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Last active December 21, 2023 17:39
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Uses brain.js to predict the next position for a stock market ticker.
const brain = require("brain.js");
const rawData = [
date: "2018-11-02",
open: 141.0716,
high: 141.1014,
low: 138.7762,
close: 139.7898,
volume: 7673303,
unadjustedVolume: 7673303,
change: -0.139114,
changePercent: -0.099,
vwap: 139.5278,
label: "Nov 2",
changeOverTime: 0,
date: "2018-11-05",
open: 140.1078,
high: 141.8367,
low: 138.1204,
close: 141.3002,
volume: 5601398,
unadjustedVolume: 5601398,
change: 1.5104,
changePercent: 1.08,
vwap: 141.2547,
label: "Nov 5",
changeOverTime: 0.010804794055073943,
date: "2018-11-06",
open: 140.6344,
high: 141.9262,
low: 140.1674,
close: 141.6678,
volume: 5798915,
unadjustedVolume: 5798915,
change: 0.367659,
changePercent: 0.26,
vwap: 141.4935,
label: "Nov 6",
changeOverTime: 0.013434456591253337,
date: "2018-11-07",
open: 142.1945,
high: 143.9567,
low: 142.0653,
close: 143.834,
volume: 7173590,
unadjustedVolume: 7173590,
change: 2.1662,
changePercent: 1.529,
vwap: 143.4709,
label: "Nov 7",
changeOverTime: 0.0289305800566278,
date: "2018-11-08",
open: 143.3968,
high: 144.8695,
low: 143.0888,
close: 144.3805,
volume: 5497130,
unadjustedVolume: 5497130,
change: 0.54652,
changePercent: 0.38,
vwap: 144.2387,
label: "Nov 8",
changeOverTime: 0.03284002123187813,
date: "2018-11-09",
open: 144.1222,
high: 144.8178,
low: 143.4664,
close: 144.4203,
volume: 5343206,
unadjustedVolume: 5343206,
change: 0.039746,
changePercent: 0.028,
vwap: 144.4139,
label: "Nov 9",
changeOverTime: 0.03312473442268308,
date: "2018-11-12",
open: 144.0725,
high: 145.3146,
low: 143.8141,
close: 144.6985,
volume: 7013577,
unadjustedVolume: 7013577,
change: 0.278229,
changePercent: 0.193,
vwap: 144.6873,
label: "Nov 12",
changeOverTime: 0.03511486531921486,
date: "2018-11-13",
open: 145.2649,
high: 145.8214,
low: 142.5124,
close: 143.7645,
volume: 7432438,
unadjustedVolume: 7432438,
change: -0.934052,
changePercent: -0.646,
vwap: 143.9306,
label: "Nov 13",
changeOverTime: 0.028433405012382763,
date: "2018-11-14",
open: 144.1023,
high: 144.3905,
low: 142.6516,
close: 143.3372,
volume: 6433077,
unadjustedVolume: 6433077,
change: -0.427279,
changePercent: -0.297,
vwap: 143.4752,
label: "Nov 14",
changeOverTime: 0.025376672689995848,
date: "2018-11-15",
open: 142.5025,
high: 143.5955,
low: 141.5784,
close: 143.5856,
volume: 6658019,
unadjustedVolume: 6658019,
change: 0.248418,
changePercent: 0.173,
vwap: 142.7533,
label: "Nov 15",
changeOverTime: 0.027153626373311823,
date: "2018-11-16",
open: 143.7943,
high: 145.8114,
low: 143.6353,
close: 145.0662,
volume: 8494311,
unadjustedVolume: 8494311,
change: 1.4806,
changePercent: 1.031,
vwap: 144.8256,
label: "Nov 16",
changeOverTime: 0.03774524321517017,
date: "2018-11-19",
open: 145.5034,
high: 147.5007,
low: 145.4438,
close: 146.7952,
volume: 8714603,
unadjustedVolume: 8714603,
change: 1.729,
changePercent: 1.192,
vwap: 146.6115,
label: "Nov 19",
changeOverTime: 0.050113813740344286,
date: "2018-11-20",
open: 146.5666,
high: 147.8087,
low: 145.4239,
close: 145.5233,
volume: 8937990,
unadjustedVolume: 8937990,
change: -1.2719,
changePercent: -0.866,
vwap: 146.2531,
label: "Nov 20",
changeOverTime: 0.04101515275077289,
date: "2018-11-21",
open: 145.3047,
high: 145.3047,
low: 139.8891,
close: 141.0915,
volume: 10275810,
unadjustedVolume: 10275810,
change: -4.4318,
changePercent: -3.045,
vwap: 141.4162,
label: "Nov 21",
changeOverTime: 0.009311838202787201,
