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Last active July 22, 2024 23:47
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Calculate the number of floating-point operations in Stable Diffusion, and how those operations are distributed among layers
// main.swift
// CalculateDiffusion
// Created by Philip Turner on 6/2/23.
import Foundation
import QuartzCore
import MetalPerformanceShadersGraph
import Accelerate
// Parse the log from NNC:
// Use this visualization as a reference (if necessary):
// MARK: - Presentation Style
// Whether to force the results to pretend batch size was 1.
let forceBatch1: Bool = false
let expectedBatchSize: Int = 2
// Whether to show the theoretical minimum latency for 30 steps.
let showLatency: Bool = true
let flopsForLatency: Float = 10.616832e12
let ramBandwidthForLatency: Float = 409.6e9
let slcBandwidthForLatency: Float = 2 * 409.6e9
// Whether to convert total application latencies to it/s.
let showItersPerSecond: Bool = false
// How to present large integers
let showConciseMagnitude: Bool = false
// Whether to show float ops for each operation class.
let showExactComputeCost: Bool = false
// Whether to print the total number of operations involved in self-attention.
let showSelfAttention: Bool = false
// Whether to print for formatting in a Markdown document.
let cleanDisplay: Bool = true
let cleanDisplayWinograd: Bool = false
// MARK: - Simulation Hyperparameters
// Whether to increase the float ops to simulate real-world performance.
let simulateUtilization: Bool = true
let simulationFramework: MatrixUtilization.Framework = .mps
let simulationPrecision: MatrixUtilization.Precision = .f16
// Whether to simulate usage of the monolithic MFA kernel, which is slower than
// using fine-tuned block sizes. It also doesn't support fused transposes.
let useMonolithicKernel: Bool = true
// Whether to just run GEMM in MFA and Winograd in MPS.
let useWinogradMPS: Bool = true
// Whether to run MPSGraph benchmarks for Stable Diffusion convolutions.
let benchmarkMPSConvolution: Bool = false
let benchmarkMPSMFAGEMM: Bool = false
let benchmarkMPSSoftmax: Bool = false
let benchmarkMPSTranspose: Bool = false
let mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1: Bool = true
// Parameters for the GEMM benchmark
let benchmarkGEMM_useEnsemble: Bool = false
// The block size to use for monolithic. Change this to validate the
// correctness of each block size.
let benchmarkGEMM_monolithicVariant: BlockSizeVariant = .mfa32x32
enum BlockSizeVariant: CaseIterable {
case mps
case mfa16x16
case mfa32x32
case mfa48x48
func repr() -> String {
switch self {
case .mps:
return "MPS"
case .mfa16x16:
return "MFA (M=16)x(N=16)x(K=48,64)"
case .mfa32x32:
return "MFA (M=32)x(N=32)x(K=32)"
case .mfa48x48:
return "MFA (M=48)x(N=48)x(K=24,32)"
// MARK: - Temporary Extraction of Attention Operations
var num2x4096x320x320_GEMM = 0 // done
var num2x4096x320x320_bias_GEMM = 0 // done
var num2x4096x320_SCALAR_MUL = 0
var num2x8x4096x40_TRANSPOSE = 0
var num2x4096x8x40_TRANSPOSE = 0
var num2x4096x320_ADD = 0
var num1x4096x4096x40_GEMM = 0
var num1x4096x40x4096_GEMM = 0
var num4096x4096_SOFTMAX = 0
func countSelfAttention(operation: Operation) {
switch {
case "GEMM":
if operation.inputs.count >= 2 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 320],
operation.inputs[1].dimensions == [320, 320],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 320] {
if operation.inputs.count == 2 {
num2x4096x320x320_GEMM += 1
} else if operation.inputs.count == 3 {
if operation.inputs[2].dimensions == [320] {
num2x4096x320x320_bias_GEMM += 1
fatalError("Unrecognized operation: \(operation)")
if operation.inputs.count == 2 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [1, 4096, 40],
operation.inputs[1].dimensions == [1, 4096, 40],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [1, 4096, 4096] {
num1x4096x4096x40_GEMM += 1
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [1, 4096, 4096],
operation.inputs[1].dimensions == [1, 4096, 40],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [1, 4096, 40] {
num1x4096x40x4096_GEMM += 1
case "SCALAR_MUL":
if operation.inputs.count == 1 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 320],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 320] {
num2x4096x320_SCALAR_MUL += 1
if operation.inputs.count == 1 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 8, 40],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [2, 8, 4096, 40] {
num2x8x4096x40_TRANSPOSE += 1
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [2, 8, 4096, 40],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [2, 4096, 8, 40] {
num2x4096x8x40_TRANSPOSE += 1
case "ADD":
if operation.inputs.count == 2 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == operation.inputs[1].dimensions,
operation.inputs[1].dimensions == [2, 4096, 320],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == operation.inputs[0].dimensions {
num2x4096x320_ADD += 1
case "SOFTMAX":
if operation.inputs.count == 1 && operation.outputs.count == 1 {
if operation.inputs[0].dimensions == [4096, 4096],
operation.outputs[0].dimensions == [4096, 4096] {
num4096x4096_SOFTMAX += 1
func printSelfAttention() {
let sum = [
].reduce(0, +)
print("Kernel dispatches with MPS: \(sum)")
print("num2x4096x320x320_GEMM - \(num2x4096x320x320_GEMM)")
print("num2x4096x320x320_bias_GEMM - \(num2x4096x320x320_bias_GEMM)")
print("num2x4096x320_SCALAR_MUL - \(num2x4096x320_SCALAR_MUL)")
print("num2x8x4096x40_TRANSPOSE - \(num2x8x4096x40_TRANSPOSE)")
print("num2x4096x8x40_TRANSPOSE - \(num2x4096x8x40_TRANSPOSE)")
print("num2x4096x320_ADD - \(num2x4096x320_ADD)")
print("num1x4096x4096x40_GEMM - \(num1x4096x4096x40_GEMM)")
print("num1x4096x40x4096_GEMM - \(num1x4096x40x4096_GEMM)")
print("num4096x4096_SOFTMAX - \(num4096x4096_SOFTMAX)")
let numAttentionLayers = num1x4096x4096x40_GEMM / 8 / 2
print("Kernel dispatches with MFA: \(3 * numAttentionLayers)")
print("2x3x(M=320)x(N=4096)x(K=320)_HGEMM_BATCHED: \(numAttentionLayers)")
print("2x8x(D=40)x(R=4096)x(C=4096)_FLASH_ATTENTION_BATCHED: \(numAttentionLayers)")
print("2x1x(M=320)x(N=4096)x(K=320)_HGEMM_BATCHED: \(numAttentionLayers)")
// MARK: - Empirical Data
struct MatrixUtilization {
// proportion of maximum performance
var mpsF16: Float
var mpsF32: Float
var mfaF16: Float
var mfaF32: Float
enum Framework {
case mps
case mfa
var repr: String {
self == .mps ? "MPS" : "MFA"
enum Precision {
case f16
case f32
var repr: String {
self == .f16 ? "F16" : "F32"
// Print text that I can use directly as source code.
func initRepr() -> String {
let args: [(String, Float)] = [
("mpsF16", mpsF16),
("mpsF32", mpsF32),
("mfaF16", mfaF16),
("mfaF32", mfaF32),
let argReprs = { arg in
arg.0 + ": " + String(format: "%.3f", arg.1)
return """
\(argReprs[0]), \(argReprs[1]), \(argReprs[2]), \(argReprs[3]))
//// TODO: Profile most of the matrix sizes in Stable Diffusion. This only applies
//// to GEMM, and underestimates inefficiency of convolutions. You can control for
//// this disparity by referencing the latency of ConvGEMM instead of Winograd.
//// size = SIMD3(M, N, K)
//var matrixSpeeds: [SIMD3<Int>: MatrixUtilization] = [
// SIMD3(1280, 4096, 320) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.691, mpsF32: 0.766, mfaF16: 0.879, mfaF32: 0.814),
// SIMD3(1024, 2560, 640) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.700, mpsF32: 0.773, mfaF16: 0.869, mfaF32: 0.800),
// SIMD3(4096, 4096, 40) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.358, mpsF32: 0.405, mfaF16: 0.781, mfaF32: 0.605),
// SIMD3(4096, 40, 4096) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.108, mpsF32: 0.108, mfaF16: 0.702, mfaF32: 0.527),
// SIMD3(1024, 1024, 80) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.425, mpsF32: 0.492, mfaF16: 0.522, mfaF32: 0.496),
// SIMD3(1024, 80, 1024) : MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.169, mpsF32: 0.146, mfaF16: 0.512, mfaF32: 0.433)
//if useMonolithicKernel {
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1280, 4096, 320)]!.mfaF16 = 0.83
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 2560, 640)]!.mfaF16 = 0.82
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 4096, 40)]!.mfaF16 = 0.62
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 40, 4096)]!.mfaF16 = 0.50
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 1024, 80)]!.mfaF16 = 0.54
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 80, 1024)]!.mfaF16 = 0.43
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1280, 4096, 320)]!.mfaF32 = 0.75
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 2560, 640)]!.mfaF32 = 0.76
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 4096, 40)]!.mfaF32 = 0.50
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 40, 4096)]!.mfaF32 = 0.36
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 1024, 80)]!.mfaF32 = 0.48
// matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1024, 80, 1024)]!.mfaF32 = 0.40
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 320, 320)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.62, mpsF32: 0.68, mfaF16: 0.79, mfaF32: 0.70)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 1713, 40)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.32, mpsF32: 0.34, mfaF16: 0.52, mfaF32: 0.40)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 40, 1713)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.19, mpsF32: 0.097, mfaF16: 0.46, mfaF32: 0.40)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 92, 40)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.072, mpsF32: 0.064, mfaF16: 0.28, mfaF32: 0.21)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(4096, 40, 92)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.075, mpsF32: 0.073, mfaF16: 0.27, mfaF32: 0.19)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1805, 320, 768)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.51, mpsF32: 0.56, mfaF16: 0.75, mfaF32: 0.63)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(1805, 768, 320)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.64, mpsF32: 0.71, mfaF16: 0.81, mfaF32: 0.67)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(512, 512, 32)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.14, mpsF32: 0.14, mfaF16: 0.26, mfaF32: 0.20)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(512, 32, 512)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.081, mpsF32: 0.077, mfaF16: 0.082, mfaF32: 0.075)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 2048, 32)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.40, mpsF32: 0.46, mfaF16: 0.61, mfaF32: 0.50)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 32, 2048)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.35, mpsF32: 0.32, mfaF16: 0.35, mfaF32: 0.35)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 2048, 40)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.32, mpsF32: 0.36, mfaF16: 0.56, mfaF32: 0.46)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 40, 2048)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.058, mpsF32: 0.059, mfaF16: 0.40, mfaF32: 0.37)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 2048, 52)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.32, mpsF32: 0.35, mfaF16: 0.52, mfaF32: 0.39)
//matrixSpeeds[SIMD3(2048, 52, 2048)] = MatrixUtilization(
// mpsF16: 0.14, mpsF32: 0.12, mfaF16: 0.49, mfaF32: 0.47)
let matrixSpeeds = getMatrixSpeeds(monolithic: useMonolithicKernel)
let convSpeeds = generateConvSpeeds()
let softmaxSpeeds: [SIMD2<Int>: SoftmaxUtilization] = [
SIMD2(32768, 92): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 58.6, mpsF32Bandwidth: 116.8),
SIMD2(8192, 92): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 36.0, mpsF32Bandwidth: 75.4),
SIMD2(2048, 92): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 10.1, mpsF32Bandwidth: 19.8),
SIMD2(512, 92): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 2.6, mpsF32Bandwidth: 4.8),
SIMD2(32768, 1713): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 142.5, mpsF32Bandwidth: 180.1),
SIMD2(8192, 1713): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 133.5, mpsF32Bandwidth: 181.8),
SIMD2(2048, 1713): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 95.9, mpsF32Bandwidth: 173.4),
SIMD2(512, 1713): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 45.4, mpsF32Bandwidth: 89.4),
SIMD2(4096, 4096): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 139.9, mpsF32Bandwidth: 172.8),
SIMD2(1024, 1024): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 56.8, mpsF32Bandwidth: 111.5),
SIMD2(256, 256): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 3.5, mpsF32Bandwidth: 7.5),
SIMD2(64, 64): SoftmaxUtilization(
mpsF16Bandwidth: 0.2, mpsF32Bandwidth: 0.5),
// Transpose speeds:
// It is sufficient to model each transpose as taking 58 microseconds (these are
// latency-bound and not memory-bound.
// Asymptotic maximum utilization measured with a particular framework and
// precision, not necessarily the utilization during every run. If no data is
// present, simply report maximum utilization.
//var notSimSizes: [SIMD3<Int>: Bool] = [:]
//var numNotSimSizes: Int = 0
func simulateMatrixUtilization(
// size: SIMD3<Int>,
shape: MatrixShape,
floatOps: Int,
isBatched: Bool,
isTransposed: Bool,
model: inout Model
) -> Int {
guard let utilization = matrixSpeeds[shape] else {
// if notSimSizes[size] == nil {
// print("Not simulated matrix size: \(size)")
// numNotSimSizes += 1
// print("Total not simulated: \(numNotSimSizes)")
// notSimSizes[size] = true
// }
return floatOps
model.simulatedOperations += 1
var framework = simulationFramework
// Fall back to MPS, as the operation isn't supported by MFA yet.
// Assumes monolithic supports batched GEMM, which makes it applicable to most
// matrix multiplications in Stable Diffusion.
if /*isBatched ||*/ isTransposed {
if framework == .mfa && useMonolithicKernel {
framework = .mps
var ratio: Float
switch framework {
case .mps:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mpsF16
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mpsF32
case .mfa:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mfaF16
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mfaF32
let floatOpsReal = Float(floatOps) / ratio
return Int(floatOpsReal)
func simulateConvUtilization(
shape: ConvolutionShape
) -> Int {
let floatOps = shape.floatOperations()
guard let utilization = convSpeeds[shape] else {
fatalError("Should always have conv speeds.")
model.simulatedOperations += 1
var framework = simulationFramework
// Fall back to MPS, as the operation isn't supported by MFA yet.
if useWinogradMPS && shape.window == 3 {
if framework == .mfa {
framework = .mps
// Monolithic GEMM estimates the assumed impact of the initial integration.
if framework == .mfa && useMonolithicKernel {
framework = .mps
var ratio: Float
switch framework {
case .mps:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mpsF16
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mpsF32
case .mfa:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mfaF16
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mfaF32
let floatOpsReal = Float(floatOps) / ratio
return Int(floatOpsReal)
func simulateSoftmaxUtilization(
shape: SIMD2<Int>
) -> Int {
let floatOps = 10 * shape[0] * shape[1]
guard let utilization = softmaxSpeeds[shape] else {
fatalError("Should always have softmax speeds.")
model.simulatedOperations += 1
var framework = simulationFramework
// No FlashAttention in the initial integration.
if framework == .mfa && useMonolithicKernel {
framework = .mps
var ratio: Float
switch framework {
case .mps:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mpsF16ALU
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mpsF32ALU
case .mfa:
switch simulationPrecision {
case .f16:
ratio = utilization.mfaF16ALU
case .f32:
ratio = utilization.mfaF32ALU
let floatOpsReal = Float(floatOps) / ratio
return Int(floatOpsReal)
// MARK: - Download the Data
#if false
// Download the GitHub gist from the internet:
let gistPath: String = ""
let gistRawFile: String = "f42b6b1c5d5b9be113ffa2a93618fa3f626ad99b/gistfile1.txt"
let gistRawPath: String = gistPath + "/raw/" + gistRawFile
guard let gistRawURL = URL(string: gistRawPath) else {
fatalError("URL was bad.")
