the current
// atoms are merged with the 'inserted atoms'.
let hydrogenID = topology.atoms.count + insertedAtoms.count
let bond = SIMD2(UInt32(atomID), UInt32(hydrogenID))
topology.insert(atoms: insertedAtoms)
topology.insert(bonds: insertedBonds)
return topology
// Runs an energy minimization to relax the structure into the equilibrium
// position.
mutating func minimize() {
var paramsDesc = MM4ParametersDescriptor()
paramsDesc.atomicNumbers =\.atomicNumber)
paramsDesc.bonds = topology.bonds
let parameters = try! MM4Parameters(descriptor: paramsDesc)
var forceFieldDesc = MM4ForceFieldDescriptor()
forceFieldDesc.parameters = parameters
let forceField = try! MM4ForceField(descriptor: forceFieldDesc)
// When initialized, the forcefield knows nothing about the atom positions.
forceField.positions =\.position)
// The atoms shouldn't change much, because hexagonal diamond surfaces are
// already compiled in the ~equilibrium position. For cubic diamond (100)
// surfaces, you would see a much more noticeable change.
for atomID in parameters.atoms.indices {
var atom = topology.atoms[atomID]
let position = forceField.positions[atomID]
atom.position = position
topology.atoms[atomID] = atom
// Moves the center of mass to the specified position.
mutating func center(position centerPosition: SIMD3<Float>) {
// Accumulate in double precision to minimize rounding error.
var weightedCenterAccumulator: SIMD3<Double> = .zero
var massAccumulator: Double = .zero
// Iterate over the atoms.
for atomID in topology.atoms.indices {
let atom = topology.atoms[atomID]
// Approximate the atomic mass by using the atomic number (larger atoms
// are heavier). We don't have access to atomic masses this early on in
// compilation.
let mass = Float(atom.atomicNumber)
let position: SIMD3<Float> = atom.position
weightedCenterAccumulator += SIMD3<Double>(position * mass)
massAccumulator += Double(mass)
// Cast the final sum to single precision, because we don't need the extra
// precision anymore.
let weightedCenter = SIMD3<Float>(weightedCenterAccumulator)
let mass = Float(massAccumulator)
let centerOfMass = weightedCenter / mass
// Shift the center of mass to the origin.
for atomID in topology.atoms.indices {
var atom = topology.atoms[atomID]
atom.position -= centerOfMass
topology.atoms[atomID] = atom
// Shift the center of mass to the specified position.
for atomID in topology.atoms.indices {
var atom = topology.atoms[atomID]
atom.position += centerPosition
topology.atoms[atomID] = atom
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