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Last active April 22, 2024 11:55
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Inmate scraping script
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
# We've now imported the two packages that will do the heavy lifting
# for us, reqeusts and BeautifulSoup
# This is the URL that lists the current inmates
# Should this URL go away, and archive is available at
url_to_scrape = ''
# Tell the requests package to retreive the contents our page (it'll be
# grabbing what you see when you use the View Source feature in your browser)
r = requests.get(url_to_scrape)
# We now have the source HTML of the page. Let's ask BeaultifulSoup
# to parse it for us.
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
# Down below we'll add our inmates to this list. For now,
# it's just a placeholder.
inmates_links = []
# Our source document puts each inmate in an HTML table row. Let's
# loop through all of those rows
for table_row in".inmatesList tr"):
# Each table row has a set of tabel cells, or tds. Let's
# get all of those.
table_cells = table_row.findAll('td')
# Our table has one exception -- a row without any cells.
# Let's handle that special case here by making sure we
# have more than zero cells before processing the cells
if len(table_cells) > 0:
# By looking at our source (probably easiest in your browser), we can
# see that the link is in the first td of each row. Let's extract the
# value of that link here.
# Should this link pattern change, find an archive of an
# example at
relative_link_to_inmate_details = table_cells[0].find('a')['href']
# The links to the inmates are relative (they look
# like Details.aspx?bi=212840). We need to make them absolute links.
# We do that by prepending our base URL (which conveniently is the same
# one we used to get the list of inmates.)
absolute_link_to_inmate_details = url_to_scrape + relative_link_to_inmate_details
# We're done getting the link to the inmate details. Let's add it
# to our list of inmates for later use
# Down below we'll add our inmates details to this list. For now,
# it's just a placeholder.
inmates = []
# Loop through the list of inmate links we built
# Since the inmate list is several hunderd links in total,
# we might want to slice just a few off for testing. Here, we start with five.
for inmate_link in inmates_links[:10]:
# Once again we'll use requests to get the HTML of our link
# and use beautiful soup to process it.
r = requests.get(inmate_link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
# We'll put the details we want to hang on to in this dictionary
inmate_details = {}
# Get all of our table rows in the inmateProfile table
inmate_profile_rows ="#inmateProfile tr")
# Inmate age
# From looking at the HTML source (using View Source in our browser)
# we see that age is in the first row and the first table cell (td)
# We use the strip function to cleanup unwanted spaces
inmate_details['age'] = inmate_profile_rows[0].findAll('td')[0].text.strip()
# Inmate race
# Race and naem are in our same inmateProfile table, we just find
# the correct row
inmate_details['race'] = inmate_profile_rows[3].findAll('td')[0].text.strip()
# Inmate sex
inmate_details['sex'] = inmate_profile_rows[4].findAll('td')[0].text.strip()
# Get all of our table rows in the inmateNameDate table
inmate_name_date_rows ="#inmateNameDate tr")
# Inmate name
inmate_details['name'] = inmate_name_date_rows[1].findAll('td')[0].text.strip()
# Inmate booking time
inmate_details['booked_at'] = inmate_name_date_rows[2].findAll('td')[0].text.strip()
# Get all of our table rows in the inmateNameDate table
inmate_address_container ="#inmateAddress")
inmate_details['city'] = inmate_address_container[0].text.split('\n')[2].strip()
# Now that we have all of the inmate details extracted and placed in a
# dictionary, let's append that dictionary to our list
# We don't want to overwhelm the Polk County site. Let's pause for one
# second between each inmate request.
# We now have details (in our dictionary) for each inmate. Let's print those out.
for inmate in inmates:
print '{0}, {1}'.format(inmate['name'], inmate['age'])
print '{0} {1} from {2}'.format(inmate['race'], inmate['sex'], inmate['city'])
print 'Booked at {0}'.format(inmate['booked_at'])
print ''
# We might want to do more than just print out our numbers though. Maybe
# we want to see count up each inmate's city and print it out.s
inmate_cities = {}
for inmate in inmates:
# If we haven't seen the inmate's city already, add it to our
# dictionary with the value of 1. Otherwise, just add 1.
if inmate['city'] in inmate_cities:
inmate_cities[inmate['city']] += 1
inmate_cities[inmate['city']] = 1
print inmate_cities
# Or, each inmate's race
inmate_races = {}
for inmate in inmates:
if inmate['race'] in inmate_races:
inmate_races[inmate['race']] += 1
inmate_races[inmate['race']] = 1
print inmate_races
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How would print inmate_races look like? Is inmate_race ={ } initiating a dictionary mapping inmate race to count?

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