// Open the Gist from a local file
let gistPath: String = "/Users/philipturner/Documents/DrawThings/nnc-captures"
let gistRawFile: String = "SD_v1_512x512.txt"
let gistRawPath: String = gistPath + "/" + gistRawFile
let gistRawURL = URL(filePath: gistRawPath)
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
let gistContents = try! String(contentsOf: gistRawURL)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
//print("Download latency: \(latencyRepr(end - start))")
// MARK: - Declaration of Helper Functions
func startError(
_ start: any StringProtocol,
_ sequence: any StringProtocol,
line: UInt = #line,
function: StaticString = #function
) -> Never {
"'\(start)' is not the start of '\(sequence)'.",
file: (function), line: line)
func assertExpectedPrefix<T: StringProtocol>(
_ prefix: String,
from text: T
) where T == T.SubSequence {
guard text.starts(with: prefix) else {
startError(prefix, text)
func removeExpectedPrefix<T: StringProtocol>(
_ prefix: String,
from text: inout T
) where T == T.SubSequence {
assertExpectedPrefix(prefix, from: text)
func removeIncluding<T: StringProtocol>(
_ prefix: String,
from text: inout T
) where T == T.SubSequence {
while text.starts(with: prefix) {
if text.count == 0 {
func removeExcluding<T: StringProtocol>(
_ prefix: String,
from text: inout T
) where T == T.SubSequence {
while !text.starts(with: prefix) {
if text.count == 0 {
func extractExcluding<T: StringProtocol>(
_ prefix: String,
from text: inout T
) -> String where T == T.SubSequence {
var output: String = ""
while !text.starts(with: prefix) {
if text.count == 0 {
output += text.prefix(prefix.count)
text = text.dropFirst(prefix.count)
return output
func largeIntegerRepr(_ number: Int) -> String {
var _number = number
func round(granularity: Int) {
var floatNumber = Double(number)
floatNumber /= Double(granularity)
floatNumber = rint(floatNumber)
floatNumber *= Double(granularity)
_number = Int(rint(floatNumber))
var number: Int { _number }
if number < 1_000 {
return String(number)
} else if number < 1_000_000 {
let radix = 1_000
round(granularity: 100)
let magnitude = showConciseMagnitude ? "K" : "thousand"
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / 100) \(magnitude)"
} else if number < 1_000_000_000 {
let radix = 1_000_000
round(granularity: radix / 10)
let magnitude = showConciseMagnitude ? "M" : "million"
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / 10)) \(magnitude)"
} else if number < 1_000_000_000_000 {
let radix = 1_000_000_000
round(granularity: radix / 10)
let magnitude = showConciseMagnitude ? "B" : "billion"
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / 10)) \(magnitude)"
} else {
let radix = 1_000_000_000_000
round(granularity: radix / 10)
let magnitude = showConciseMagnitude ? "T" : "trillion"
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / 10)) \(magnitude)"
func latencyRepr<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ number: T) -> String {
var _number = Int(rint(Double(number) * 1e6)) // microseconds
func round(granularity: Int) {
var floatNumber = Double(number) * 1e6
floatNumber /= Double(granularity)
floatNumber = rint(floatNumber)
floatNumber *= Double(granularity)
_number = Int(rint(floatNumber))
let f = 10
var number: Int { _number }
if number < 1_000 {
return "\(number) µs"
} else if number < 1_000_000 {
let radix = 1_000
round(granularity: radix / f)
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / f)) ms"
} else if number < 60 * 1_000_000 {
let radix = 1_000_000
round(granularity: radix / f)
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / f)) s"
} else if number < 3_600 * 1_000_000 {
let radix = 60 * 1_000_000
round(granularity: radix / f)
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / f)) min"
} else {
let radix = 3_600 * 1_000_000
round(granularity: radix / f)
return "\(number / radix).\(number % radix / (radix / f)) hr"
// MARK: - Declaration of Data Structures
struct Tensor {
// Starts with the dimension that has the largest stride in memory when you
// increment it. The last dimension has stride 1 when you increment it.
var dimensions: [Int]
// Up to three elements sampled from the tensor.
var elements: [Float]
// Generate the tensor by parsing a line of text.
init<T: StringProtocol>(
text: T,
idInOperation: Int, // 0-indexed
isInput: Bool
) where T.SubSequence == Substring {
let expectedStart = "|\(isInput ? "->" : "<-") \(idInOperation + 1)."
guard text.starts(with: expectedStart) else {
startError(expectedStart, text)
var line: Substring = text.dropFirst(expectedStart.count)
// Ignore the first number.
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
removeExcluding(" ", from: &line)
// Get the identifier.
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
removeExpectedPrefix("(", from: &line)
_ = extractExcluding(")", from: &line)
removeExpectedPrefix(")", from: &line)
// Get the shape.
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
removeExpectedPrefix("[", from: &line)
let shapeString = extractExcluding("]", from: &line)
self.dimensions = shapeString.split(separator: "x").map { repr in
return Int(repr)!
removeExpectedPrefix("]", from: &line)
// Get the elements.
self.elements = []
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
while !line.starts(with: "..") {
let repr = extractExcluding(" ", from: &line)
// Remove the next blob of whitespace before repeating the loop.
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
struct Operation {
var name: String
var idInModel: Int
var dependencyID: Int
var wait: (Int, Int)?
var inputs: [Tensor]
var outputs: [Tensor]
var emit: (Int, Int)?
var attributes: [String] = []
lines: [Substring],
idInModel: Int // 0-indexed
) {
let expectedStart = "CCV_NNC_"
guard lines[0].starts(with: expectedStart) else {
startError(expectedStart, lines[0])
var line: Substring = lines[0].dropFirst(expectedStart.count)
// Get the name.
name = extractExcluding(" ", from: &line)
let expectedSuffix = "_FORWARD"
name.suffix(expectedSuffix.count) == expectedSuffix,
"Suffix '\(name.suffix(expectedSuffix.count))' != expected '_FORWARD'.")
// Assert that the index is what you expect.
removeIncluding(" ", from: &line)
removeExpectedPrefix("[", from: &line)
let idInModelRepr = extractExcluding("]", from: &line)
guard Int(idInModelRepr)! == idInModel + 1 else {
fatalError("idInModelRepr '\(idInModelRepr)' != idInModel '\(idInModel)'")
self.idInModel = idInModel
// Get the number of operands.
removeExpectedPrefix("]: [", from: &line)
let inputCount = Int(extractExcluding("]", from: &line))!
removeExpectedPrefix("] -> [", from: &line)
let outputCount = Int(extractExcluding("]", from: &line))!
// Get the dependency ID.
removeExpectedPrefix("] (", from: &line)
self.dependencyID = Int(extractExcluding(")", from: &line))!
removeExpectedPrefix(")", from: &line)
// Fetch the wait, if it exists.
var lineIndex = 1
if lines[lineIndex].starts(with: "Wait: ") {
defer { lineIndex += 1 }
var line = lines[lineIndex]
removeExpectedPrefix("Wait: (", from: &line)
let wait1 = Int(extractExcluding(",", from: &line))!
removeExpectedPrefix(", ", from: &line)
let wait2 = Int(extractExcluding(")", from: &line))!
self.wait = (wait1, wait2)
// Fetch the inputs.
self.inputs = []
for i in 0..<inputCount {
defer { lineIndex += 1 }
let line = lines[lineIndex]
inputs.append(Tensor(text: line, idInOperation: i, isInput: true))
// Fetch the outputs.
self.outputs = []
for i in 0..<outputCount {
defer { lineIndex += 1 }
let line = lines[lineIndex]
outputs.append(Tensor(text: line, idInOperation: i, isInput: false))
// Fetch the emit, if it exists.
if lineIndex < lines.count {
if lines[lineIndex].starts(with: "Emit: ") {
defer { lineIndex += 1 }
var line = lines[lineIndex]
removeExpectedPrefix("Emit: (", from: &line)
let emit1 = Int(extractExcluding(",", from: &line))!
removeExpectedPrefix(", ", from: &line)
let emit2 = Int(extractExcluding(")", from: &line))!
self.emit = (emit1, emit2)
// Check that no lines remain.
guard lineIndex == lines.count else {
"'lineIndex' was '\(lineIndex)', but expected '\(lines.count)'")
if showSelfAttention {
countSelfAttention(operation: self)
struct Model {
// List of the operations, in the order they appear.
var operations: [Operation] = []
// The number of operations that are accounted for the FLOPs estimate.
var accountedOperations: Int = 0
// The number of operations whose utilization is simulated.
var simulatedOperations: Int = 0
init(text: String) {
var lines: [Substring] = text.split(separator: "\n")
// Fail-safe incase you do something that causes an infinite loop.
var iterations: Int = 0
let maxIterations: Int = 1_000_000
while true {
defer { iterations += 1 }
if iterations >= maxIterations {
fatalError("Infinite loop occurred.")
// All the lines that compose the current operation.
var operationLines: [Substring] = []
let operationRepr = lines[0]
assertExpectedPrefix("CCV_NNC", from: operationRepr)
// Keep adding lines until you encounter "CCV_NNC_" or the end message.
var reachedGraphEnd = false
var addedLineCount: Int = 0
for line in lines {
if line.starts(with: "CCV_NNC") {
if line.starts(with: "Graph Stream") {
reachedGraphEnd = true
addedLineCount += 1
Operation(lines: operationLines, idInModel: operations.count))
if reachedGraphEnd {
struct OperationStatistics {
var name: String
var occurrences: Int = 0
var maxFloatOperations: Int = 0
var totalFloatOperations: Int = 0
// Separate actual from theoretical float ops for convolutions, to report
// Winograd correctly.
private var _actualMaxFloatOperations: Int = 0
private var _actualTotalFloatOperations: Int = 0
var actualMaxFloatOperations: Int {
_actualMaxFloatOperations == 0
? maxFloatOperations
: _actualMaxFloatOperations
var actualTotalFloatOperations: Int {
_actualTotalFloatOperations == 0
? totalFloatOperations
: _actualTotalFloatOperations
init(name: String) { = name
mutating func append(floatOperations: Int, actualForConv: Int? = nil) {
self.occurrences += 1
self.maxFloatOperations = max(maxFloatOperations, floatOperations)
self.totalFloatOperations += floatOperations
if let actualForConv {
self._actualMaxFloatOperations = max(
_actualMaxFloatOperations, actualForConv)
self._actualTotalFloatOperations += actualForConv
func summary() -> String {
return """
\(name) (\(largeIntegerRepr(occurrences)) instances)
- total float ops: \(largeIntegerRepr(totalFloatOperations)) | \
max of any instance: \(largeIntegerRepr(maxFloatOperations))
var model = Model(text: gistContents)
// Annotate GEMMs that are part of self-attention and cross-attention.
for (index, operation) in model.operations.enumerated() {
guard == "SOFTMAX" else {
guard model.operations[index - 1].name == "GEMM",
model.operations[index + 1].name == "GEMM" else {
fatalError("SOFTMAX did not occur between two GEMM operations.")
// Softmax always has one input and one output, with 2 dimensions total.
let dimensions = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
precondition(dimensions == operation.outputs[0].dimensions)
precondition(dimensions.count == 2)
var attribute: String
if dimensions[0] == dimensions[1] {
attribute = "self-attention"
} else {
attribute = "cross-attention"
model.operations[index - 1].attributes.append(attribute)
model.operations[index + 1].attributes.append(attribute)
// Annotate each operation as belonging to a specific layer.
// TODO: Gather per-stage statistics another day.
// MARK: - Gather Statistics
var otherGEMMStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "OTHER GEMM")
var selfAttnStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "SELF ATTENTION GEMM")
var crossAttnStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "CROSS ATTENTION GEMM")
for operation in model.operations where == "GEMM" {
precondition(operation.outputs.count == 1)
let A_dimensions = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
let B_dimensions = operation.inputs[1].dimensions
let C_dimensions = operation.outputs[0].dimensions
// Inputs can be transposed and the transposing isn't reported. Take a guess
// at the size of the multiplication. If that's not possible, throw an error.
// The first two inputs should be multiplicands; the last I'm not sure about.
let _m_or_k = Array(A_dimensions.suffix(2).sorted())
let _k_or_n = Array(B_dimensions.suffix(2).sorted())
func cannotFindDimensionsError(_ msg: String) -> Never {
let dimensions0 = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
let dimensions1 = operation.inputs[1].dimensions
let repr = "\(dimensions0) and \(dimensions1)"
print("Operation:", operation.idInModel)
fatalError("Cannot determine M, N, and K for \(repr): \(msg)")
var candidateIndex0: Int
var candidateIndex1: Int
if _m_or_k[0] == _k_or_n[0] {
candidateIndex0 = 0
candidateIndex1 = 0
} else if _m_or_k[0] == _k_or_n[1] {
candidateIndex0 = 0
candidateIndex1 = 1
} else if _m_or_k[1] == _k_or_n[0] {
candidateIndex0 = 1
candidateIndex1 = 0
} else if _m_or_k[1] == _k_or_n[1] {
candidateIndex0 = 1
candidateIndex1 = 1
} else {
cannotFindDimensionsError("no common dimension")
if _m_or_k[1 - candidateIndex0] == _k_or_n[1 - candidateIndex1] {
let outputDimensions = Array(C_dimensions.suffix(2))
if outputDimensions[0] == _m_or_k[candidateIndex0],
outputDimensions[1] == _k_or_n[candidateIndex1] {
candidateIndex0 = 1 - candidateIndex0
candidateIndex1 = 1 - candidateIndex1
} else if outputDimensions[0] == _m_or_k[1 - candidateIndex0],
outputDimensions[1] == _k_or_n[1 - candidateIndex1] {
// pass
} else {
cannotFindDimensionsError("two common dimensions, mismatched output")
precondition(_m_or_k[candidateIndex0] == _k_or_n[candidateIndex1])
let M = _m_or_k[1 - candidateIndex0]
let N = _k_or_n[1 - candidateIndex1]
let K = _m_or_k[candidateIndex0]
// Next, factor in the number of multiplications for batched matmul. The log
// seems to have batched the execution of two images.
if A_dimensions.count == 4 || B_dimensions.count == 4 {
precondition(A_dimensions.count == 4 && B_dimensions.count == 4)
precondition(A_dimensions.prefix(2) == B_dimensions.prefix(2))
if A_dimensions.count >= 3 || B_dimensions.count >= 3 {
precondition(A_dimensions.count == C_dimensions.count)
if A_dimensions.count >= 3 && B_dimensions.count >= 3 {
// If both inputs have the same batch dimension, we can just check A.
