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Last active September 27, 2021 22:55
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WordPress: Customize TinyMCE text color picker.
// Custom theme colors
$cmfy_custom_colors = array(
'14bed2' => __( 'Primary blue', 'cmfy' ),
'cadd69' => __( 'Primary green', 'cmfy' ),
'70736f' => __( 'Primary gray', 'cmfy' ),
'f26722' => __( 'Secondary orange', 'cmfy' ),
'fdbb4a' => __( 'Secondary yellow', 'cmfy' ),
* Customize TinyMCE text color picker.
* Filter: tiny_mce_before_init
* @param array $init Initialiation array for TinyMCE
* @return array
function cmfy_set_colors_tinymce( $init ) {
global $cmfy_custom_colors;
* Array to hold custom colors.
* Note that this not an associative array.
* Each color takes up two array elements.
$colors_custom = array();
foreach ( $cmfy_custom_colors as $color => $label ) {
$colors_custom[] = $color;
$colors_custom[] = $label;
* I like the custom colors to take up the entire
* first row. However, if there are only a few colors,
* the color picker becomes too narrow and tall,
* so this adds blank squares to help stretch it out.
* This block can be removed if you don't want placeholders
$_num_of_cols = 8;
while ( count( $colors_custom ) / 2 < $_num_of_cols ) {
$colors_custom[] = '_hide';
$colors_custom[] = '';
* Original colors.
* @see wp-includes/js/timemce/langs/wp-langs-en.js
$colors_original = array(
'000000', 'Black',
'993300', 'Burnt orange',
'333300', 'Dark olive',
'003300', 'Dark green',
'003366', 'Dark azure',
'000080', 'Navy Blue',
'333399', 'Indigo',
'333333', 'Very dark gray',
'800000', 'Maroon',
'FF6600', 'Orange',
'808000', 'Olive',
'008000', 'Green',
'008080', 'Teal',
'0000FF', 'Blue',
'666699', 'Grayish blue',
'808080', 'Gray',
'FF0000', 'Red',
'FF9900', 'Amber',
'99CC00', 'Yellow green',
'339966', 'Sea green',
'33CCCC', 'Turquoise',
'3366FF', 'Royal blue',
'800080', 'Purple',
'999999', 'Medium gray',
'FF00FF', 'Magenta',
'FFCC00', 'Gold',
'FFFF00', 'Yellow',
'00FF00', 'Lime',
'00FFFF', 'Aqua',
'00CCFF', 'Sky blue',
'993366', 'Brown',
'C0C0C0', 'Silver',
'FF99CC', 'Pink',
'FFCC99', 'Peach',
'FFFF99', 'Light yellow',
'CCFFCC', 'Pale green',
'CCFFFF', 'Pale cyan',
'99CCFF', 'Light sky blue',
'CC99FF', 'Plum',
'FFFFFF', 'White',
// Create complete colors array with custom and original colors
$colors = array_merge( $colors_custom, $colors_original );
* Begin textcolor parameters for TinyMCE plugin.
* @link
$init['textcolor_map'] = json_encode( $colors );
* Colors are displayed in a grid of columns and rows.
* Set the number of columns to match the number of custom colors,
* this way our colors make up the first row so they're easier to identify quickly.
* Halve the count since each color has two array entries.
$init['textcolor_cols'] = count( $colors_custom ) / 2;
// Set number of rows
$init['textcolor_rows'] = ceil( ( ( count( $colors ) / 2 ) + 1 ) / $init['textcolor_cols'] );
return $init;
add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'cmfy_set_colors_tinymce' );
* Adjust TinyMCE custom color styling grid
* Action: admin_head
function cmfy_style_custom_colors_timymce () { ?>
<style type="text/css">
/* Add padding after first row */
.mce-colorbutton-grid tr:first-of-type td {
padding-bottom: 10px;
/* Hide the filler blocks */
.mce-colorbutton-grid tr:first-of-type td div[data-mce-color="#_hide"] {
visibility: hidden;
/* Fix spacing issue with the "transparent" block */
.mce-colorbtn-trans div {
line-height: 11px !important;
<?php }
add_action( 'admin_head', 'cmfy_style_custom_colors_timymce' );
* Customize Iris color picker.
* Inspired by @link
* Action: admin_footer, customize_controls_print_footer_scripts
function cmfy_set_colors_iris() {
global $cmfy_custom_colors;
if ( wp_script_is( 'wp-color-picker', 'enqueued' ) ) : ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.wp.wpColorPicker.prototype.options = {
palettes: [
<?php foreach ( array_keys( $cmfy_custom_colors ) as $color ) {
echo "'#$color',";
} ?>
<?php endif;
add_action( 'admin_footer', 'cmfy_set_colors_iris' );
add_action( 'customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', 'cmfy_set_colors_iris' );
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