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Created March 19, 2018 05:10
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Redex model for dynamic enforcement of size-change termination
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract
(define-language L
;; Syntax
;; λ-calculus extended with:
;; - `(Fin E)` enforcing that `E` computes a terminating function
;; - Named functions to make recursion easy
[#|Expression |# E ::= V X (if E E E) (E E ...) (Fin E)]
[#|Literal |# V ::= (Fun (X X ...) E) O N]
[#|Primitive |# O ::= car cdr sub1 add1 integer? pair? procedure? zero? cons + - *]
[#|Integer |# N ::= integer]
[#|Variable |# X ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned]
;; Semantics
;; CESK-like machine with:
;; - A: The answer
;; - K: Intra-precedural continuation
;; - M: Continuation mark at coarse procedural level
;; + M maps each clsoure `W` to:
;; * the most recent call's bindings, and
;; * the observed size-change graphs of `W` calling itself in current call chain
;; + the empty map `M` is abused as a flag for "termination not being enforced"
;; - Ξ: Continuation store, mapping each kont. address to the caller's
;; continuation and mark
;; The concrete semantics does not model value allocation, hence no value-store.
[#|State |# S ::= (A K M Ξ)]
[#|Answer |# A ::= W (Err any)]
[#|Local Kont |# K ::= (Rt α) (if • E E Ρ ∷ K) (W ... • E ... Ρ ∷ K) (Fin • ∷ K)]
[#|Value |# W ::= (Clo (X X ...) E Ρ) (Fin W) (cons W W) O N]
[#|Env. |# Ρ ::= (side-condition (name Ρ any) (Ρ? (term Ρ)))] ; X → W
[#|Kont. Store |# Ξ ::= (side-condition (name Ξ any) (Ξ? (term Ξ)))] ; α → K×M
[#|Kont. Mark |# M ::= (side-condition (name M any) (M? (term M)))] ; Clo → ℘(x×W) × ℘(G)
[#|Frames+Mark |# KM ::= (K M)]
[#|Kont. Addr |# α ::= integer]
[#|Change Graph|# G ::= (side-condition (name G any) (G? (term G)))]
[#|Edge |# D ::= (X R X)]
[#|Change |# ?R ::= ↓ ↧ #f] ; ↓ ⊏ ↧ ⊏ #f
[#|Descending |# R ::= ↓ ↧])
(define X? (redex-match? L X))
(define W? (redex-match? L W))
(define D? (redex-match? L D))
(define G? (set/c D?))
(define Ρ? (hash/c X? W? #:flat? #t))
(define Ξ? (hash/c integer? (redex-match? L KM) #:flat? #t))
(define M? (hash/c W? (list/c (hash/c X? W? #:flat? #t) (set/c G?)) #:flat? #t))
(define-term mt ,(hash))
(define-metafunction L
inj : E -> S
[(inj E) (↠ E mt (Rt -1) mt mt)])
(define-syntax-rule (viz p) (traces -> (term (inj p))))
(define-syntax-rule (evl p) (apply-reduction-relation* -> (term (inj p))))
(define ->
L #:domain S
;; Standard stuff
[--> (W (if • E _ Ρ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E Ρ K M Ξ)
(where #t (truish? W))]
[--> (W (if • _ E Ρ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E Ρ K M Ξ)
(where #f (truish? W))]
[--> (W_i-1 (W_1 ... • E_i E_i+1 ... Ρ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E_i Ρ (W_1 ... W_i-1 • E_i+1 ... Ρ ∷ K) M Ξ)
[--> (W_n (O W_1 ... • _ ∷ K) M Ξ)
((δ O W_1 ... W_n) K M Ξ)
[--> (W_n (W_1 ... • _ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E Ρ_1 K_1 M Ξ_1)
(where ((Clo (X_f X ..._1) E Ρ) W_x ..._1) (W_1 ... W_n))
(where (Ρ_1 K_1 Ξ_1) (app-clo W_1 ... W_n K M Ξ))
(where #f (monitoring? M))]
[--> (W (Rt α) _ Ξ)
(W K M Ξ)
(where (K M) (@ Ξ α #f))]
;; Relevant stuff, with some duplication in `App-Clo-*` rules
[--> (W_n (W_1 ... • _ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E Ρ_1 K_1 M_1 Ξ_1)
(where (W_f W_x ..._1) (W_1 ... W_n))
(where (Clo (X_f X ..._1) E Ρ) W_f)
(where (Ρ_1 K_1 Ξ_1) (app-clo W_f W_x ... K M Ξ))
(where #t (monitoring? M))
(where M_1 (M++ M W_f W_x ...))