A_dimensions[0] == B_dimensions[0],
"\(A_dimensions[0]) != \(B_dimensions[0])")
var batchSize: Int
if A_dimensions.count >= 3 {
batchSize = A_dimensions[0]
} else if B_dimensions.count >= 3 {
batchSize = B_dimensions[0]
} else {
batchSize = 1
if forceBatch1 {
precondition(batchSize == 1 || batchSize == expectedBatchSize)
batchSize = 1
let extraDimension = (A_dimensions.count == 4) ? A_dimensions[1] : 1
var floatOperations = batchSize * extraDimension * 2 * M * N * K
if simulateUtilization {
// let size = SIMD3<Int>(M, N, K)
var isTransposed = false
if (M == N && N == K) {
fatalError("Cannot tell which is transposed.")
let logIsTransposed = true
let A_K = A_dimensions[A_dimensions.count - 1]
let B_K = B_dimensions[B_dimensions.count - 2]
if K != A_K || K != B_K {
isTransposed = true
if logIsTransposed {
// print("Transposed: \(C_dimensions) = \(A_dimensions) x \(B_dimensions)")
} else {
if logIsTransposed {
// print("Regular: \(C_dimensions) = \(A_dimensions) x \(B_dimensions)")
let isBatched = (batchSize != 1) || (extraDimension != 1)
if isBatched {
// print("Batched: \(C_dimensions) = \(A_dimensions) x \(B_dimensions)")
// print()
floatOperations = simulateMatrixUtilization(
// size: size,
shape: MatrixShape(operation: operation),
floatOps: floatOperations,
isBatched: isBatched,
isTransposed: isTransposed,
model: &model)
if operation.attributes.contains("self-attention") {
if operation.attributes.contains("cross-attention") {
fatalError("Operation was tagged as both attention types.")
selfAttnStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
} else if operation.attributes.contains("cross-attention") {
crossAttnStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
} else {
otherGEMMStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
var conv1x1Statistics = OperationStatistics(name: "CONVOLUTION (1x1)")
var conv3x3Statistics = OperationStatistics(name: "CONVOLUTION (3x3)")
for operation in model.operations where == "CONVOLUTION" {
// I don't know what the third input is, but I don't need it.
precondition(operation.inputs.count == 3)
precondition(operation.outputs.count == 1)
let I_dimensions = operation.inputs[0].dimensions // input
let F_dimensions = operation.inputs[1].dimensions // filter
let O_dimensions = operation.outputs[0].dimensions // output
precondition(I_dimensions.count == 4) // first dim = batch size
precondition(F_dimensions.count == 4) // first dim = number of filters
precondition(O_dimensions.count == 4) // first dim = batch size
precondition(I_dimensions[0] == O_dimensions[0])
precondition(I_dimensions[3] == F_dimensions[1])
precondition(F_dimensions[0] == O_dimensions[3])
enum FilterType {
case conv1x1
case conv3x3
var parameters: Int {
self == .conv1x1 ? 1 : 9
var filter: FilterType
if (F_dimensions[2], F_dimensions[3]) == (1, 1) {
filter = .conv1x1
} else if (F_dimensions[2], F_dimensions[3]) == (3, 3) {
filter = .conv3x3
} else {
fatalError("Unrecognized convolution type.")
// Calculate the number of float operations.
var batchSize = I_dimensions[0]
if forceBatch1 {
precondition(batchSize == 1 || batchSize == expectedBatchSize)
batchSize = 1
// FLOPs based on output image size, ignoring input image size
let pixels = O_dimensions[1] * O_dimensions[2]
// The cost to apply a single filter to a single pixel.
let filterCost = 2 * I_dimensions[3] * filter.parameters
// The cost to generate one plane of the output image.
let planeCost = pixels * filterCost
// The cost of the entire operation.
let planeCount = O_dimensions[3]
let floatOperations = batchSize * planeCount * planeCost
var actualOperations: Int?
if simulateUtilization {
let shape = ConvolutionShape(operation: operation)
actualOperations = simulateConvUtilization(shape: shape)
switch filter {
case .conv1x1:
floatOperations: floatOperations, actualForConv: actualOperations)
case .conv3x3:
floatOperations: floatOperations, actualForConv: actualOperations)
// After convolutions, measure cost of softmax, swish, and normalization.
var softmaxStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "SOFTMAX")
for operation in model.operations where == "SOFTMAX" {
precondition(operation.inputs.count == 1)
precondition(operation.outputs.count == 1)
let I_dimensions = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
let O_dimensions = operation.outputs[0].dimensions
precondition(I_dimensions == O_dimensions)
precondition(I_dimensions.count == 2)
// Analysis of softmax compute cost:
// - max = CMPSEL, 2 operations
// +2 float operations
// - subtraction cannot fuse with another multiply; effectively 2 operations
// +2 effective float operations
// - exponentiation takes one GPU core-cycle to issue, but theoretically not
// a throughput bottleneck (consumes 4 cycles or 8 operations, running
// concurrently with F32 FFMA)
// +2 effective float operations
// - summation, just like subtraction: counted as 2 operations
// +2 effective float operations
// - multiplication by reciprocal: cannot be fused with another addition or
// subtraction; count as 2 operations
// +2 effective float operations
// Only count the O(n) parts of the compute cost, not the O(1) parts.
// Total: 10 x number of elements
var floatOperations = 10 * I_dimensions[0] * I_dimensions[1]
// Softmax for cross-attention has an artifact where the first dimension gets
// multiplied by the batch size, instead of adding a third dimension.
if forceBatch1 {
floatOperations /= expectedBatchSize
if simulateUtilization {
precondition(I_dimensions.count == 2, "Unexpected dimension.")
let shape = SIMD2<Int>(I_dimensions[0], I_dimensions[1])
floatOperations = simulateSoftmaxUtilization(shape: shape)
softmaxStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
var normalizationStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "NORMALIZATION")
func isNormalization(_ operation: Operation) -> Bool {
if == "LAYER_NORM" {
return true
} else if == "GROUP_NORM" {
return true
} else {
return false
for operation in model.operations where isNormalization(operation) {
precondition(operation.inputs.count == 3)
precondition(operation.outputs.count == 3)
enum NormalizationType {
case group
case layer
var normalization: NormalizationType
if == "LAYER_NORM" {
normalization = .layer
} else {
normalization = .group
let I_dimensions = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
let O_dimensions = operation.outputs[0].dimensions
precondition(I_dimensions == O_dimensions)
if normalization == .group {
precondition(I_dimensions.count == 4)
precondition(O_dimensions.count == 4)
} else {
precondition(I_dimensions.count == 3)
precondition(O_dimensions.count == 3)
var batchSize = I_dimensions[0]
if forceBatch1 {
precondition(batchSize == 1 || batchSize == expectedBatchSize)
batchSize = 1
let elements = I_dimensions[1...].reduce(1, *)
// Analysis of normalization compute cost:
// - addition to sum the elements, doesn't matter whether the multiplication
// is fused with the addition (O(n)) or occurs afterward (O(1))
// +2 effective float operations
// - subtraction from the mean, not fusable with any multiplication. Assume
// the result of this subtraction is cached inside registers.
// +2 effective float operations
// - square the difference from the mean and fuse with the reduction
// +2 float operations
// - multiply the cached difference with the mean by rsqrt(variance)
// +2 effective float operations
// Always underestimate the number of operations, because we're providing a
// definitive **lower** bound. Reference:
// Total: 8 x number of elements
var floatOperations = 8 * elements
if !simulateUtilization {
normalizationStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
// Assume 50% bandwidth utilization with FP16, 75% with FP32. Assume the SLC
// does not have 800 GB/s of bidirectional bandwidth.
let utilization: Float = (simulationPrecision == .f32) ? 0.75 : 0.50
let bandwidth = slcBandwidthForLatency * utilization
let bytesPerElement = (simulationPrecision == .f32) ? 4 : 2
// To simulate utilization, instead go by latency (MPS only) and bandwidth.
// MFA only consumes bandwidth to shuffle the input and output through the
// system-level cache. MPS has to shuffle every intermediate result that isn't
// elementwise.
if simulationFramework == .mfa && !useMonolithicKernel {
let bytesTransferred = 2 * elements * bytesPerElement
let memoryLatency = Float(bytesTransferred) / bandwidth
let memoryVirtualOps = Int(flopsForLatency * memoryLatency)
floatOperations = max(floatOperations, memoryVirtualOps)
} else {
// Lower bound dictated by latency.
floatOperations = max(floatOperations, Int(flopsForLatency * 58e-6))
let bytesTransferred = 6 * elements * bytesPerElement
let memoryLatency = Float(bytesTransferred) / bandwidth
let memoryVirtualOps = Int(flopsForLatency * memoryLatency)
floatOperations = max(floatOperations, memoryVirtualOps)
normalizationStatistics.append(floatOperations: floatOperations)
model.simulatedOperations += 1
var activationStatistics = OperationStatistics(name: "ACTIVATION")
func isActivation(_ operation: Operation) -> Bool { == "SWISH" || == "GELU"
// MARK: - Display Data
let allStatistics = [
otherGEMMStatistics, selfAttnStatistics, crossAttnStatistics,
conv1x1Statistics, conv3x3Statistics,
softmaxStatistics, normalizationStatistics
].sorted(by: { $0.actualTotalFloatOperations > $1.actualTotalFloatOperations })
let totalOccurrences = model.operations.count
var accounted =\.occurrences).reduce(0, +)
// Model not accounted-for operations as having 58 microseconds of latency. You
// need to manually add these to:
// - "operations accounted for"
// - "operations simulated"
// - "distribution"
let numTransposes = model.operations.reduce(into: 0) {
if $ == "TRANSPOSE" { $0 += 1 }
let numScalarMul = model.operations.reduce(into: 0) {
if $ == "SCALAR_MUL" { $0 += 1 }
let numAdd = model.operations.reduce(into: 0) {
if $ == "ADD" { $0 += 1 }
let numGELU = model.operations.reduce(into: 0) {
if $ == "GELU" { $0 += 1 }
let numSwish = model.operations.reduce(into: 0) {
if $ == "SWISH" { $0 += 1 }
let numElementwise = numScalarMul + numAdd + numGELU + numSwish
let stableDiffusionIters: Float = 30
var transposeLatencyPerIter = Float(numTransposes) * 58e-6
var transposeLatencyOverall = transposeLatencyPerIter * stableDiffusionIters
var elementwiseLatencyPerIter = Float(numElementwise) * 58e-6
var elementwiseLatencyOverall = elementwiseLatencyPerIter * stableDiffusionIters
accounted += numTransposes
accounted += numElementwise
// Zero out the transpose and elementwise latency for theoretical estimates.
// Also, zero when simulating FlashAttention + MFA fused activations.
let mfaNonMonolithic = (simulationFramework == .mfa && !useMonolithicKernel)
if !simulateUtilization || mfaNonMonolithic {
transposeLatencyPerIter = 0
transposeLatencyOverall = 0
elementwiseLatencyPerIter = 0
elementwiseLatencyOverall = 0
// Next, elementwise operations.
// After this, the last operation is group norm. Set Swift to release mode
// again to minimize Metal API latency.
func getSimulatedOperations() -> Int {
var ops = model.simulatedOperations
ops += numTransposes
ops += numElementwise
return ops
let missing = totalOccurrences - accounted
let totalFloatOperations = allStatistics
.map(\.totalFloatOperations).reduce(0, +)
let actualTotalFloatOperations = allStatistics
.map(\.actualTotalFloatOperations).reduce(0, +)
let actualConvRepr = (cleanDisplay ? "" : "Actual: ")
var convRepr = simulateUtilization ? actualConvRepr : "ConvGEMM (1x): "
let convRepr2 = simulateUtilization ? "Actual" : "ConvGEMM"
if cleanDisplay {
// Force convRepr to empty.
convRepr = ""
if !cleanDisplay {
- total operations: \(largeIntegerRepr(totalOccurrences))
- factored into estimate: \(largeIntegerRepr(accounted))
- not accounted for: \(largeIntegerRepr(missing))
- float ops\(simulateUtilization ? " (effective)" : ""):
- \(convRepr)\(largeIntegerRepr(totalFloatOperations))
// 1 - 1 / 2.25 = 5 / 9
var winogradReduction = conv3x3Statistics.totalFloatOperations * Int(5) / 9
var minFloatOperations = totalFloatOperations - winogradReduction
// Shorten "2.25x" to "2x" for legibility
if !cleanDisplay {
print(" - Winograd (2x): \(largeIntegerRepr(minFloatOperations))")
// 1 - 1 / 4 = 3 / 4
winogradReduction = conv3x3Statistics.totalFloatOperations * Int(3) / 4
minFloatOperations = totalFloatOperations - winogradReduction
if !cleanDisplay {
print(" - Winograd (4x): \(largeIntegerRepr(minFloatOperations))")
// 1 - 1 / 9 = 8 / 9
winogradReduction = conv3x3Statistics.totalFloatOperations * Int(8) / 9
minFloatOperations = totalFloatOperations - winogradReduction
if !cleanDisplay {
print(" - Winograd (9x): \(largeIntegerRepr(minFloatOperations))")
if showLatency {
let iters = stableDiffusionIters
var secondsConvGEMM = iters * Float(actualTotalFloatOperations)
var secondsWinograd = iters * Float(minFloatOperations)
secondsConvGEMM /= flopsForLatency
secondsWinograd /= flopsForLatency
func latency(_ time: Float) -> String {
var latency = time
latency += transposeLatencyOverall
latency += elementwiseLatencyOverall
if showItersPerSecond {
var repr = ""
let secondsPerIter = latency / iters
repr += String(format: "%.3f", secondsPerIter)
repr += " s/it, "
let itersPerSecond = iters / latency
repr += String(format: "%.2f", itersPerSecond)
repr += " it/s, "
repr += String(format: "%.2f", latency)
repr += " s"
return repr
} else {
return latencyRepr(latency)
let simulatedLabel = simulateUtilization ? "simulated" : "theoretical"
- \(simulatedLabel) latency @ 30 steps:
if !(cleanDisplay && cleanDisplayWinograd) {
- \(convRepr)\(latency(secondsConvGEMM))
if (cleanDisplay && cleanDisplayWinograd) {
// print("""
// - Winograd (9x): \(latency(secondsWinograd))
// """)
- \(latency(secondsWinograd))
if simulateUtilization {
let repr = "\(getSimulatedOperations()) / \(model.operations.count)"
var addendum = ""
if simulationFramework == .mfa,
useWinogradMPS {
if useMonolithicKernel {
addendum = " (monolithic GEMM, MPS Conv2D)"
} else {
addendum = " (FlashAttention, MPS Conv2D)"
} else if simulationFramework == .mfa {
if useMonolithicKernel {
// addendum = "
// addendum = " (monolithic GEMM, MFA Winograd 2x)"
} else {
addendum = " (FlashAttention, MFA Winograd)"
- simulation config:
- framework: \(simulationFramework.repr)\(addendum)
- precision: \(simulationPrecision.repr)
- operations simulated: \(repr)
func printStatistics(
_ statisticsArray: [OperationStatistics],
isWinograd: Bool
) {
var contributions: [(Float, String)] = []
for statistics in statisticsArray {
var thisOperations: Int
if isWinograd {
thisOperations = statistics.totalFloatOperations
} else {
thisOperations = statistics.actualTotalFloatOperations
var latency = Float(thisOperations) * stableDiffusionIters
latency /= flopsForLatency
// Next, account for latency of sequential operations.
