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Last active January 15, 2017 03:08
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Example of extracting model in z3-rkt, for now...
#lang typed/racket
(require z3/ffi
;; Example of how to use Z3-Model in current Racket Z3 library.
;; The common pattern in extracting data with the low-level Z3 library is
;; - querying how many things are there
;; - getting the ith "key" and "value"
;; Some functions used in the following example:
;; - model-get-num-consts, model-get-const-decl, model-get-const-interp
;; - model-get-num-funcs, model-get-func-decl, model-get-func-interp
;; - func-interp-get-num-entries, func-interp-get-entry
;; - func-entry-get-num-args, func-entry-get-arg
(declare-const a Int/s)
(declare-const b Int/s)
(declare-fun f (Int/s) Int/s)
(assert! (>=/s a 4))
(assert! (<=/s a 4))
(assert! (>/s b a))
(assert! (>/s (f a) b))
(assert! (>/s (f b) a))
(define m (check-sat/model))
[(z3-model? m)
(define ctx (get-context))
;; Extract and print constants
(printf "Constants:~n")
(for ([i (model-get-num-consts ctx m)])
(define decl (model-get-const-decl ctx m i ))
(define interp (model-get-const-interp ctx m decl))
(printf " * ~a: ~a~n" (func-decl->string ctx decl) (ast->string ctx interp)))
;; Extract and print functions
(printf "Functions:~n")
(for ([i (model-get-num-funcs ctx m)])
(define decl (model-get-func-decl ctx m i))
(with-func-interp ([interp (model-get-func-interp ctx m decl)])
(printf " * ~a:~n" (func-decl->string ctx decl))
;; print each function entry
(for ([i (func-interp-get-num-entries ctx interp)])
(with-func-entry ([entry (func-interp-get-entry ctx interp i)])
(printf " | ")
(for ([i (func-entry-get-num-args ctx entry)])
(printf "~a " (ast->string ctx (func-entry-get-arg ctx entry i))))
(printf "-> ~a~n" (ast->string ctx (func-entry-get-value ctx entry)))))
;; don't forget the "else" entry
(printf " | _ -> ~a~n" (ast->string ctx (func-interp-get-else ctx interp)))))]
[else (printf "No model: ~a~n" m)])
;; ==>
;; Constants:
;; * (declare-fun b () Int): 5
;; * (declare-fun a () Int): 4
;; Functions:
;; * (declare-fun f (Int) Int):
;; | 4 -> 6
;; | 5 -> 5
;; | _ -> 6
;; Z3 convention: except for Z3-Ast, when any other type has `inc-ref!` and `dec-ref!`
;; functions, it is mandatory to bracket your usage with them.
;; You'll get a seg fault otherwise.
(define-syntax-rule (with-func-interp ([interp mk-interp]) e ...)
(let ([interp mk-interp])
(func-interp-inc-ref! (get-context) interp)
(begin0 (let () e ...)
(func-interp-dec-ref! (get-context) interp))))
(define-syntax-rule (with-func-entry ([entry mk-entry]) e ...)
(let ([entry mk-entry])
(func-entry-inc-ref! (get-context) entry)
(begin0 (let () e ...)
(func-entry-dec-ref! (get-context) entry))))
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