date: "2018-11-23",
open: 140.9524,
high: 141.8268,
low: 140.704,
close: 141.33,
volume: 3404882,
unadjustedVolume: 3404882,
change: 0.238482,
changePercent: 0.169,
vwap: 141.3418,
label: "Nov 23",
changeOverTime: 0.01101797126828995,
date: "2018-11-26",
open: 142,
high: 142.05,
low: 140.715,
close: 141.37,
volume: 7590941,
unadjustedVolume: 7590941,
change: 0.040031,
changePercent: 0.028,
vwap: 141.16,
label: "Nov 26",
changeOverTime: 0.01130411517864673,
date: "2018-11-27",
open: 140.57,
high: 143.35,
low: 139.66,
close: 143.22,
volume: 5962112,
unadjustedVolume: 5962112,
change: 1.85,
changePercent: 1.309,
vwap: 141.5703,
label: "Nov 27",
changeOverTime: 0.02453827103265034,
date: "2018-11-28",
open: 143.83,
high: 146.56,
low: 143.36,
close: 146.44,
volume: 8411383,
unadjustedVolume: 8411383,
change: 3.22,
changePercent: 2.248,
vwap: 145.5168,
label: "Nov 28",
changeOverTime: 0.04757285581637561,
date: "2018-11-29",
open: 145.62,
high: 147.2,
low: 144.84,
close: 145.85,
volume: 6900046,
unadjustedVolume: 6900046,
change: -0.59,
changePercent: -0.403,
vwap: 146.1078,
label: "Nov 29",
changeOverTime: 0.04335223313861226,
date: "2018-11-30",
open: 145.34,
high: 147,
low: 145.1,
close: 146.9,
volume: 12517550,
unadjustedVolume: 12517550,
change: 1.05,
changePercent: 0.72,
vwap: 146.2548,
label: "Nov 30",
changeOverTime: 0.05086351078547928,
const relevantData = => {
const { open, high, low, close } = data;
return { open, high, low, close };
const hiLo = relevantData.reduce(
(hiLo, data) => {
const values = [, data.high, data.low, data.close];
hiLo.high = Math.max(hiLo.high, ...values);
hiLo.low = Math.min(hiLo.low, ...values);
return hiLo;
{ high: Number.MIN_VALUE, low: Number.MAX_VALUE }
function scaleDown(entry) {
return {
open: scaleDownValue(,
high: scaleDownValue(entry.high),
low: scaleDownValue(entry.low),
close: scaleDownValue(entry.close),
* Function: scaleDownValue
* This function applies min-max normalization to scale a given value.
* Min-max normalization is a scaling technique that transforms features to a
* range between 0 and 1. The formula used is:
* normalized_value = (value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
* where min_value and max_value are the minimum and maximum values in the dataset,
* respectively.
* This method is chosen for its simplicity and effectiveness in maintaining the
* proportional relationships in the original data. It is particularly useful when
* all features share a common scale, as in this financial data context, where open,
* high, low, and close values are all price values. However, it is sensitive to
* outliers as they can skew the min and max values.
* Other normalization methods, like z-score normalization, could be considered
* if the dataset has features on different scales or is heavily affected by
* outliers.
function scaleDownValue(value) {
return (value - hiLo.low) / (hiLo.high - hiLo.low);
function scaleUp(entry) {
return {
open: scaleUpValue(,
high: scaleUpValue(entry.high),
low: scaleUpValue(entry.low),
close: scaleUpValue(entry.close),
function scaleUpValue(value) {
return value * (hiLo.high - hiLo.low) + hiLo.low;
const scaledDownData =;
* The training data is prepared as an array of arrays, with each sub-array
* containing 5 elements, representing sequential data points. This structure is
* specifically chosen for training the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) network,
* a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that is particularly adept at learning
* from sequences or time-series data.
