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Created July 2, 2013 02:34
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(module list
[reverse ([l : (listof int?)]
. -> .
(and/c (listof int?)
(λ (r) (and (equal? (empty? l) (empty? r))
(equal? (cons? l) (cons? r))))))]
[mk-list ([n : int?]
. -> .
(and/c (listof int?)
(λ (l) (if (zero? n) (empty? l) (cons? l)))))]
[append ([l : (listof int?)]
[r : (listof int?)]
. -> .
(and/c (listof int?)
(λ (a)
[(or (cons? l) (cons? r)) (cons? a)]
[(and (empty? l) (empty? r)) (empty? a)]
[else 'admit]))))])
(define (reverse xs)
(if (empty? xs) empty
(append (reverse (cdr xs)) (cons (car xs) empty))))
(define (mk-list n)
(if (zero? n) empty
(cons n (mk-list (- n 1)))))
(define (append l r)
(if (empty? l) r
(cons (car l) (append (cdr l) r)))))
(module main
(provide [main (int? . -> . int?)])
(require list)
(define (main len)
(let [xs (mk-list len)]
(if (positive? len)
(car (reverse xs))
(require main list)
(amb (reverse •)
(mk-list •)
(append • •))
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