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Created September 7, 2011 17:21
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Save phill-tornroth/1201168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is my little batched-strategy for updating really large haystack indexes via a Celery task. It's pretty simple... Each task builds a piece of the index, and then puts a task on the queue for building the next batch. I also use my little @bounce_worke
import logging
from celery.signals import task_postrun
from celery.task import task
from haystack import site
def bounce_worker_after(func):
A decorator which will ensure that the celery worker is shutdown (and subsequently restarted by celery)
after this task is executed.
task_postrun.connect(shutdown_worker, sender=func)
return func
def update_large_index(ModelClass, batch_start=0, batch_size=25000, total_count=None, rebuild=False):
index = site.get_index(ModelClass)
qs = index.index_queryset()
if batch_start == 0:"Deleting and rebuilding index for %s. (Note that this will be done in batches.)" % (ModelClass,))
if rebuild:
total_count = qs.count()"Found %s items. So this is gonna be about %s batches" % (total_count, total_count/batch_size+1))"Beginning index of batch started at %s" % (batch_start,))
batch_end = batch_start + batch_size
index.backend.update(index, qs[batch_start:batch_end])
new_start = batch_end
if new_start > total_count:"Index rebuild complete!")
update_large_index.delay(ModelClass, new_start, batch_size, total_count)
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