(where #t (size-change-terminating? M_1 W_f))]
[--> (W_n (W_1 ... • _ ∷ K) M Ξ)
((Err (May-Diverge W_f W_x ...)) K M_1 Ξ)
(where (W_f W_x ..._1) (W_1 ... W_n))
(where (Clo (X_f X ..._1) E Ρ) W_f)
(where (Ρ_1 K_1 Ξ_1) (app-clo W_f W_x ... K M Ξ))
(where #t (monitoring? M))
(where M_1 (M++ M W_f W_x ...))
(where #f (size-change-terminating? M_1 W_f))]
[--> (W_n (W_1 ... • _ ∷ K) M Ξ)
(↠ E Ρ_1 K_1 (M++ M W_f W_x ...) Ξ_1)
(where ((Fin W_f) W_x ..._1) (W_1 ... W_n))
(where (Clo (X_f X ..._1) E Ρ) W_f)
(where (Ρ_1 K_1 Ξ_1) (app-clo (Clo (X_f X ...) E Ρ) W_x ... K M Ξ))]
[--> (W (Fin • ∷ K) M Ξ)
((fin W) K M Ξ)
(define-metafunction L
;; Fast-forward all "push" reductions to compress state space
↠ : E Ρ K M Ξ -> S
[(↠ E Ρ K M Ξ) (W K_1 M Ξ)
(where (W K_1) (ev E Ρ K))])
(define-metafunction L
ev : E Ρ K -> (W K)
[(ev X Ρ K) ((@ Ρ X) K)]
[(ev V Ρ K) ((clo V Ρ) K)]
[(ev (if E E_1 E_2) Ρ K) (ev E Ρ (if • E_1 E_2 Ρ ∷ K))]
[(ev (E_1 E ...) Ρ K) (ev E_1 Ρ (• E ... Ρ ∷ K))]
[(ev (Fin E) Ρ K) (ev E Ρ (Fin • ∷ K))])
(define-metafunction L
;; Close value
clo : V Ρ -> W
[(clo (Fun (X ...) E) Ρ) (Clo (X ...) E Ρ)]
[(clo V _) V])
(define-metafunction L
;; Factor out standard/boring allocations/extensions for applying closures
app-clo : W W ... K M Ξ -> (Ρ K Ξ)
[(app-clo (name W_f (Clo (X_f X ..._1) E Ρ)) W ..._1 K M Ξ)
(Ρ_1 (Rt α) (++ Ξ [α ↦ (K M)]))
(where Ρ_1 (++ Ρ [X_f ↦ W_f] [X ↦ W] ...))
(where α ,(hash-count (term Ξ)))])
(define-metafunction L
;; Wrap closure in `(Fin _)`
fin : W -> W
[(fin (Clo (X ...) E Ρ)) (Fin (Clo (X ...) E Ρ))]
[(fin W) W])
(define-metafunction L
truish? : W -> boolean
[(truish? 0) #f]
[(truish? _) #t])
;; `↓` is definite descendence
;; `↧` is definite non-ascendence
;; `#f` is conservative "don't know"
(define-metafunction L
;; Judge the transition between values based on some well-founded partial order
cmp : W W -> ?R
[(cmp W W) ↧]
[(cmp N_1 N_2) ,(and (> (term N_1) (term N_2) -1) '↓)]
[(cmp (cons W_1 W_2) W)
,(and (ormap values (term ((cmp W_1 W) (cmp W_2 W)))) '↓)]
[(cmp _ _) #f])
(define-metafunction L
M++ : M W W ... -> M
[(M++ M (name W_f (Clo (_ X ..._1) _ _)) W ..._1)
,(hash-set (term M) (term W_f)
(term ((++ mt [X ↦ W] ...)
