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Last active October 26, 2022 08:26
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  • Save phillypb/d3d08093cc21e89333bfc08dd2b9ab24 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phillypb/d3d08093cc21e89333bfc08dd2b9ab24 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loop through a folder of CSV files.
Capture tutor name (from file name) and file ID in a JavaScript Object.
Collates/sorts all files together for each individual tutor.
End result is ability to loop through JavaScript Object and action CSV files
belonging to each tutor in-turn.
Collated data will look like this:
{"Jane Doe":["1-kh1Vp6It4LvVNSahUMkP529hu4-_es9","1z8O6jnm8INdZf9NWZBCoWTvB0zTEQDDe","1MnenQwueMKWssWlBOEaM8lcozB9ghYEn"],"Micky Mouse":["1BRv0IhTxYxhsYbDN85DkpMqrTPyJHXyK","1dmwVbPdwNQbOg9nfO98RD213QpKOLuqk"]}
function readFiles() {
// get folder of files
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("ENTER ID HERE");
// get all files in folder
var files = folder.getFiles();
// create empty JavaScript Object
var obj = {};
// loop through each file in folder ***********************************
while (files.hasNext()) {
// get the next file
var theFile =;
// get the file name
var theFileName = theFile.getName();
// get the file Id
var theFileId = theFile.getId();
// check file name ends with '.csv' to avoid picking up the Google Sheet file in the process
if (theFileName.endsWith(".csv")) {
// split the file name into 3 chunks to extract relevant info
var items = theFileName.split(" - ");
var moduleCode = items[0]; // collected but not going to be used in this example
var tutor = items[1];
var group = items[2]; // collected but not going to be used in this example
// see if the tutor already exists in the JavaScript Object **********
if (obj[tutor] == null) {
// the Object has not seen this tutor yet
// create an array in that tutor with first file Id in there.
obj[tutor] = [theFileId];
else {
// the Object knows about this tutor
// so add one (the current file Id) onto the existing array.
// see if the tutor already exists in the JavaScript Object **********
// loop through each file in folder ***********************************
// now that all files have been read, do something with this JavaScript Object *********************
/* - the 'for ... of' statement executes a loop that operates on a sequence of values sourced from an iterable object (eg an array).
2 variables are created (tutor and fileIds) as the Object is then iterated over as an array. - the 'Object.entries()' method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs.
// get Object as an array for iterating through for tutors and corresponding file Ids
var arrayToIterate = Object.entries(obj);
for (var [tutor, fileIds] of arrayToIterate) {
// the is where the Google Sheet file would be created for the tutor
// loop through the file Ids for each tutor ***************
for (fileId of fileIds) {
Logger.log(tutor + "\t" + fileId);
// open the file and read its data
// create a tab in the Google Sheet for this given file
// put the data into this tab
// loop through the file Ids for each tutor ***************
// delete the 'Template' tab and sort order
// now that all files have been read, do something with this object *********************
for (tutor of arrayToIterate) {
// log array for each tutor and their corresponding file Ids
// log array of all file Ids for given tutor
var fileIds = tutor[1];
// the is where the Google Sheet file would be created for the tutor
// loop through the file Ids for each tutor ***************
for (var i = 0; i < fileIds.length; i++) {
// extract specific fileId
var fileId = fileIds[i];
Logger.log('single fileId is: ' + fileId);
// open the file and read its data
// create a tab in the Google Sheet for this given file
// put the data into this tab
// loop through the file Ids for each tutor ***************
// delete the 'Template' tab and sort order
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