contributions.append((transposeLatencyOverall, "TRANSPOSE"))
contributions.append((elementwiseLatencyOverall, "ELEMENTWISE"))
contributions.sort(by: { $0.0 > $1.0 })
let totalLatency = contributions.reduce(into: 0) { $0 += $1.0 }
if cleanDisplay {
print("| Distribution | Latency | Operation Class |")
print("| ------------ | ------- | --------------- |")
for contribution in contributions {
let proportion = contribution.0 / totalLatency
var thousandths = Int(rint(proportion * 1000))
var percent: String = ""
if thousandths / 100 >= 1 {
percent += String(thousandths / 100)
thousandths %= 100
if thousandths / 10 >= 1 {
percent += String(thousandths / 10)
thousandths %= 10
} else {
percent += "0"
let latency = latencyRepr(contribution.0)
percent += ".\(thousandths)%"
if cleanDisplay {
print("| \(percent) | \(latency) | \(contribution.1) |")
} else {
print("(\(percent) - \(latency)) \(contribution.1)")
if !(cleanDisplay && cleanDisplayWinograd) {
if !cleanDisplay {
print("Distribution (\(convRepr2)):")
printStatistics(allStatistics, isWinograd: false)
if (cleanDisplay && cleanDisplayWinograd) {
print("Distribution (Winograd 9x):")
var winogradStatistics = allStatistics
do {
let conv3x3Index = winogradStatistics.firstIndex(where: {
$ == "CONVOLUTION (3x3)"
winogradStatistics[conv3x3Index].totalFloatOperations -= winogradReduction
winogradStatistics.sort(by: {
$0.totalFloatOperations > $1.totalFloatOperations
printStatistics(winogradStatistics, isWinograd: true)
if showExactComputeCost {
print("Compute cost of each operation type, sorted from greatest to least.")
for statistics in allStatistics {
// Put some separation between the text and the error text Xcode always appends
// to the output.
if showSelfAttention {
// MARK: - Softmax Benchmarks
if benchmarkMPSMFAGEMM {
profileGEMM(operations: model.operations)
if benchmarkMPSSoftmax {
profileSoftmax(simulationPrecision: simulationPrecision)
if benchmarkMPSTranspose {
operations: model.operations, simulationPrecision: simulationPrecision)
// MARK: - Convolution Benchmarks
// Is it worthwhile to port Winograd to MFA?
// Enumerate all the image sizes within Stable Diffusion. Then, repeat with each
// reasonable hyperparameter going all the way from -64 to +64. Print to CSV so
// I can graph in Google Sheets.
if !benchmarkMPSConvolution {
let convDataType: MPSDataType = (simulationPrecision == .f32)
? .float32 : .float16
struct ConvolutionShape: Equatable, Hashable {
var data: [Int] // [B, H_IN, W_IN, C_IN]
var filter: [Int] // [C_OUT, C_IN, K, K]
var output: [Int] // [B, H_OUT, W_OUT, C_OUT]
var channelsIn: Int
var channelsOut: Int
var window: Int
var batch: Int
var heightIn: Int
var widthIn: Int
var heightOut: Int
var widthOut: Int
var differentInOut: Bool
init(operation: Operation) {
precondition( == "CONVOLUTION")
data: operation.inputs[0].dimensions,
filter: operation.inputs[1].dimensions,
output: operation.outputs[0].dimensions)
init(data: [Int], filter: [Int], output: [Int]) { = data
self.filter = filter
self.output = output
precondition(data[3] == filter[1])
self.channelsIn = data[3]
precondition(filter[0] == output[3])
self.channelsOut = filter[0]
precondition(filter[2] == filter[3])
self.window = filter[2]
precondition(data[0] == output[0])
self.batch = data[0]
self.heightIn = data[1]
self.widthIn = data[2]
self.heightOut = output[1]
self.widthOut = output[2]
if heightIn != heightOut || widthIn != widthOut {
self.differentInOut = true
} else{
self.differentInOut = false
func repr() -> String {
// K x K x C_IN x H_OUT x W_OUT x C_OUT
var out = "\(batch) x \(window) x \(window) x \(channelsIn)"
out += " x \(heightOut) x \(widthOut) x \(channelsOut)"
if heightIn != heightOut || widthIn != widthOut {
precondition(heightIn != heightOut && widthIn != widthOut )
precondition(heightIn == 2 * heightOut)
precondition(widthIn == 2 * widthOut)
out += " - stride 2"
return out
func floatOperations() -> Int {
var out = 2 * batch * window * window * channelsIn
out *= heightOut * widthOut * channelsOut
return out
var shapes: [ConvolutionShape: Int] = [:]
for operation in model.operations where == "CONVOLUTION" {
let shape = ConvolutionShape(
data: operation.inputs[0].dimensions,
filter: operation.inputs[1].dimensions,
output: operation.outputs[0].dimensions)
if shapes[shape] == nil {
shapes[shape] = 1
} else {
shapes[shape]! += 1
var keysAndValues = zip(shapes.keys, shapes.values).map {
(k: $0, v: $1)
}.sorted {
let ops0 = $0.k.floatOperations()
let ops1 = $1.k.floatOperations()
let impact0 = ops0 * $0.v
let impact1 = ops1 * $1.v
if impact0 > impact1 {
return true
} else if impact0 < impact1 {
return false
} else if ops0 > ops1 {
return true
} else if ops0 < ops1 {
return false
} else {
let repr1 = $0.k.repr()
let repr2 = $1.k.repr()
return strcmp(repr1, repr2) > 0
_ = keysAndValues as [(ConvolutionShape, Int)]
#if false
let cutoff: Double = 1.10
keysAndValues = Array(keysAndValues[0..<3])
// Increase the computation time to measure power consumption.
let powerTimeAmplification = 1
data: [1 * powerTimeAmplification, 512, 512, 256],
filter: [128, 256, 3, 3],
output: [1 * powerTimeAmplification, 512, 512, 128]),
data: [2 * powerTimeAmplification, 128, 128, 1024],
filter: [256, 1024, 3, 3],
output: [2 * powerTimeAmplification, 128, 128, 256]),
// Set to 1.10 so we can gather ALU utilization statistics for all operations in
// Stable Diffusion.
let cutoff: Double = 1.10 // 0.90
let totalImpact = { (shape, count) in
count * shape.floatOperations()
}.reduce(0, +)
let totalOps =\.v).reduce(0, +)
let totalShapes = keysAndValues.count
var accumulatedImpact = 0
var accumulatedOps = 0
var accumulatedShapes = 0
print("Total conv ops: \(totalOps) dispatches / \(totalShapes) shapes")
for i in 0..<2 {
if accumulatedImpact != 0 && cutoff < 1.0 {
let repr = "\(accumulatedOps) dispatches / \(accumulatedShapes) shapes"
print("90% of compute: \(repr)")
accumulatedImpact = 0
accumulatedOps = 0
accumulatedShapes = 0
for (shape, count) in keysAndValues {
let impactRepr = largeIntegerRepr(count * shape.floatOperations())
let opsRepr = largeIntegerRepr(shape.floatOperations())
if i == 1 {
print("\(impactRepr) / \(opsRepr) - \(count) x (\(shape.repr()))")
accumulatedImpact += count * shape.floatOperations()
accumulatedOps += count
accumulatedShapes += 1
if Double(accumulatedImpact) > cutoff * Double(totalImpact) {
if i == 1 {
// MARK: - Profile using MPSGraph
// Bypass a Swift runtime crash.
struct Graph {
var graph: MPSGraph = MPSGraph()
var executable: MPSGraphExecutable = MPSGraphExecutable()
var compiled: Bool = false
var inputData: [MPSGraphTensorData] = []
var inputMTLData: [MTLBuffer] = []
var inputTensors: [MPSGraphTensor] = []
var outputData: [MPSGraphTensorData] = []
var outputMTLData: [MTLBuffer] = []
var outputTensors: [MPSGraphTensor] = []
let numShapes = accumulatedShapes
var graphs: [Graph] = []
for _ in 0..<numShapes {
let device = MTLCopyAllDevices().first!
let mpsGraphDevice = MPSGraphDevice(mtlDevice: device)
let graphsQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "com.philipturner.CalculateDiffusion.graphs")
// Compile on 8 CPU cores to reduce latency.
let numCores = 1 //8) wtf 1 thread is faster than 2 or 8
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: numCores) { z in
var opIndex = z
while opIndex < numShapes {
defer { opIndex += numCores }
let graph = graphsQueue.sync { graphs[opIndex].graph }
let shape = keysAndValues[opIndex].k
let opDesc = MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor()
opDesc.dataLayout = .NHWC
opDesc.weightsLayout = .OIHW
opDesc.dilationRateInX = 1
opDesc.dilationRateInY = 1
opDesc.groups = 1
opDesc.strideInX = 1
opDesc.strideInY = 1
if cutoff < 0.95 {
// None of the ops in the upper 90% have strides.
precondition(shape.repr().contains("stride") == false)
} else {
if shape.repr().contains("stride") {
opDesc.strideInX = 2
opDesc.strideInY = 2
let type: MPSDataType = convDataType
let source = graph.placeholder(
shape:, dataType: type, name: "data")
let weights = graph.placeholder(
shape:, dataType: type, name: "filter")
let outputs = graph.convolution2D(
source, weights: weights, descriptor: opDesc, name: "convolution")
let tensors = [source, weights, outputs]
let tensorsShape = [, shape.filter, shape.output]
let dataSize = (convDataType == .float32) ? 4 : 2
let tensorData = zip(tensors, tensorsShape).map {
let numBytes = $1.reduce(1, *) * dataSize
let emptyData = Data(count: numBytes)
return MPSGraphTensorData(
device: mpsGraphDevice, data: emptyData, shape: $,
dataType: convDataType)
let compileDesc = MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor()
if mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level1
} else {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level0
compileDesc.waitForCompilationCompletion = true
var feeds: [MPSGraphTensor : MPSGraphShapedType] = [:]
for (tensor, data) in zip(tensors, tensorData) {
feeds[tensor] = MPSGraphShapedType(
shape: data.shape, dataType: convDataType)
feeds[outputs] = nil
let executable = graph.compile(
with: mpsGraphDevice, feeds: feeds, targetTensors: [tensors[2]],
targetOperations: nil, compilationDescriptor: compileDesc)
graphsQueue.sync {
graphs[opIndex].executable = executable
graphs[opIndex].compiled = true
graphs[opIndex].inputData = [tensorData[0], tensorData[1]]
graphs[opIndex].inputTensors = [tensors[0], tensors[1]]
graphs[opIndex].outputData = [tensorData[2]]
graphs[opIndex].outputTensors = [tensors[2]]
let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()!
func dispatch(graph: Graph, sync: Bool) {
let inputs = graph.inputData
let results = graph.outputData
for tensorData in inputs + results {
precondition(tensorData.dataType == convDataType)
let desc = MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor()
desc.waitUntilCompleted = sync
let mpsCommandBuffer = MPSCommandBuffer(from: commandQueue)
to: mpsCommandBuffer, inputs: inputs, results: results,
executionDescriptor: nil)
if sync {
// Run through the entire data set once to warm up. Then, run 5 warmup
// iterations, and finally profile, with 16 iterations per trial, and
// 4 trials total. We don't have control over the encoding process so we have to
// go by CPU -> GPU -> CPU latency. Dividing by 16 should amortize this a bit.
do {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for graph in graphs[0..<graphs.count - 1] {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
dispatch(graph: graphs.last!, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
print("Startup latency: \(latencyRepr(end - start))")
// Amortize the execution latency over 'iterations' duplicates of the command.
func profile(iterations: Int, trials: Int) {
print("MPSGraph Optimization Level: \(mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 ? 1 : 0)")
print("Latency - GFLOPS / Theoretical - Convolution2D Shape")
for (i, graph) in graphs.enumerated() {
var minTime = Double.infinity
for _ in 0..<trials {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for _ in 0..<iterations - 1 {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: false)
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
let time = (end - start) / Double(iterations)
minTime = min(minTime, time)
var repr = latencyRepr(minTime)
let flops = Double(keysAndValues[i].k.floatOperations()) / minTime
let percent = 100 * flops / Double(flopsForLatency)
repr += " - " + String(format: "%.1f", percent) + "%"
repr += " - " + keysAndValues[i].k.repr()
profile(iterations: 5, trials: 1)
profile(iterations: 16, trials: 4)
func generateConvSpeeds() -> [ConvolutionShape: MatrixUtilization] {
// It might be a good idea to eventually abstract this away into a file.
