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Last active March 29, 2024 15:13
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Save phillmv/578ee87ef3321cc8bc2edd1f00797e29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google App Script for handling github notifications
// email-filter.js
// Set this up by visiting
// see below for
// begin things you can change or should know about:
// list the teams you care about here:
// the script will search email messages for these specific
// mentions
var myTeams = [ "@github/pe-security-workflows" ]
// I find that these tags can get rather long & wordy
// so, here you can customize how labels get shortened.
// the script parses out github/ from team names and repos
// so, team mentions for @github/foo will appear as @foo
// and repository tags for [github/foo] will appear as [foo]
// example: "@long-team-name-here": "@shorter-name"
// "[extremely-long-repo-name]": "[shorter]"
var abbreviations = {
"@pe-security-workflows": "@pe-sec-work",
"@compliance-code-reviewers": "@compliance-rev",
"@pe-security-workflows-reviewers": "@pe-sec-work-rev",
"@experience-engineering-code": "@ee-code",
"@experience-engineering": "@ee",
"@engineering": "@eng",
"@pe-coding-workflows": "@pe-code",
"[github]": "[gh]",
"[experience-engineering-code]": "[ee-code]",
"[experience-engineering]": "[ee]",
"[dependency-graph-api]": "[dep-graph]",
"review": "rev",
"mention": "@phillmv",
"team": "tm"
// this variable controls whether the tags the script
// introduces are prefixed with the string "t:".
// This is useful if you're just trying shit out, and,
// if you have an existing filtering system whose labels
// overlap with the labels this one will autogenerate, you
// don't want to end up polluting your existing tags
var addTestPrefixToLabels = false;
// used for debugging
var debug = false;
// When replacing this script with a newer version,
// delete everything below this line.
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// Google Apps Script that parses GitHub notifications and
// auto generates Gmail labels based on repo names, team mentions,
// pull request reviews, etc, with some configurable settings.
// by @phillmv, with some code from @mislav's labler.js
// ------------
// ------------
// 1. Visit while logged in
// to your GitHub Google account.
// 2. Create a New Script.
// 3. Copy and paste the following script into the
// file that materializes within the Google Apps Script editor.
// 4. Go through the CONFIGURATION section below, and change
// the three variables to your taste and liking:
// a) myTeams
// b) abbreviations
// c) addTestPrefixToLabels
// 5. Click the little floppy button to save it. I named
// mine "email-filter".
// 6. In the toolbar, next to the debug button, there is
// a dropdown with named functions. Select the "main" function.
// 7. Hit the Play button / Click Run > Run Function > main
// 8. This will take a while, depending on how many unread
// emails you have. Easily ten, twenty minutes; it may also time
// out, cos Google enforced script execution time lengths.
// If things don't seem to work properly, consult @phillmv
// 9. Open up your gmail. Go to Settings > Labels
// and scroll down till you find "been-processed-hide-this-label".
// Hide the label.
// 10. See if that everything works! I like to assign colours to
// diff labels.
// 11. If things are working, it's time to configure a trigger.
// Go back to the Apps Script project tab.
// Click Edit > Current project's triggers
// Set up to Run "main" every 10 or 15 minutes.
// You're done!
// ------------
// ------------
// This script iterates over unread, github notification emails
// since the last time the script was invoked,
// looks at the first and last email in the thread,
// examines the email's Reason header to deduce why you're
// receiving it,
// parses out from the Message-ID the specific repository OR
// if it's a discussion, the team name being mentioned,
// then scans the body of the message for team mentions listed in
// the `myTeams` variable below, and if it's a PR tries to parse
// which team got tagged for a review.
// FINALLY, it takes all this information and tags the thread
// with information like:
// [github], @experience-engineering-code, pr
// end things that you can change or should know about
// From within Gmail's UI, you should hide this label
// when it pops up.