,(refl-trans (set (list->set (term ([X ↓ X] ...))))))))
(side-condition (not (hash-has-key? (term M) (term W_f))))]
[(M++ M (name W_f (Clo (_ X ..._1) _ _)) W ..._1)
,(hash-update (term M) (term W_f)
[`(,h₀ ,s₀)
(define h₁ (term (++ mt [X ↦ W] ...)))
(term (,h₁ ,(refl-trans (set-add s₀ (mk-graph h₀ h₁)))))]))])
(define-metafunction L
monitoring? : M -> boolean
[(monitoring? M) ,(not (hash-empty? (term M)))])
(define-relation L
;; Check if current call-chain of function `W` is making progress
;; by not violating the `size-change-terminating` principle
size-change-terminating? ⊆ M × W
[(size-change-terminating? M W)
(where (_ any_graphs) (@ M W))
;; Step 2 in Algorithm in section 3.2
;; Could simplify some double negations but just matching paper for now
(not (for/or ([G (in-set (term any_graphs))])
(and (equal? G (compose-graph G G))
(not (for/or ([edge (in-set G)])
(match edge
[`(,s ↓ ,s) #t]
[_ #f])))))))])
(define-metafunction L
;; Compose non-ascending transitions
∘ : R R ... -> R
[(∘ _ ... ↓ _ ...) ↓]
[(∘ _ ...) ↧])
;; Make size-change graph from comparing old and new bindings
(define (mk-graph h₀ h₁)
(for*/set ([(X₀ W₀) (in-hash h₀)]
[(X₁ W₁) (in-hash h₁)]
[R (in-value (term (cmp ,W₀ ,W₁)))] #:when R)
(term (,X₀ ,R ,X₁))))
;; Compose size-change graphs
(define (compose-graph G₁ G₂)
(define (compact G)
(for/fold ([G* G])
([edge (in-set G)]
#:when (match-let ([`(,s ,↝ ,t) edge])
(and (equal? ↝ '↧)
(set-member? G `(,s ↓ ,t)))))
(set-remove G* edge)))
(for*/set ([edge₁ (in-set G₁)]
[edge₂ (in-set G₂)]
(match-let ([`(,s₁ ,↝₁ ,t₁) edge₁]
[`(,s₂ ,↝₂ ,t₂) edge₂])
(and (equal? t₁ s₂)
(term (,s₁ (,↝₁ . ∘ . ,↝₂) ,t₂)))))]
#:when ?edge)
;; Step 1 in algorithm in section 3.2
(define (refl-trans Gs)
(define (trans Gs)
(set-union Gs (for*/set ([G₁ (in-set Gs)]
[G₂ (in-set Gs)] #:unless (eq? G₁ G₂))
(compose-graph G₁ G₂))))
(let fix ([Gs Gs])
(define Gs* (trans Gs))
(if (equal? Gs* Gs) Gs (fix Gs*))))
(define-metafunction L
δ : O W ... -> A
[(δ car (cons W _)) W]
[(δ cdr (cons _ W)) W]
[(δ sub1 N) ,(sub1 (term N))]
[(δ add1 N) ,(add1 (term N))]
[(δ + N_1 N_2) ,(+ (term N_1) (term N_2))]
[(δ - N_1 N_2) ,(- (term N_1) (term N_2))]
[(δ * N_1 N_2) ,(* (term N_1) (term N_2))]
[(δ integer? N) 1]
[(δ integer? _) 0]
[(δ zero? 0) 1]
[(δ zero? _) 0]
[(δ pair? (cons _ _)) 1]
[(δ pair? _) 0]
[(δ procedure? (Clo _ ...)) 1]
[(δ procedure? O) 1]
[(δ procedure? _) 0]
[(δ cons W_1 W_2) (cons W_1 W_2)]
[(δ O W ...) (Err (undefined O W ...))])