let rawData_f16 = """
1.5 ms - 95.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 320
1.7 ms - 84.3% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 16 x 16 x 1280
1.7 ms - 85.3% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 32 x 32 x 640
5.7 ms - 100.3% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 640
6.4 ms - 89.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 1280
2.9 ms - 97.0% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 320
5.0 ms - 56.6% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 2560 x 16 x 16 x 1280
4.4 ms - 98.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 960 x 64 x 64 x 320
7.5 ms - 57.2% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1920 x 32 x 32 x 640
671 µs - 53.0% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280
3.3 ms - 85.7% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 640
2.5 ms - 85.8% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 960 x 32 x 32 x 640
3.4 ms - 62.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1920 x 16 x 16 x 1280
2.1 ms - 34.5% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 2560 x 8 x 8 x 1280
302 µs - 52.2% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 32 x 32 x 640
300 µs - 52.7% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 320
352 µs - 45.0% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 16 x 16 x 1280
847 µs - 83.9% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 1280
863 µs - 82.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 640
505 µs - 62.6% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 320
707 µs - 44.7% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 2560 x 16 x 16 x 1280
710 µs - 66.8% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 960 x 64 x 64 x 320
748 µs - 63.4% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1920 x 32 x 32 x 640
1.0 ms - 35.0% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 640 - stride 2
742 µs - 48.0% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 320 - stride 2
2.1 ms - 16.9% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280 - stride 2
531 µs - 59.5% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 640
413 µs - 57.4% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 960 x 32 x 32 x 640
528 µs - 44.9% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1920 x 16 x 16 x 1280
378 µs - 20.9% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 2560 x 8 x 8 x 1280
208 µs - 38.0% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 1280
193 µs - 40.9% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 640
190 µs - 20.7% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280
139 µs - 12.8% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 64 x 64 x 320
146 µs - 12.2% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 4
let rawData_f32 = """
1.5 ms - 94.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 320
1.8 ms - 81.2% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 16 x 16 x 1280
1.7 ms - 85.0% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 32 x 32 x 640
5.7 ms - 99.2% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 640
6.4 ms - 88.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 1280
3.0 ms - 96.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 320
5.2 ms - 54.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 2560 x 16 x 16 x 1280
4.4 ms - 96.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 960 x 64 x 64 x 320
7.4 ms - 57.8% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1920 x 32 x 32 x 640
676 µs - 52.6% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280
3.4 ms - 84.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 640
2.5 ms - 84.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 960 x 32 x 32 x 640
3.6 ms - 59.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1920 x 16 x 16 x 1280
2.1 ms - 34.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 2560 x 8 x 8 x 1280
317 µs - 49.8% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 32 x 32 x 640
306 µs - 51.6% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 320
379 µs - 41.7% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 16 x 16 x 1280
858 µs - 82.9% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 1280
868 µs - 81.9% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 640
536 µs - 59.0% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 64 x 64 x 320
773 µs - 40.9% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 2560 x 16 x 16 x 1280
765 µs - 62.0% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 960 x 64 x 64 x 320
826 µs - 57.4% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1920 x 32 x 32 x 640
1.1 ms - 33.7% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 640 - stride 2
772 µs - 46.1% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 320 - stride 2
2.2 ms - 15.9% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280 - stride 2
568 µs - 55.6% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 32 x 32 x 640
445 µs - 53.3% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 960 x 32 x 32 x 640
576 µs - 41.1% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1920 x 16 x 16 x 1280
424 µs - 18.6% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 2560 x 8 x 8 x 1280
216 µs - 36.5% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 640 x 16 x 16 x 1280
200 µs - 39.5% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 320 x 32 x 32 x 640
205 µs - 19.2% - 2 x 1 x 1 x 1280 x 8 x 8 x 1280
141 µs - 12.6% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 64 x 64 x 320
156 µs - 11.4% - 2 x 3 x 3 x 320 x 64 x 64 x 4
struct Dataset {
var rawData: String
var precision: MatrixUtilization.Precision
var output_f16: [ConvolutionShape: Float] = [:]
var output_f32: [ConvolutionShape: Float] = [:]
let datasets = [
Dataset(rawData: rawData_f16, precision: .f16),
Dataset(rawData: rawData_f32, precision: .f32),
for dataset in datasets {
for var line in dataset.rawData.split(separator: "\n") {
removeExcluding("-", from: &line)
removeExpectedPrefix("- ", from: &line)
let percent = extractExcluding("%", from: &line)
let utilization = Float(percent)! / 100
removeExpectedPrefix("% - 2", from: &line)
let batchSize = 2
func getNextNumber() -> Int {
removeExpectedPrefix(" x ", from: &line)
let number = extractExcluding(" ", from: &line)
return Int(number)!
let window = getNextNumber()
precondition(window == getNextNumber())
let channelsIn = getNextNumber()
let heightOut = getNextNumber()
let widthOut = getNextNumber()
let channelsOut = getNextNumber()
var heightIn = heightOut
var widthIn = widthOut
let suffix = extractExcluding("2", from: &line)
if suffix.contains("stride") {
heightIn *= 2
widthIn *= 2
// Append the data to MPS statistics.
let data = [batchSize, heightIn, widthIn, channelsIn]
let filter = [channelsOut, channelsIn, window, window]
let output = [batchSize, heightOut, widthOut, channelsOut]
let shape = ConvolutionShape(data: data, filter: filter, output: output)
switch dataset.precision {
case .f16:
output_f16[shape] = utilization
case .f32:
output_f32[shape] = utilization
// Assume MFA has:
// - 190% FP16 for 3x3
// - 95% FP32 for 3x3
// - 85% FP16 for 1x1
// - 70% FP32 for 1x1
// This is a conservative estimate, because MFA might use Winograd 2.78-4.0x.
var output: [ConvolutionShape: MatrixUtilization] = [:]
for shape in output_f16.keys {
let mpsF16 = output_f16[shape]!
let mpsF32 = output_f32[shape]!
var mfaF16: Float
var mfaF32: Float
if shape.window == 3 {
mfaF16 = 1.90
mfaF32 = 0.95
} else {
mfaF16 = 0.85
mfaF32 = 0.70
output[shape] = MatrixUtilization(
mpsF16: mpsF16, mpsF32: mpsF32, mfaF16: mfaF16, mfaF32: mfaF32)
return output
struct SoftmaxUtilization {
var mpsF16ALU: Float
var mpsF32ALU: Float
var mfaF16ALU: Float
var mfaF32ALU: Float
// We should assume MFA gets 95% ALU for half precision inside FlashAttention,
// 90% ALU for single precision.
mpsF16Bandwidth: Float, // in GB/s
mpsF32Bandwidth: Float, // in GB/s
mfaF16ALU: Float = 0.95,
mfaF32ALU: Float = 0.90
) {
func makeALU(bandwidth: Float, bytesPerElement: Int) -> Float {
// Bandwidth sums the read + write bandwidth from RAM or SLC.
let elementsPerS = bandwidth * 1e9 / 2 / Float(bytesPerElement)
let floatOpsPerS = 10 * elementsPerS
return floatOpsPerS / flopsForLatency
self.mpsF16ALU = makeALU(bandwidth: mpsF16Bandwidth, bytesPerElement: 2)
self.mpsF32ALU = makeALU(bandwidth: mpsF32Bandwidth, bytesPerElement: 4)
self.mfaF16ALU = mfaF16ALU
self.mfaF32ALU = mfaF32ALU
func getSoftmaxShapes() -> [SIMD2<Int>] {
return [
SIMD2<Int>(32768, 92),
SIMD2<Int>(8192, 92),
SIMD2<Int>(2048, 92),
SIMD2<Int>(512, 92),
SIMD2<Int>(32768, 1713),
SIMD2<Int>(8192, 1713),
SIMD2<Int>(2048, 1713),
SIMD2<Int>(512, 1713),
SIMD2<Int>(4096, 4096),
SIMD2<Int>(1024, 1024),
SIMD2<Int>(256, 256),
SIMD2<Int>(64, 64),
func profileSoftmax(simulationPrecision: MatrixUtilization.Precision) {
let softmaxDataType: MPSDataType = (simulationPrecision == .f32)
? .float32 : .float16
let shapes = getSoftmaxShapes()
let numShapes = shapes.count
var graphs: [Graph] = []
for _ in 0..<numShapes {
let device = MTLCopyAllDevices().first!
let mpsGraphDevice = MPSGraphDevice(mtlDevice: device)
let graphsQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "com.philipturner.CalculateDiffusion.graphs")
let numCores = min(numShapes, 1) //8) wtf 1 thread is faster than 2 or 8
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: numCores) { z in
var opIndex = z
while opIndex < numShapes {
defer { opIndex += numCores }
let graph = graphsQueue.sync { graphs[opIndex].graph }
let shape = shapes[opIndex]
let type: MPSDataType = softmaxDataType
let nsShape = [shape[0], shape[1]].map(NSNumber.init)
let source = graph.placeholder(
shape: nsShape, dataType: type, name: "data")
let output = graph.softMax(with: source, axis: 1, name: "softmax")
var tensorData: [MPSGraphTensorData] = []
let dataSize = (softmaxDataType == .float32) ? 4 : 2
for _ in 0..<2 {
let numBytes = shape[0] * shape[1] * dataSize
let emptyData = Data(count: numBytes)
device: mpsGraphDevice, data: emptyData, shape: nsShape,
dataType: softmaxDataType))
let compileDesc = MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor()
if mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level1
} else {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level0
compileDesc.waitForCompilationCompletion = true
let feeds = [source: MPSGraphShapedType(
shape: nsShape, dataType: softmaxDataType)]
let executable = graph.compile(
with: mpsGraphDevice, feeds: feeds, targetTensors: [output],
targetOperations: nil, compilationDescriptor: compileDesc)
graphsQueue.sync {
graphs[opIndex].executable = executable
graphs[opIndex].compiled = true
graphs[opIndex].inputData = [tensorData[0]]
graphs[opIndex].inputTensors = [source]
graphs[opIndex].outputData = [tensorData[1]]
graphs[opIndex].outputTensors = [output]
let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()!
func dispatch(graph: Graph, sync: Bool) {
let inputs = graph.inputData
let results = graph.outputData
for tensorData in inputs + results {
precondition(tensorData.dataType == softmaxDataType)
let desc = MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor()
desc.waitUntilCompleted = sync
let mpsCommandBuffer = MPSCommandBuffer(from: commandQueue)
to: mpsCommandBuffer, inputs: inputs, results: results,
executionDescriptor: nil)
if sync {
// Run through the entire data set once to warm up. Then, run 5 warmup
// iterations, and finally profile, with 16 iterations per trial, and
// 4 trials total. We don't have control over the encoding process so we must
// go by CPU -> GPU -> CPU latency. Dividing by 16 should amortize this a bit.
do {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for graph in graphs[0..<graphs.count - 1] {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
dispatch(graph: graphs.last!, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
print("Startup latency: \(latencyRepr(end - start))")
// Amortize the execution latency over 'iterations' duplicates of the command.
func profile(iterations: Int, trials: Int) {
print("MPSGraph Optimization Level: \(mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 ? 1 : 0)")
print("Latency - GFLOPS / Theoretical - Softmax Shape")
for (i, graph) in graphs.enumerated() {
var minTime = Double.infinity
for _ in 0..<trials {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for _ in 0..<iterations - 1 {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: false)
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
let time = (end - start) / Double(iterations)
minTime = min(minTime, time)
let shape = shapes[i]
let numElements = shape[0] * shape[1]
let elementBytes = (simulationPrecision == .f32) ? 4 : 2
let bytesTransferred = 2 * elementBytes * numElements
let bandwidth = Double(bytesTransferred) / 1e9 / minTime
var repr = latencyRepr(minTime)
repr += " - \(String(format: "%.1f", bandwidth)) GB/s"
repr += " - \(shape[0]) x \(shape[1])"
profile(iterations: 5, trials: 1)
profile(iterations: 16, trials: 4)
profile(iterations: 64, trials: 8)
// Need to disable API validation and use Swift release mode to get accurate
// readings. Softmaxes are somewhat latency-bound.
// FP16:
// 206 µs - 58.6 GB/s - 32768 x 92
// 84 µs - 36.0 GB/s - 8192 x 92
// 75 µs - 10.1 GB/s - 2048 x 92
// 73 µs - 2.6 GB/s - 512 x 92
// 1.6 ms - 142.5 GB/s - 32768 x 1713
// 420 µs - 133.5 GB/s - 8192 x 1713
// 146 µs - 95.9 GB/s - 2048 x 1713
// 77 µs - 45.4 GB/s - 512 x 1713
// 480 µs - 139.9 GB/s - 4096 x 4096
// 74 µs - 56.8 GB/s - 1024 x 1024
// 74 µs - 3.5 GB/s - 256 x 256
// 74 µs - 0.2 GB/s - 64 x 64
// FP32:
// 206 µs - 116.8 GB/s - 32768 x 92
// 80 µs - 75.4 GB/s - 8192 x 92
// 76 µs - 19.8 GB/s - 2048 x 92
// 79 µs - 4.8 GB/s - 512 x 92
// 2.5 ms - 180.1 GB/s - 32768 x 1713
// 617 µs - 181.8 GB/s - 8192 x 1713
// 162 µs - 173.4 GB/s - 2048 x 1713
// 78 µs - 89.4 GB/s - 512 x 1713
// 777 µs - 172.8 GB/s - 4096 x 4096
// 75 µs - 111.5 GB/s - 1024 x 1024
// 70 µs - 7.5 GB/s - 256 x 256
// 72 µs - 0.5 GB/s - 64 x 64
struct TransposeShape: Equatable & Hashable {
var batch: Int
var firstInInput: Int
var firstInOutput: Int
var heads: Int
init(inputShape: [Int]) {
precondition(inputShape.count == 4)
self.batch = inputShape[0]
self.firstInInput = inputShape[1]
self.firstInOutput = inputShape[2]
self.heads = inputShape[3]
func repr() -> String {
"\(batch) x \(firstInInput) x \(firstInOutput) x \(heads)"
var inputShape: [Int] {
[batch, firstInInput, firstInOutput, heads]
var inputShapeNS: [NSNumber] {
[batch, firstInInput, firstInOutput, heads].map(NSNumber.init)
var outputShape: [Int] {
[batch, firstInOutput, firstInInput, heads]
var outputShapeNS: [NSNumber] {
[batch, firstInOutput, firstInInput, heads].map(NSNumber.init)
// Latency in seconds.
struct TransposeLatency {
var mpsF16: Float
var mpsF32: Float
var mfaF16: Float // always zero
var mfaF32: Float // always zero
// Enter in microseconds.
init(f16: Int, f32: Int) {
self.mpsF16 = Float(f16) / 1e6
self.mpsF32 = Float(f32) / 1e6
self.mfaF16 = 0
self.mfaF32 = 0
// Print both the microseconds/milliseconds and something the script can parse.
func profileTranspose(
operations: [Operation],
simulationPrecision: MatrixUtilization.Precision
) {
let transposeDataType: MPSDataType = (simulationPrecision == .f32)
? .float32 : .float16
var shapesDict: [TransposeShape: Bool] = [:]
for operation in operations where == "TRANSPOSE" {
precondition(operation.inputs.count == 1)
precondition(operation.outputs.count == 1)
precondition(operation.inputs[0].dimensions.count == 4)
precondition(operation.outputs[0].dimensions.count == 4)
let inShape = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
let outShape = operation.outputs[0].dimensions
precondition(inShape[0] == outShape[0])
precondition(inShape[1] == outShape[2])
precondition(inShape[2] == outShape[1])
precondition(inShape[3] == outShape[3])
shapesDict[TransposeShape(inputShape: inShape)] = true
let shapes = { $0 }
let numShapes = shapes.count
var graphs: [Graph] = []
for _ in 0..<numShapes {
let device = MTLCopyAllDevices().first!