var beenProcessedLabel = "been-processed-hide-this-label";
var emailSearchQuery = "is:unread";
var relevantHeadersRE = "(X-GitHub-Reason|Message-ID):";
var requestedReviewRE = /requested review from (@\S+)/;
var emailSearchCacheKey = "v6";
var teamSearchRE = RegExp( { return "("+t+")" }).join("|"));
// i.e. <github/your-repo-here/{issue,pull,discussion}/1234
var messageIDDecomposeRE = /<github\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/\S+@/
function main() {
var threads,
offset = 0,
perPage = 50,
query = emailSearchQuery;
lastRunAt = cache.getLastRun()
if (lastRunAt) {
lastRunAtDate = new Date(lastRunAt * 1000)
} else {
// if we can't detect a date, let's just process
// all email from the last 45 days
lastRunAtDate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 45));
lastRunAt = parseInt(lastRunAtDate / 1000);
query += " after:" + lastRunAt;
do {
var threads = fetchUnreadMail(query, offset, perPage);
Logger.log("Looking at " + threads.length + " threads");
forEach(threads, function(thread, i) {
var existingLabels = fetchAndCacheThreadLabels(thread);
var labels = parseThread(thread, lastRunAtDate);
// Logger.log("labels " + labels)
addLabelsToThread(existingLabels, labels, thread);
offset += perPage;
// used for debugging:
// } while (offset == 0)
} while (threads.length == perPage)
// set cache for next run
cache.setLastRun(new Date)
function parseThread(thread, lastRunAtDate) {
var labels = new Set;
var messages = thread.getMessages();
// Logger.log(messages[0].getSubject())
// right now, we only look at the very first message
// most of the time,
// getLabelsForMessage(labels, messages[0]);
for(i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
var msg = messages[i];
if(msg.getDate() > lastRunAtDate) {
getLabelsForMessage(labels, msg);
return labels;
function getLabelsForMessage(labels, message) {
var [headers, rawContent] = splitEmailMessage(message)
// Logger.log(headers)
var githubReason = headers["x-github-reason"]
var messageID = headers["message-id"]
applyMessageIDLabels(labels, messageID);
switch(githubReason) {
case "author":
case "assigned":
// labels.add("assigned");
case "mention":
case "team_mention":
applyTeamLabels(labels, messageID, rawContent);
case "review_requested":
applyTeamLabels(labels, messageID, rawContent);
case "security_alert":
function applyTeamLabels(labels, messageID, rawContent) {
var teams = [],
review_match = rawContent.match(requestedReviewRE),
team_match = rawContent.match(teamSearchRE)
// Logger.log(rawContent)
if (review_match) {
if (team_match) {
forEach(teams, function(team_name) {
[org, name] = team_name.split("/")
if (name) {
labels.add("@" + name)
// splits messageID to find repo name and whether
// it's a discussion or a PR
function applyMessageIDLabels(labels, messageID) {
messageID_match = messageID.match(messageIDDecomposeRE);
if(messageID_match == null) { return }
[_, repo, type] = messageID_match
if(!repo) { return }
switch(type) {
case "discussions":
labels.add("@" + repo)
case "issues":
case "pull":
function splitEmailMessage(message) {
var headers = {},
rawContent = message.getRawContent()
rawHeaders = rawContent.split("\r\n\r\n", 2)[0]
// re: headers we only care about two of them
// so we find them and normalize their keys
forEach(rawHeaders.split("\n"), function(line) {
if(line.match(relevantHeadersRE)) {
var match = line.match(/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/)
if (match) {
headers[match[1].toLowerCase()] = match[2]
return [headers, rawContent]
function fetchUnreadMail(query, offset, perPage) {
var threads =, offset, perPage)
return threads;
// adding a label to a thread is very expensive
// and takes on the order of 0.1 to 0.3s per label
// going by the execution transcript.
// but looking up labels is very cheap:
// thread.getLabels takes 0.009s
// label.getName takes 0.003s
// over the lifetime of this script, the avg msg
// will already have a label, so we stand to save a lot
// of time
function addLabelsToThread(existingLabels, labels, thread) {
forEach(labels.entries(), function(label) {
var label_name = abbreviations[label] || label
if(addTestPrefixToLabels) {
label_name = "t:"+label;
if(!existingLabels.has(label_name)) {
// mark the thread as processed
function fetchAndCacheThreadLabels(thread) {
var labelCache = new Set,
existingLabels = thread.getLabels();
forEach(existingLabels, function(threadLabel) {
return labelCache;
function forEach(a, fn) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (fn(a[i], i) === false) break
function Set() {
var store = {}
return {
add: function(item) {
store[item] = true;
return this;
entries: function() {
return Object.keys(store);
has: function(item) {
return store[item] || false;
toString: function() {
return this.entries().toString();
cache = (function(){
var userCache = CacheService.getUserCache(),
cacheKey = emailSearchCacheKey,
expiresIn = 60 * 60 * 2;
return {
getLastRun: function() {
return userCache.get(cacheKey+"lastRunAt")
, setLastRun: function(date) {
userCache.put(cacheKey+"lastRunAt", parseInt(date / 1000), expiresIn)
getLabel = (function(){
var labelIndex = null
return function(name) {
if (!labelIndex) {
labelIndex = {}
forEach(GmailApp.getUserLabels(), function(label){
labelIndex[label.getName().toLowerCase()] = label
var lower_name = name.toLowerCase();
if(!labelIndex[lower_name]) {
labelIndex[lower_name] = GmailApp.createLabel(name)
return labelIndex[lower_name]
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