(define-metafunction L
;; Extend map
++ : any [any ↦ any] ... -> any
[(++ any) any]
[(++ any_m [any_k ↦ any_v] any ...)
(++ ,(hash-set (term any_m) (term any_k) (term any_v)) any ...)])
(define-metafunction L
;; Lookup map, with optional default
@ : any any any ... -> any
[(@ any_m any_k) (@ any_m any_k ,(λ () (error '@ "not-found ~a" (term any_k))))]
[(@ any_m any_k any_default) ,(hash-ref (term any_m) (term any_k) (term any_default))])
;;;;; Macros
(define-metafunction L
-let : ([X E] ...) E -> E
[(-let ([X E_x] ...) E) ((Fun (LET X ...) E) E_x ...)])
(define-metafunction L
-cond : [E E] ... [else E] -> E
[(-cond [else E]) E]
[(-cond [E_1 E_2] any ...) (if E_1 E_2 (-cond any ...))])
;;;;; Paper examples
(define-term ex-1 ; accumulating parameters
(-let ([r1 (Fun (r1 ls a)
(if (pair? ls)
(r1 (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) a))
((Fin (Fun (rev l) (r1 l 0))) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 0))))))
(define-term ex-2-a ; indirect recursion, encoded compared to paper
; start with `f`
((Fin (Fun (fg f? i/a x/b c)
(if f?
(if (zero? i/a) x/b (fg 0 (cdr i/a) x/b i/a))
(fg 1 i/a (cons x/b c) 0))))
(cons 1 (cons 2 0))
(define-term ex-2-b ; indirect recursion, encoded compared to paper
; start with `g`
((Fin (Fun (fg f? i/a x/b c)
(if f?
(if (zero? i/a) x/b (fg 0 (cdr i/a) x/b i/a))
(fg 1 i/a (cons x/b c) 0))))
(cons 1 (cons 2 0))
(define-term ex-3 ; lexically ordered parameters
((Fin (Fun (a m n)
(-cond [(zero? m) (add1 n)]
[(zero? n) (a (sub1 m) 1)]
[else (a (sub1 m) (a m (sub1 n)))])))
1 2))
(define-term ex-4 ; permuted parameters
((Fin (Fun (p m n r)
(-cond [r (p m (sub1 r) n)]
[n (p r (sub1 n) m)]
[else m])))
3 4 5))
(define-term ex-5 ; permuted and discarded parameters
((Fin (Fun (f x y)
(-cond [(zero? y) x]
[(zero? x) (f y (cdr y))]
[else (f y (cdr x))])))
(cons 1 (cons 2 0))
(cons 3 (cons 4 0))))
(define-term ex-6 ; late starting sequence of descending parameter values
(-let ([g (Fun (g c d)
(if (zero? c) d
(g (cdr c) (cons (car c) d))))])
((Fin (Fun (f a b) (if (zero? b) (g a 0)
(f (cons (car b) a) (cdr b)))))
(cons 1 (cons 2 0))
(cons 3 (cons 4 0)))))
(module+ test
(evl ex-1)
(evl ex-2-a)
(evl ex-2-b)
(evl ex-3)
(evl ex-4)
(evl ex-5)
(evl ex-6))
;;;;; Other examples
(define-term ex-loop
((Fin (Fun (f x y)
(if (zero? x) 42 (f (sub1 y) (add1 x)))))
3 3))
(define-term fact-loop
((Fin (Fun (fact n)
(if (zero? n) 1
(* n (fact (sub1 n))))))
(define-term fact-ok
((Fin (Fun (fact n)
(if (zero? n) 1
(* n (fact (sub1 n))))))
(module+ test
(evl ex-loop)
(evl fact-loop)
(evl fact-ok))
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