let mpsGraphDevice = MPSGraphDevice(mtlDevice: device)
let graphsQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "com.philipturner.CalculateDiffusion.graphs")
let numCores = min(numShapes, 1) //8) wtf 1 thread is faster than 2 or 8
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: numCores) { z in
var opIndex = z
while opIndex < numShapes {
defer { opIndex += numCores }
let graph = graphsQueue.sync { graphs[opIndex].graph }
let shape = shapes[opIndex]
let type: MPSDataType = transposeDataType
let source = graph.placeholder(
shape: shape.inputShapeNS, dataType: type, name: "data")
let output = graph.transposeTensor(
source, dimension: 1, withDimension: 2, name: "transpose")
var tensorData: [MPSGraphTensorData] = []
let dataSize = (transposeDataType == .float32) ? 4 : 2
for i in 0..<2 {
let numBytes = shape.inputShape.reduce(1, *) * dataSize
let emptyData = Data(count: numBytes)
let shapeNS = (i == 0) ? shape.inputShapeNS : shape.outputShapeNS
device: mpsGraphDevice, data: emptyData, shape: shapeNS,
dataType: transposeDataType))
let compileDesc = MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor()
if mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level1
} else {
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level0
compileDesc.waitForCompilationCompletion = true
let feeds = [source: MPSGraphShapedType(
shape: shape.inputShapeNS, dataType: transposeDataType)]
let executable = graph.compile(
with: mpsGraphDevice, feeds: feeds, targetTensors: [output],
targetOperations: nil, compilationDescriptor: compileDesc)
graphsQueue.sync {
graphs[opIndex].executable = executable
graphs[opIndex].compiled = true
graphs[opIndex].inputData = [tensorData[0]]
graphs[opIndex].inputTensors = [source]
graphs[opIndex].outputData = [tensorData[1]]
graphs[opIndex].outputTensors = [output]
let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()!
func dispatch(graph: Graph, sync: Bool) {
let inputs = graph.inputData
let results = graph.outputData
for tensorData in inputs + results {
precondition(tensorData.dataType == transposeDataType)
let desc = MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor()
desc.waitUntilCompleted = sync
let mpsCommandBuffer = MPSCommandBuffer(from: commandQueue)
to: mpsCommandBuffer, inputs: inputs, results: results,
executionDescriptor: nil)
if sync {
// Run through the entire data set once to warm up. Then, run 5 warmup
// iterations, and finally profile, with 16 iterations per trial, and
// 4 trials total. We don't have control over the encoding process so we must
// go by CPU -> GPU -> CPU latency. Dividing by 16 should amortize this a bit.
do {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for graph in graphs[0..<graphs.count - 1] {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
dispatch(graph: graphs.last!, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
print("Startup latency: \(latencyRepr(end - start))")
// Amortize the execution latency over 'iterations' duplicates of the command.
func profile(iterations: Int, trials: Int) {
print("MPSGraph Optimization Level: \(mpsGraphOptimizationLevel1 ? 1 : 0)")
print("Latency - Latency Seconds - Transpose Shape")
for (i, graph) in graphs.enumerated() {
var minTime = Double.infinity
for _ in 0..<trials {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for _ in 0..<iterations - 1 {
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: false)
dispatch(graph: graph, sync: true)
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
let time = (end - start) / Double(iterations)
minTime = min(minTime, time)
var repr = latencyRepr(minTime)
repr += " - \(String(format: "%.6f", minTime))"
repr += " - \(shapes[i].repr())"
// Need to disable API validation and use Swift release mode to get accurate
// readings. Transposes are latency-bound.
profile(iterations: 5, trials: 1)
profile(iterations: 16, trials: 4)
profile(iterations: 128, trials: 16)
// MARK: - Profile HGEMM on MPSGraph and libMetalFlashAttention
func loadLibMetalFlashAttention(device: MTLDevice) -> MTLLibrary {
let parentDir = "/Users/philipturner/Documents/Xcode Projects"
let projectDir = "/CalculateDiffusion/CalculateDiffusion"
let file = "/libMetalFlashAttention.metallib"
let url = URL(filePath: parentDir + projectDir + file)
return try! device.makeLibrary(URL: url)
struct MatrixShape: Equatable & Hashable {
var B: Int?
var M: Int
var N: Int
var K: Int
// Whether the stride for instances of matrix B is nonzero.
var strideInput2: Bool
init(B: Int?, M: Int, N: Int, K: Int, _ strideInput2: Bool) {
self.B = B
self.M = M
self.N = N
self.K = K
self.strideInput2 = strideInput2
init(operation: Operation) {
var shape1 = operation.inputs[0].dimensions
var shape2 = operation.inputs[1].dimensions
var shapeO = operation.outputs[0].dimensions
if shape2.count == 2 {
// pass
} else if shape2.count == 3 {
precondition(shape2[0] == 1)
} else if shape2.count == 4 {
precondition(shape1[0] == 1)
precondition(shape2[0] == 1)
precondition(shapeO[0] == 1)
precondition(shape1[1] == shape2[1])
precondition(shape1[1] == shapeO[1])
} else {
fatalError("Unrecognized shape.")
if shape1.count != shape2.count {
if shape1.count == 3 && shape2.count == 2 {
shape2 = [1] + shape2
} else {
fatalError("Unrecognized shape.")
precondition(shape1.count == shapeO.count)
if shape1.count > 2 {
if shape1[0] == 1 && shape2[0] == 1 && shapeO[0] == 1 {
shape1 = Array(shape1[1...])
shape2 = Array(shape2[1...])
shapeO = Array(shapeO[1...])
if shape1.count > 2 {
precondition(shape1[0] == shapeO[0])
var K_index1Rev: Int
var K_index2Rev: Int
let shape1Reversed = Array(shape1.reversed())
let shape2Reversed = Array(shape2.reversed())
if shape1Reversed[0] == shape2Reversed[0] {
K_index1Rev = 0
K_index2Rev = 0
} else if shape1Reversed[1] == shape2Reversed[0] {
K_index1Rev = 1
K_index2Rev = 0
} else if shape1Reversed[0] == shape2Reversed[1] {
K_index1Rev = 0
K_index2Rev = 1
} else if shape1Reversed[1] == shape2Reversed[1] {
K_index1Rev = 1
K_index2Rev = 1
} else {
fatalError("No matching dimensions.")
let shapeOReversed = Array(shapeO.reversed())
if shape1Reversed[1 - K_index1Rev] == shape2Reversed[1 - K_index2Rev] {
let maybeM = shape1Reversed[1 - K_index1Rev]
let maybeN = shape2Reversed[1 - K_index2Rev]
if shapeOReversed[0] == maybeN && shapeOReversed[1] == maybeM {
// Good to go; this is the correct estimate of K.
} else {
K_index1Rev = 1 - K_index1Rev
K_index2Rev = 1 - K_index2Rev
self.M = shape1Reversed[1 - K_index1Rev]
self.N = shape2Reversed[1 - K_index2Rev]
self.K = shape1Reversed[K_index1Rev]
precondition(shapeOReversed[0] == N)
precondition(shapeOReversed[1] == M)
if shape1.count == 2 {
self.B = nil
self.strideInput2 = false
} else if shape1.count == 3 {
precondition(shape1[0] != 1)
self.B = shape1[0]
self.strideInput2 = (shape2[0] > 1)
if shape2[0] > 1 {
precondition(shape1[0] == shape2[0])
} else {
fatalError("This should never happen.")
// Print text that I can use directly as source code.
func initRepr() -> String {
let reprB = (B != nil) ? "\(B!)" : "nil"
return """
MatrixShape(B: \(reprB), M: \(M), N: \(N), K: \(K), \(strideInput2))
// Like the other functions, this should print a list of latencies with MPS
// ALU utilizations and GEMM shapes. To get accurate benchmarks, we need to
// compile the Swift code in RELEASE mode and disable Metal API validation.
// WARNING: I am enabling Swift DEBUG mode and API validation initially.
// Profile both MPSGraph and MFA, with all precisions. To allow incremental
// progress over the test suite, specify a range of shapes that can be tested
// during the call.
// TODO: Change MatrixUtilization so it accounts for batch size too.
// This function also should print out an initializer for a dictionary of
// `MatrixUtilization`. I would need a different initializer based on whether
// I'm restricting it to the monolithic kernel. It assumes that transposing of
// the matrix barely changes performance in MFA, which seems plausible. It also
// assumes that fusing the bias vector with the matmul is trivial. Both the MPS
// and MFA multiplications elide the transpose and fused activation.
func profileGEMM(operations: [Operation]) {
let gemmOperations = operations.filter { $ == "GEMM" }
// Keep the shapes in a consistent order for presenting.
// - key: shape
// - value: first time it appears in the trace
var uniqueOperationsDict: [MatrixShape: Int] = [:]
var uniqueOperations: [MatrixShape] = []
for (i, operation) in gemmOperations.enumerated() {
let shape = MatrixShape(operation: operation)
if uniqueOperationsDict[shape] == nil {
uniqueOperationsDict[shape] = i
class GPUContext {
var device: MTLDevice
var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue
var library: MTLLibrary
var mpsGraphDevice: MPSGraphDevice
init(device: MTLDevice) {
self.device = device
self.commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()!
self.library = loadLibMetalFlashAttention(device: device)
self.mpsGraphDevice = MPSGraphDevice(mtlDevice: device)
class Resources {
static let monolithicVariant: Resources
.Variant = benchmarkGEMM_monolithicVariant
var context: GPUContext
var shape: MatrixShape
var mfaEnsemble: Bool // true: run 3x the iters and report the fastest time
var precision: MatrixUtilization.Precision
var mpsDataType: MPSDataType { precision == .f32 ? .float32 : .float16 }
var executable: MPSGraphExecutable
var pipelines: [Variant: MTLComputePipelineState] // 1-3 to test
var matrixOffsets: [SIMD4<UInt64>] // one array per GEMM in the batch
var gridSizes: [Variant: MTLSize] // threadgroups per grid
var pipelineNames: [Variant: String]
var bufferA: MTLBuffer
var bufferB: MTLBuffer
var bufferC_mps: MTLBuffer
var bufferC_mfa: MTLBuffer
var tensorData: [MPSGraphTensorData]
var inputs: [MPSGraphTensorData] { [tensorData[0], tensorData[1]] }
var results: [MPSGraphTensorData] { [tensorData[2]] }
#if arch(arm64)
// Bypass compiler complaint.
typealias Half = Float16
typealias Half = Float
static let randomTape16: UnsafeMutableRawPointer/*<Half>*/ = {
var output = malloc(15687 * 2).assumingMemoryBound(to: Half.self)
for i in 0..<15687 {
output[i] = Half.random(in: 0..<1)
return .init(output)
static let randomTape32: UnsafeMutableRawPointer/*<Float>*/ = {
var output = malloc(15687 * 4).assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self)
for i in 0..<15687 {
output[i] = Float.random(in: 0..<1)
return .init(output)
// This waits until all blocking operations are finished, so initialize
// multiple test instances in parallel.
context: GPUContext,
shape: MatrixShape,
mfaEnsemble: Bool,
precision: MatrixUtilization.Precision
) {
self.context = context
self.shape = shape
self.mfaEnsemble = mfaEnsemble
self.precision = precision
var dimsA = [shape.M, shape.K]
var dimsB = [shape.K, shape.N]
var dimsC = [shape.M, shape.N]
if let shapeB = shape.B {
dimsA = [shapeB] + dimsA
dimsB = [shape.strideInput2 ? shapeB : 1] + dimsB
dimsC = [shapeB] + dimsC
func matrixStride(dims: [Int], actuallyStride: Bool) -> Int {
actuallyStride ? (dims.last! * dims.reversed()[1]) : 0
let _si2 = shape.strideInput2
let strideA = matrixStride(dims: dimsA, actuallyStride: true)
let strideB = matrixStride(dims: dimsB, actuallyStride: _si2)
let strideC = matrixStride(dims: dimsC, actuallyStride: true)
if let shapeB = shape.B {
matrixOffsets = (0..<shapeB).map({ z in
UInt64(z * strideA), UInt64(z * strideB), UInt64(z * strideC), 0)
} as (Int) -> SIMD4<UInt64>)
} else {
matrixOffsets = []
func bufferBytes(dims: [Int]) -> Int {
dims.reduce(1, *) * (precision == .f32 ? 4 : 2)
func makeBuffer(dims: [Int]) -> MTLBuffer {
let bytes = bufferBytes(dims: dims)
return context.device.makeBuffer(length: bytes)!
self.bufferA = makeBuffer(dims: dimsA)
self.bufferB = makeBuffer(dims: dimsB)
self.bufferC_mps = makeBuffer(dims: dimsC)
self.bufferC_mfa = makeBuffer(dims: dimsC)
//func fillBuffer<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(
// _ buffer: MTLBuffer, type: T.Type
//) where T.RawSignificand: FixedWidthInteger {
// let elements = buffer.length / MemoryLayout<T>.stride
// let pointer = buffer.contents().assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
// for i in 0..<elements {
// pointer[i] = T.random(in: 0..<1)
// }
// The Swift compiler is broken.
// Also, this is super slow in debug mode. Insted, we create a repeating
// tape and `memcpy` numerous times until finishing the buffer.
func fillBuffer(_ buffer: MTLBuffer) {
let tapeLength = (precision == .f32) ? (15687 * 4) : (15687 * 2)
let tape = (precision == .f32) ?
