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Last active April 24, 2019 16:39
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#lang racket
;;;;; Syntactic Sugar
;; A proposition is a dependent contract whose range ignores the result
;; and only checks for the side-condition.
;; Termination is currently omitted.
(define-syntax-rule (∀ ([x c] ...) prop)
(->i ([x c] ...)
(_ {x ...} (λ (_) prop))))
;; Providing a proof to a theorem is like providing a value satisfying a contract.
;; * `define/contract` checks everywhere in SCV, as opposed to Racket's
;; ignoring self-calls. This should eventually be renamed to something else.
;; * Quirk: We need to `provide` the theorem to expose it to `havoc`.
;; If we forget, it will deceptively appear "proved", due to no run-time error.
(define-syntax-rule (define-theorem (name [x c] ...)
#:conclusion prop
#:proof proof)
(define/contract name
(∀ ([x c] ...) prop)
(λ (x ...) proof))
(provide (contract-out [name (∀ ([x c] ...) prop)]))))
;; Definitions
(define (length l)
(if (null? l) 0 (+ 1 (length (cdr l)))))
(define (map f xs)
(match xs
['() null]
[(cons x xs*) (cons (f x) (map f xs*))]))
(define (append xs ys)
(match xs
['() ys]
[(cons _ xs*) (cons x (append xs* ys))]))
;; Claims and proofs
(define-theorem (map-preserves-length [f (any/c . -> . any/c)]
[xs list?])
#:conclusion (equal? (length xs) (length (map f xs)))
(match xs
['() 'trivial]
[(cons _ xs*) (map-preserves-length f xs*)]))
(define-theorem (append-assoc [xs list?]
[ys list?]
[zs list?])
(equal? (append xs (append ys zs))
(append (append xs ys) zs))
(match xs
['() 'trivial]
[(cons _ xs*) (append-assoc xs* ys zs)]))
(define-theorem (map-distr-append [f (any/c . -> . any/c)]
[xs list?]
[ys list?])
(equal? (map f (append xs ys))
(append (map f xs) (map f ys)))
(match xs
['() 'trivial]
[(cons _ xs*) (map-distr-append f xs* ys)]))
(define-theorem (length-append [xs list?]
[ys list?])
(equal? (+ (length xs) (length ys))
(length (append xs ys)))
(match xs
['() 'trivial]
[(cons _ xs*) (length-append xs* ys)]))
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