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Last active September 9, 2019 14:47
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O-Neko: Getting started

Getting Started

This document will guide you through the first steps after you've successfully installed O-Neko in your cluster.

1. Open O-Neko in your browser

The first step is fairly easy. You need to open O-Neko in your browser. Open the URL you chose in the O-Neko ingress you deployed in your cluster during installation.

After the login page shows up you can initially login with admin/admin. Please change the admin password as soon as possible.

2. Show O-Neko your Docker Registry

In order to know where your Docker images come from, you need to "create" a Docker registry in O-Neko. To do this, open the "Docker Registries" tab and click on "Create Docker Registry". A dialog should show up. Enter a name for your registry, fill out the form and click "Save". The registry URL should start with https://.

The user you use for authentication at your registry needs to have at least read permissions.

3. Create a new O-Neko project

Now that you have set up the Docker registry you can create a new project. Head over to "Projects" and click on "Create Project". A small wizard will guide you through the steps. When you're done with the wizard, the project will be created. Now you have to configure your project, so O-Neko knows how to run your app.

4. Configure your project

It's easiest to configure a project if you already have working Kubernetes .yaml files for it. It not, you should start with this, try them out, and if it works, either upload the .yaml files directly via "Upload YAML file" or paste the contents into the editor after creating new templates for each file.

Although the setup will look differently from app to app, we suppose you'll be having at least three .yaml templates in O-Neko:

  1. deployment.yaml
  2. service.yaml
  3. ingress.yaml

Depending on the requirements of your app you might also have one or multiple configmap etc.

4.1 Create templates from your .yaml files

In order to deploy everything correctly, you need to replace some fixed entries in your files with a template variable syntax. The most important is the docker image tag in your deployment.

You might have something that looks like this:


Replace the tag (here latest) with ${VERSION_NAME}:


VERSION_NAME will be replaced with the docker tag you want to deploy, which might be latest, 1.0.0, bugfix_user_auth or basically every docker tag that exists in your project.

⚠️ Important: ⚠️ Please also make sure to add imagePullPolicy: Always to your deployment. Otherwise O-Neko might instruct your cluster to re-deploy a version but the cluster will not pull an updated image. Setting the policy to always will force the cluster to pull your image every time.

In order to get dynamic URLs to your app you'll have to have an ingress template. In this template you should replace the host string with a string that contains the variable ${SAFE_VERSION_NAME}, like this:

- host: my_app-${SAFE_VERSION_NAME}

SAFE_VERSION_NAME should be used, because this will make sure that the string replaced there will result in a valid URL.

There are some other default template variables you can use:

  • PROJECT_NAME (the name you chose for your project)
  • ONEKO_PROJECT (the project's UUID)
  • VERSION_NAME (the name of a version; the docker image tag)
  • SAFE_VERSION_NAME (the URL compatible version name)
  • ONEKO_VERSION (the version's UUID)

You can also create your own template variables and override them in specific versions as you like.

4.2 Control the lifetime of a deployed version

You can control when new versions should be updated or stopped. In most cases the defaults should be fine. Choose something that fits for most of your versions. You can still override these settings for specific long-running versions (e.g. your latest) version.

Click save to persist your changes.

5. Deploy your first version

While you've been setting up your project O-Neko already scanned all the tags for your docker image. To see them either click on "Show Versions" from the project's edit screen or head over to "Projects" in the main menu and click on the number of versions next to your project.

Choose a version you want to deploy and simply click the play button. If everything has been set up correctly, the deployment status icon of your app should start to flash and turn green as soon as your cluster has successfully deployed your app.

6. Accessing the version

Head over to the "Home" page of O-Neko. This is the dashboard and you can see all deployed versions here. You should see the version you deployed in step 5 there. Click on the link icon to open the frontend of your app. If your app has multiple URLs configured in the ingress clicking on that icon will open a drop down menu so you can choose which page to open.

Con-😸-ulations, you just deployed your first project with O-Neko.

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