Resources.randomTape32 : Resources.randomTape16
var remaining = buffer.length
var cursor = buffer.contents()
while remaining > 0 {
defer {
remaining -= tapeLength
cursor += tapeLength
memcpy(cursor, tape, min(tapeLength, remaining))
func makeTensorData(
_ buffer: MTLBuffer, dims: [Int], dataType: MPSDataType
) -> MPSGraphTensorData {
let nsShape =
return MPSGraphTensorData(buffer, shape: nsShape, dataType: dataType)
let mpsDataType: MPSDataType = (precision == .f32) ? .float32 : .float16
self.tensorData = [
makeTensorData(bufferA, dims: dimsA, dataType: mpsDataType),
makeTensorData(bufferB, dims: dimsB, dataType: mpsDataType),
makeTensorData(bufferC_mps, dims: dimsC, dataType: mpsDataType)
let mpsGraph = MPSGraph()
let nsShapeA =
let nsShapeB =
let nsShapeC =
let tensorA = mpsGraph.placeholder(
shape: nsShapeA, dataType: mpsDataType, name: "A")
let tensorB = mpsGraph.placeholder(
shape: nsShapeB, dataType: mpsDataType, name: "B")
let tensorC = mpsGraph.matrixMultiplication(
primary: tensorA, secondary: tensorB, name: "C")
let compileDesc = MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor()
compileDesc.optimizationLevel = .level1
compileDesc.waitForCompilationCompletion = true
let feeds = [
tensorA: MPSGraphShapedType(shape: nsShapeA, dataType: mpsDataType),
tensorB: MPSGraphShapedType(shape: nsShapeB, dataType: mpsDataType)
let targetTensors = [tensorC]
self.executable = mpsGraph.compile(
with: context.mpsGraphDevice, feeds: feeds,
targetTensors: targetTensors, targetOperations: nil,
compilationDescriptor: compileDesc)
let constants = MTLFunctionConstantValues()
var _m = UInt32(shape.M)
var _n = UInt32(shape.N)
var _k = UInt32(shape.K)
constants.setConstantValue(&_m, type: .uint, index: 100)
constants.setConstantValue(&_n, type: .uint, index: 101)
constants.setConstantValue(&_k, type: .uint, index: 102)
// Function constants we must set because of a bug in the Metal compiler.
var _garbage = UInt64(0)
constants.setConstantValue(&_garbage, type: .ushort, index: 201)
constants.setConstantValue(&_garbage, type: .ushort, index: 211)
constants.setConstantValue(&_garbage, type: .ushort, index: 9000)
let prefix = (precision == .f32) ? "sgemm_" : "hgemm_"
if shape.B != nil {
precondition(shape.B! > 1)
let suffix = (shape.B != nil) ? "_batched" : ""
var variants: [Variant]
if mfaEnsemble {
variants = [.mfa16x16, .mfa32x32, .mfa48x48]
} else {
variants = [Resources.monolithicVariant]
self.pipelines = [:]
self.gridSizes = [:]
self.pipelineNames = [:]
for variant in variants {
var block: String
switch precision {
case .f32:
switch variant {
case .mps: fatalError()
case .mfa16x16: block = "16x48"
case .mfa32x32: block = "32x32"
case .mfa48x48: block = "48x24"
case .f16:
switch variant {
case .mps: fatalError()
case .mfa16x16: block = "16x64"
case .mfa32x32: block = "32x32"
case .mfa48x48: block = "48x32"
let name = prefix + block + suffix
self.pipelineNames[variant] = name
let function = try! context.library.makeFunction(
name: name, constantValues: constants)
let pipeline = try! context.device.makeComputePipelineState(
function: function)
self.pipelines[variant] = pipeline
func ceilDivide(target: Int, granularity: Int) -> Int {
(target + granularity - 1) / granularity
var blockMN: Int
switch variant {
case .mps: fatalError()
case .mfa16x16: blockMN = 16
case .mfa32x32: blockMN = 32
case .mfa48x48: blockMN = 48
let gridSize = MTLSize(
width: ceilDivide(target: shape.N, granularity: blockMN),
height: ceilDivide(target: shape.M, granularity: blockMN),
depth: shape.B ?? 1)
self.gridSizes[variant] = gridSize
enum DispatchType {
case mps
case mfa
func repr() -> String {
switch self {
case .mps:
return "MPS"
case .mfa:
return "MFA"
typealias Variant = BlockSizeVariant
private var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue!
private var iterations: Int!
private var dispatchType: DispatchType!
// Aggregate data about latency between each dispatch type that's been run.
// Each trial will update the value in the dictionary.
private var latenciesDict: [Variant: Double] = [:]
static let queue = DispatchQueue(
label: "com.philipturner.CalculateDiffusion.Resources.queue")
func mpsLatency() -> Double {
return latenciesDict[.mps]!
func mfaLatency() -> Double {
var latency = latenciesDict[Resources.monolithicVariant]!
for v in BlockSizeVariant.allCases {
if v == Resources.monolithicVariant { continue }
if v == .mps { continue }
if let _latency = latenciesDict[v] {
latency = min(latency, _latency)
return latency
// Text suitable for presentation.
func cleanRepr(variant: Variant) -> String {
let latency = latenciesDict[variant]!
var repr = latencyRepr(latency)
let floatOps = 2 * Double((shape.B ?? 1) * shape.M * shape.N * shape.K)
let flops = floatOps / latency
let percent = 100 * flops / Double(flopsForLatency)
repr += " - " + String(format: "%.1f", percent) + "%"
repr += " - " + shape.initRepr()
return repr
// Text you can copy and paste as Swift code. This requires merging the
// data with another `Resources` using the other precision. If you want to
// test only a subset of the matrix shapes, you must test that subset for
// F16, repeat for F32, then print the output.
func dataRepr(other: Resources) -> String {
precondition(precision != other.precision)
func makeProp(latency: Double) -> Float {
let floatOps = 2 * Double((shape.B ?? 1) * shape.M * shape.N * shape.K)
let flops = floatOps / latency
let proportion = flops / Double(flopsForLatency)
return Float(proportion)
var f16One = self
var f32One = other
if precision == .f32 {
swap(&f16One, &f32One)
let mpsF16: Float = makeProp(latency: f16One.mpsLatency())
let mpsF32: Float = makeProp(latency: f32One.mpsLatency())
let mfaF16: Float = makeProp(latency: f16One.mfaLatency())
let mfaF32: Float = makeProp(latency: f32One.mfaLatency())
let utilization = MatrixUtilization(
mpsF16: mpsF16, mpsF32: mpsF32, mfaF16: mfaF16, mfaF32: mfaF32)
return shape.initRepr() + ": " + utilization.initRepr() + ","
func prepareDispatch(
iterations: Int,
dispatchType: DispatchType
) {
self.iterations = iterations
self.dispatchType = dispatchType
// Ensure you don't forget to set `prepareDispatch` next time.
func resetDispatch() {
self.iterations = nil
self.dispatchType = nil
// MPS commands will be encoded like how Draw Things dispatches commands - a
// new command buffer per command. This may be the source of the latency
// bottleneck.
func profile(sync: Bool) {
switch dispatchType! {
case .mps:
case .mfa:
if mfaEnsemble {
_dispatchMFAVariant(.mfa16x16, sync: false)
_dispatchMFAVariant(.mfa32x32, sync: false)
_dispatchMFAVariant(.mfa48x48, sync: sync)
} else {
_dispatchMFAVariant(Resources.monolithicVariant, sync: sync)
// MPS is always synchonous because we can't force it all into one command
// buffer - sigh; the lack of flexibility MPS gives over encoding.
private func _dispatchMPS() {
let start = CACurrentMediaTime()
for i in 0..<iterations {
let mpsCommandBuffer = MPSCommandBuffer(from: context.commandQueue)
to: mpsCommandBuffer, inputs: inputs, results: results,
executionDescriptor: nil)
if i == iterations - 1 {
let end = CACurrentMediaTime()
let time = (end - start) / Double(iterations)
Resources.queue.sync {
let previous = latenciesDict[.mps] ?? Double.infinity
latenciesDict[.mps] = min(time, previous)
private func _dispatchMFAVariant(_ variant: Variant, sync: Bool) {
let commandBuffer = context.commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()!
let encoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()!
for i in 0..<iterations {
encoder.setBuffer(bufferA, offset: 0, index: 0)
encoder.setBuffer(bufferB, offset: 0, index: 1)
encoder.setBuffer(bufferC_mfa, offset: 0, index: 2)
if shape.B != nil && shape.B! > 1 {
let elementSize = MemoryLayout<SIMD4<UInt64>>.stride
let numBytes = matrixOffsets.count * elementSize
encoder.setBytes(&matrixOffsets, length: numBytes, index: 3)
let gridSize = gridSizes[variant]!
gridSize, threadsPerThreadgroup: MTLSizeMake(128, 1, 1))
commandBuffer.addCompletedHandler { [self] commandBuffer in
let start = commandBuffer.gpuStartTime
let end = commandBuffer.gpuEndTime
let time = (end - start) / Double(iterations)
Resources.queue.sync {
let previous = latenciesDict[variant] ?? Double.infinity
latenciesDict[variant] = min(time, previous)
if sync {
// Check the outputs are the same using Euclidean distance.
func validate() {
let B = shape.B ?? 1
let M = shape.M
let N = shape.N
let K = shape.K
// Euclidean distance heuristic.
let input1 = bufferC_mfa.contents()
let input2 = bufferC_mps.contents()
var tolerance = Float(B * M * N) * sqrt(Float(K))
if precision == .f32 {
tolerance = max(0.001, 3e-7 * tolerance)
} else {
// Up the tolerance a little for FP16
tolerance = max(0.01, 1e-2 * tolerance)
// tolerance = max(0.01, 5e-3 * tolerance)
var bufferSize: Int
var n: Int
var x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>
var y: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>
if precision == .f16 {
let bufferSize_f16 = bufferC_mps.length
let bufferSize_f32 = bufferSize_f16 * 2
bufferSize = bufferSize_f32
n = bufferSize_f32 / MemoryLayout<Float>.stride
x = .allocate(capacity: n)
y = .allocate(capacity: n)
// Partially sourced from:
func copy(dst: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, src: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
var bufferFloat16 = vImage_Buffer(
data: src, height: 1, width: UInt(n), rowBytes: bufferSize_f16)
var bufferFloat32 = vImage_Buffer(
data: dst, height: 1, width: UInt(n), rowBytes: bufferSize_f32)
let error = vImageConvert_Planar16FtoPlanarF(
&bufferFloat16, &bufferFloat32, 0)
if error != kvImageNoError {
"Encountered error code \(error) while converting F16 to F32.")
copy(dst: x, src: .init(mutating: input1))
copy(dst: y, src: .init(mutating: input2))
} else {
bufferSize = bufferC_mps.length
n = bufferSize / MemoryLayout<Float>.stride
x = .allocate(capacity: n)
y = .allocate(capacity: n)
memcpy(x, input1, bufferSize)
memcpy(y, input2, bufferSize)
defer {
var difference = [Float](repeating: 0, count: B * M * N)
memcpy(&difference, x, B * M * N * 4)
var n_copy = Int32(B * M * N)
var a = Float(-1)
var inc = Int32(1)
var inc_copy = inc
// Find x + (-1 * y)
saxpy_(&n_copy, &a, y, &inc, &difference, &inc_copy)
// Find ||x - y||
let distance = Float(snrm2_(&n_copy, &difference, &inc))
let verbose = false
guard distance >= tolerance else {
if verbose {
print("Size B=\(B), M=\(M), N=\(N), K=\(K) succeeded.")
for _ in 0..<3 {
let index = Int.random(in: 0..<B * M * N)
var message = "Element \(index): "
message += "MFA=\(x[index]), MPS=\(y[index])"
// How many elements to print before stopping.
let diagnosticElems = 16
print("Size B=\(B), M=\(M), N=\(N), K=\(K) failed.")
Vectors did not match: Euclidean distance '\(distance)' > \
tolerance '\(tolerance)'.
var failedElements = 0
for i in 0..<Int(B * M * N) {
if abs(x[i] - y[i]) > 0.001 * distance {
print("Element \(i): \(x[i]) - \(y[i]) = \(difference[i])")
failedElements += 1
if failedElements >= diagnosticElems {
if failedElements == 0 {
print("Could not find elements with enough separation.")
for index in 0..<Int(diagnosticElems) {
let i = (index == 0) ? 0 : Int.random(in: 0..<B * M * N)
print("Element \(i): \(x[i]) - \(y[i]) = \(difference[i])")
// uniqueOperations[7] = MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 32, N: 32, K: 32, true)
let device = MTLCopyAllDevices().first!
let context = GPUContext(device: device)
var f16ResourcesArray: [Resources?] = { _ in nil }
var f32ResourcesArray: [Resources?] = { _ in nil }
// It's faster to run this on single-core.
let numShapes = uniqueOperations.count
for opIndex in 0..<numShapes {
let shape = uniqueOperations[opIndex]
let mfaEnsemble = benchmarkGEMM_useEnsemble
let f16Resources = Resources(
context: context, shape: shape, mfaEnsemble: mfaEnsemble,
precision: .f16)
let f32Resources = Resources(
context: context, shape: shape, mfaEnsemble: mfaEnsemble,
precision: .f32)
// print("Finished \(opIndex)")
f16ResourcesArray[opIndex] = f16Resources
f32ResourcesArray[opIndex] = f32Resources
// let testedOpStart = min(uniqueOperations.count, 0)
// let testedOpEnd = min(uniqueOperations.count, 10)
// let testedOpStart = min(uniqueOperations.count, 0)
// let testedOpEnd = min(uniqueOperations.count, 10)
let testedOpStart = 0
let testedOpEnd = uniqueOperations.count
func profile(
iterations: Int, trials: Int,
type: Resources.DispatchType, logProgress: Bool = false
) {
if logProgress {
print("Running benchmark for \(type.repr()).")
for array in [f16ResourcesArray, f32ResourcesArray] {
for i in testedOpStart..<testedOpEnd {
let resources = array[i]!
resources.prepareDispatch(iterations: iterations, dispatchType: type)
for trial in 0..<trials {
let sync: Bool = (trial == trials - 1)
resources.profile(sync: sync)
if logProgress {
let repr = (resources.precision == .f32) ? "SGEMM" : "HGEMM"
print("Shapes finished for \(repr): \(i + 1)")
func validate() {
for array in [f16ResourcesArray, f32ResourcesArray] {
for i in testedOpStart..<testedOpEnd {
profile(iterations: 1, trials: 1, type: .mps)
profile(iterations: 1, trials: 1, type: .mfa)
profile(iterations: 5, trials: 1, type: .mfa, logProgress: true)
profile(iterations: 10, trials: 1, type: .mfa, logProgress: true)
profile(iterations: 20, trials: 4, type: .mfa, logProgress: true)
// Run MPS after MFA warmed up the GPU, otherwise your estimate will be biased
// toward "MFA is faster than MPS".
profile(iterations: 5, trials: 1, type: .mps, logProgress: true)
profile(iterations: 10, trials: 1, type: .mps, logProgress: true)
profile(iterations: 20, trials: 4, type: .mps, logProgress: true)
// print(uniqueOperations.firstIndex(where: { $0.B == 2 && $0.M == 4096 && $0.N == 320 && $0.K == 320 }))
typealias Variant = Resources.Variant
#if true
var variants: [Variant]
if benchmarkGEMM_useEnsemble {
variants = Array(Variant.allCases)
} else {
variants = [Variant.mps, Resources.monolithicVariant]
for variant in variants {
print("Performance of variant: \(variant.repr())")
for i in 0..<uniqueOperations.count {
let f16 = f16ResourcesArray[i]!
print(" \(f16.cleanRepr(variant: variant))")
for i in 0..<uniqueOperations.count {
let f32 = f32ResourcesArray[i]!