* LSTM networks, by design, benefit from understanding the temporal relationships
* in data. By providing the data in sequences, the network can better learn
* patterns over time, such as trends and cycles, which are common in financial
* data like stock prices.
* Feeding the entire array of data at once would not provide the LSTM with the
* necessary structure to understand the temporal sequence of events. Instead,
* breaking the data into smaller sequential chunks allows the LSTM to capture the
* temporal dynamics effectively. Each chunk of 5 elements represents a discrete
* sequence to learn from, providing the network with a manageable context window
* to understand and predict temporal patterns.
* This approach is particularly beneficial when dealing with time-series data
* where the relationship between consecutive data points is important for making
* accurate predictions.
* -----
* The choice of chunk size (also known as the sequence length or window size)
* when training LSTM networks, especially with large datasets, is a critical
* decision that affects both the performance and the efficiency of the model.
* The size of your chunks should be large enough to capture the relevant temporal
* dependencies in your data. If your data has long-term dependencies (e.g.,
* seasonal trends in financial data), you might need longer sequences to capture
* these patterns. However, if the dependencies are short-term (e.g., daily
* fluctuations), shorter sequences might suffice.
const trainingData = [
scaledDownData.slice(0, 5),
scaledDownData.slice(5, 10),
scaledDownData.slice(10, 15),
scaledDownData.slice(15, 20),
* LSTM Network Configuration:
* inputSize: 4
* This parameter specifies the number of features in the input data. Since each
* data point in your dataset consists of 4 features ('open', 'high', 'low',
* 'close'), the inputSize is set to 4. This ensures that the network can process
* each of these features at every timestep of the input sequence.
* hiddenLayers: [8, 8]
* This array defines the architecture of the hidden layers in the LSTM network.
* Each number in the array represents a layer, and its value indicates the number
* of neurons (or units) in that layer. Here, you have two hidden layers, each
* with 8 neurons. The number of neurons and layers are hyperparameters that can be
* tuned. In general, more neurons and layers can increase the network's capacity
* to learn complex patterns, but also increase the risk of overfitting and
* computational demand. The choice of [8, 8] is a starting point and can be
* adjusted based on the model's performance and training efficiency.
* outputSize: 4
* Similar to inputSize, outputSize defines the dimensionality of the output. In
* this case, the network is expected to predict 4 values ('open', 'high', 'low',
* 'close') for each timestep in the output sequence. Therefore, the outputSize
* is set to 4, matching the structure of your target output data.
* These parameters are essential in designing an LSTM network that aligns with
* the specific structure and needs of your dataset. They should be carefully
* selected and, if necessary, adjusted through experimentation and validation
* against a holdout dataset to optimize the network's performance.
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep({
inputSize: 4,
hiddenLayers: [8, 8],
outputSize: 4,
* Training Configuration:
* learningRate: 0.005
* This is a hyperparameter that influences the rate at which the network
* updates its weights during training. A smaller learning rate means the
* network adjusts its weights more gradually, improving training accuracy
* but potentially increasing convergence time. The value 0.005 balances
* convergence speed with learning stability.
* errorThresh: 0.02
* This sets the target error threshold for training. Training continues
* until the model's error rate on the training data falls below this
* threshold or until other stopping criteria are met. A lower threshold
* indicates training for higher accuracy, but increases overfitting risk.
* The value of 0.02 balances accuracy with overfitting risk.
* These parameters are adjustable, tune them based on dataset specifics
* and the desired model accuracy.
net.train(trainingData, {
learningRate: 0.005,
errorThresh: 0.02,
// log: (stats) => console.log(stats)
open: 144.8610936082244,
high: 146.22127137606142,
low: 144.09271742311714,
close: 145.76413987604377
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