print(" \(f32.cleanRepr(variant: variant))")
#if true
print("Matrix utilizations for usage inside Swift code:")
for i in 0..<uniqueOperations.count {
let f16 = f16ResourcesArray[i]!
let f32 = f32ResourcesArray[i]!
print(f16.dataRepr(other: f32))
func getMatrixSpeeds(monolithic: Bool) -> [MatrixShape: MatrixUtilization] {
if monolithic {
return _getMatrixSpeedsMonolithic()
} else {
return _getMatrixSpeedsEnsemble()
// NOTE: Switch to Swift release mode and disable Metal API validation
// before generating these benchmarks, otherwise they will be biased in favor
// of MFA being faster than MPS.
func _getMatrixSpeedsMonolithic() -> [MatrixShape: MatrixUtilization] {
return [
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 1280, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.017, mfaF32: 0.014),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.008, mpsF32: 0.008, mfaF16: 0.021, mfaF32: 0.018),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 320, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.406, mpsF32: 0.425, mfaF16: 0.749, mfaF32: 0.629),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 640, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.496, mpsF32: 0.536, mfaF16: 0.783, mfaF32: 0.649),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 1280, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.577, mpsF32: 0.639, mfaF16: 0.806, mfaF32: 0.661),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 320, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.005, mfaF32: 0.004),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 640, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.004, mpsF32: 0.004, mfaF16: 0.010, mfaF32: 0.009),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 320, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.573, mpsF32: 0.571, mfaF16: 0.802, mfaF32: 0.690),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 4096, N: 4096, K: 40, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.304, mpsF32: 0.344, mfaF16: 0.615, mfaF32: 0.500),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 4096, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.089, mpsF32: 0.089, mfaF16: 0.495, mfaF32: 0.351),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 1713, K: 40, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.323, mpsF32: 0.352, mfaF16: 0.528, mfaF32: 0.399),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.168, mpsF32: 0.161, mfaF16: 0.585, mfaF32: 0.412),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 92, K: 40, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.116, mpsF32: 0.111, mfaF16: 0.437, mfaF32: 0.346),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.117, mpsF32: 0.118, mfaF16: 0.394, mfaF32: 0.310),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 1280, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.672, mpsF32: 0.703, mfaF16: 0.822, mfaF32: 0.673),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 320, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.695, mpsF32: 0.708, mfaF16: 0.830, mfaF32: 0.686),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 640, K: 640, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.572, mpsF32: 0.578, mfaF16: 0.804, mfaF32: 0.697),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1024, N: 1024, K: 80, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.197, mpsF32: 0.180, mfaF16: 0.544, mfaF32: 0.471),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 1024, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.105, mpsF32: 0.094, mfaF16: 0.427, mfaF32: 0.398),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 1713, K: 80, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.476, mpsF32: 0.540, mfaF16: 0.639, mfaF32: 0.525),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.129, mpsF32: 0.112, mfaF16: 0.671, mfaF32: 0.513),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 92, K: 80, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.126, mpsF32: 0.116, mfaF16: 0.439, mfaF32: 0.377),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.094, mpsF32: 0.073, mfaF16: 0.409, mfaF32: 0.357),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 2560, K: 640, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.692, mpsF32: 0.709, mfaF16: 0.832, mfaF32: 0.686),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 640, K: 2560, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.693, mpsF32: 0.686, mfaF16: 0.823, mfaF32: 0.681),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.582, mpsF32: 0.528, mfaF16: 0.804, mfaF32: 0.713),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 256, N: 256, K: 160, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.025, mpsF32: 0.025, mfaF16: 0.255, mfaF32: 0.213),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 256, N: 160, K: 256, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.028, mpsF32: 0.026, mfaF16: 0.185, mfaF32: 0.163),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 1713, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.450, mpsF32: 0.492, mfaF16: 0.721, mfaF32: 0.578),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 160, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.185, mpsF32: 0.154, mfaF16: 0.751, mfaF32: 0.533),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 92, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.075, mpsF32: 0.076, mfaF16: 0.445, mfaF32: 0.390),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 160, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.072, mpsF32: 0.069, mfaF16: 0.408, mfaF32: 0.316),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 5120, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.694, mpsF32: 0.698, mfaF16: 0.830, mfaF32: 0.671),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 1280, K: 5120, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.686, mpsF32: 0.574, mfaF16: 0.813, mfaF32: 0.638),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.349, mpsF32: 0.341, mfaF16: 0.659, mfaF32: 0.612),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 64, N: 64, K: 160, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.001, mfaF16: 0.018, mfaF32: 0.017),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 64, N: 160, K: 64, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.031, mfaF32: 0.029),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 1713, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.293, mpsF32: 0.300, mfaF16: 0.608, mfaF32: 0.505),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 160, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.241, mpsF32: 0.230, mfaF16: 0.409, mfaF32: 0.339),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 92, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.020, mpsF32: 0.021, mfaF16: 0.160, mfaF32: 0.143),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 160, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.019, mpsF32: 0.020, mfaF16: 0.195, mfaF32: 0.169),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 5120, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.573, mpsF32: 0.508, mfaF16: 0.795, mfaF32: 0.611),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 1280, K: 5120, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.477, mpsF32: 0.463, mfaF16: 0.683, mfaF32: 0.631),
func _getMatrixSpeedsEnsemble() -> [MatrixShape: MatrixUtilization] {
return [
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 1280, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.022, mfaF32: 0.018),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.008, mpsF32: 0.009, mfaF16: 0.035, mfaF32: 0.024),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 320, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.400, mpsF32: 0.425, mfaF16: 0.659, mfaF32: 0.606),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 640, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.495, mpsF32: 0.537, mfaF16: 0.727, mfaF32: 0.691),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1805, N: 1280, K: 768, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.580, mpsF32: 0.638, mfaF16: 0.812, mfaF32: 0.729),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 320, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.010, mfaF32: 0.007),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 2, N: 640, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.004, mpsF32: 0.004, mfaF16: 0.019, mfaF32: 0.014),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 320, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.580, mpsF32: 0.578, mfaF16: 0.803, mfaF32: 0.695),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 4096, N: 4096, K: 40, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.305, mpsF32: 0.342, mfaF16: 0.692, mfaF32: 0.579),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 4096, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.089, mpsF32: 0.090, mfaF16: 0.496, mfaF32: 0.414),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 1713, K: 40, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.323, mpsF32: 0.352, mfaF16: 0.662, mfaF32: 0.544),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.167, mpsF32: 0.161, mfaF16: 0.643, mfaF32: 0.565),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 92, K: 40, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.115, mpsF32: 0.113, mfaF16: 0.491, mfaF32: 0.445),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 4096, N: 40, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.116, mpsF32: 0.118, mfaF16: 0.520, mfaF32: 0.428),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 1280, K: 320, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.674, mpsF32: 0.703, mfaF16: 0.849, mfaF32: 0.740),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 4096, N: 320, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.700, mpsF32: 0.710, mfaF16: 0.830, mfaF32: 0.720),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 640, K: 640, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.576, mpsF32: 0.584, mfaF16: 0.804, mfaF32: 0.697),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1024, N: 1024, K: 80, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.202, mpsF32: 0.210, mfaF16: 0.569, mfaF32: 0.485),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 1024, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.107, mpsF32: 0.096, mfaF16: 0.530, mfaF32: 0.396),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 1713, K: 80, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.472, mpsF32: 0.549, mfaF16: 0.748, mfaF32: 0.612),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.129, mpsF32: 0.112, mfaF16: 0.668, mfaF32: 0.577),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 92, K: 80, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.116, mpsF32: 0.117, mfaF16: 0.473, mfaF32: 0.433),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 1024, N: 80, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.093, mpsF32: 0.075, mfaF16: 0.431, mfaF32: 0.365),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 2560, K: 640, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.693, mpsF32: 0.708, mfaF16: 0.848, mfaF32: 0.738),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 1024, N: 640, K: 2560, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.691, mpsF32: 0.685, mfaF16: 0.822, mfaF32: 0.682),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.579, mpsF32: 0.526, mfaF16: 0.804, mfaF32: 0.712),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 256, N: 256, K: 160, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.025, mpsF32: 0.027, mfaF16: 0.300, mfaF32: 0.242),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 256, N: 160, K: 256, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.025, mpsF32: 0.029, mfaF16: 0.287, mfaF32: 0.234),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 1713, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.452, mpsF32: 0.482, mfaF16: 0.750, mfaF32: 0.633),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 160, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.181, mpsF32: 0.157, mfaF16: 0.752, mfaF32: 0.536),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 92, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.079, mpsF32: 0.071, mfaF16: 0.392, mfaF32: 0.337),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 256, N: 160, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.076, mpsF32: 0.076, mfaF16: 0.411, mfaF32: 0.316),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 5120, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.697, mpsF32: 0.691, mfaF16: 0.830, mfaF32: 0.717),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 256, N: 1280, K: 5120, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.686, mpsF32: 0.580, mfaF16: 0.813, mfaF32: 0.636),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 1280, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.345, mpsF32: 0.335, mfaF16: 0.660, mfaF32: 0.614),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 64, N: 64, K: 160, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.030, mfaF32: 0.026),
MatrixShape(B: nil, M: 64, N: 160, K: 64, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.002, mpsF32: 0.002, mfaF16: 0.044, mfaF32: 0.035),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 1713, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.285, mpsF32: 0.289, mfaF16: 0.588, mfaF32: 0.469),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 160, K: 1713, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.233, mpsF32: 0.234, mfaF16: 0.430, mfaF32: 0.339),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 92, K: 160, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.019, mpsF32: 0.020, mfaF16: 0.194, mfaF32: 0.151),
MatrixShape(B: 8, M: 64, N: 160, K: 92, true): .init(
mpsF16: 0.020, mpsF32: 0.021, mfaF16: 0.197, mfaF32: 0.169),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 5120, K: 1280, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.576, mpsF32: 0.510, mfaF16: 0.794, mfaF32: 0.611),
MatrixShape(B: 2, M: 64, N: 1280, K: 5120, false): .init(
mpsF16: 0.475, mpsF32: 0.471, mfaF16: 0.684, mfaF32: 0.631),
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philipturner commented Jul 22, 2024

I was using it to predict the latency of Stable Diffusion inference in Draw Things, last summer. I got results that were within a factor of 2 of the actual latency, which was amazing. It allowed me to get detailed, low-level insights into exactly where the performance bottlenecks were. And, to predict which optimizations would be worth my time implementing.

For example:

The data used to parameterize this (mostly the dimensions of each matrix in SDv1.4) were from NNC logs. I kept those gists private (because I was actually using this as the test case), but here is a snippet. You'd have to find a similar mechanism in whatever ML framework you are using, to understand which problem sizes to get GFLOPS for.

|-> 1. 0x2831c2300 (0x107f7ed00:0) [2x64x64x4] 1.073242 0.890625 0.555664 ..
|-> 2. 0x28b2b4e70 (0x2f92907f0:0) [2x320] -0.996094 0.893066 0.418457 ..
|-> 3. 0x28318d570 (0x1410ae3a0:0) [1805x768] -0.397705 0.032898 -0.063660 ..
Graph Stream 0 Begin
CCV_NNC_NOOP [0]: [0] -> [0] (0)
Emit: (0, 0)
CCV_NNC_GEMM_FORWARD [1]: [3] -> [1] (0)
|-> 1. 0x15472be20 (0x2f92907f0:0) [2x320] -0.996094 0.893066 0.418457 ..
|-> 2. 0x15472bf70 (0x123e783c0:0) [1280x320] -0.001384 0.001720 0.001193 ..
|-> 3. 0x15472bfe0 (0x123e78550:0) [1280] -0.019501 0.008133 0.010246 ..
|<- 1. 0x15470c000 (0x123ef8c50:0) [2x1280] 0.025223 0.012665 0.023911 ..
CCV_NNC_SWISH_FORWARD [2]: [1] -> [1] (0)
|-> 1. 0x15470c000 (0x123ef8c50:0) [2x1280] 0.025223 0.012665 0.023911 ..
|<- 1. 0x15470c000 (0x123ef8c50:0) [2x1280] 0.012772 0.006374 0.012100 ..
CCV_NNC_GEMM_FORWARD [3]: [3] -> [1] (0)
|-> 1. 0x15470c000 (0x123ef8c50:0) [2x1280] 0.012772 0.006374 0.012100 ..
|-> 2. 0x15472c050 (0x123e786e0:0) [1280x1280] 0.002172 0.000903 -0.003487 ..
|-> 3. 0x15472c0c0 (0x123e78870:0) [1280] 0.006245 0.001924 -0.009956 ..
|<- 1. 0x15470c070 (0x123ef8de0:0) [2x1280] -0.036530 -0.024658 -0.022675 ..
Wait: (1, 0)
|-> 1. 0x15472bdb0 (0x107f7ed00:0) [2x64x64x4] 1.073242 0.890625 0.555664 ..
|-> 2. 0x15472c130 (0x123e78a00:0) [320x4x3x3] -0.030472 0.084595 0.094971 ..
|-> 3. 0x15472c1a0 (0x123e78b90:0) [320] -0.095886 -0.111938 0.105225 ..
|<- 1. 0x154781610 (0x14238cde0:0) [2x64x64x320] -0.356445 0.182739 0.060486 ..
CCV_NNC_GEMM_FORWARD [5]: [2] -> [1] (2)
Wait: (2, 0)
|-> 1. 0x15472be90 (0x1410ae3a0:0) [1805x768] -0.397705 0.032898 -0.063660 ..
|-> 2. 0x15472cc90 (0x123e7b2a0:0) [320x768] 0.054169 0.021240 -0.020020 ..
|<- 1. 0x15470d500 (0x123efb760:0) [1805x320] -0.343750 0.082336 8.750000 ..
Emit: (2, 1)
CCV_NNC_GEMM_FORWARD [6]: [2] -> [1] (3)
Wait: (3, 0)
|-> 1. 0x15472be90 (0x1410ae3a0:0) [1805x768] -0.397705 0.032898 -0.063660 ..
|-> 2. 0x15472cd00 (0x123e7b430:0) [320x768] -0.017105 -0.006462 -0.000221 ..
|<- 1. 0x15470d6c0 (0x123ef9440:0) [1805x320] 0.021179 -0.032227 -0.021362 ..
Emit: (3, 2)

To build theoretical models of execution speed (rooflines), you need to know the hardware characteristics. Whether an operation is compute bound or memory bound, and how much compute/memory the profiled device has. GEMM is very easy to predict, you have M x N x K instructions (2 x M x N x K FLOPs). Divide that by a billion times the manufacturer's reported GFLOPS, and you have a semi-quantitative estimate of how long the GEMM takes. That's mostly what this script is about, just with something much more complex than a single GEMM. You would likely build your own script from scratch, by studying the code structure and algorithms in this GitHub Gist.

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