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Created January 13, 2022 18:57
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Wordle solver
#lang typed/racket
(require bnf)
(Hint . ::= . (At [c : Char] [pos : Integer])
(Present [c : Char] [but-not : Integer])
(Absent [c : Char]))
(struct Accum ([pool : (Listof String)] [explored-letters : (Setof Char)]))
(: refine : Accum (Listof Hint) → Accum)
(define (refine acc feedback)
(Accum (filter (matches-hints? feedback) (Accum-pool acc))
(for/fold ([s (Accum-explored-letters acc)]) ([h feedback])
(set-add s (match h
[(At c _) c]
[(Present c _) c]
[(Absent c) c])))))
(: matches-hints? : (Listof Hint) → String → Boolean)
(define ((matches-hints? hints) str)
(andmap (match-lambda
[(At c i) (equal? (string-ref str i) c)]
[(Present c i) (and (string-contains? str (string c))
(not (equal? (string-ref str i) c)))]
[(Absent c) (not (string-contains? str (string c)))])
(define guess : (Accum → String)
[(Accum pool cs)
(argmax ; by how many more letters each word explores
(λ ([w : String])
(count (λ (c) (not (set-member? cs c))) (remove-duplicates (string->list w))))
(module+ main
(define (load-words) : (Listof String)
(for/list ([w (string-split (with-output-to-string (λ () (system "aspell -d en dump master"))))]
#:when (= 5 (string-length w))
#:when (andmap (λ ([c : Char]) (char<=? #\a c #\z)) (string->list w)))
(: read-feedback : String → (Listof Hint))
(define (read-feedback guess) : (Listof Hint)
(define cs (set #\Y #\y #\N #\n #\?))
(printf "Feedback for \"~a\" if it's not it: (e.g. Y??NN) : " guess)
(match (read-line)
[(? string? (app string-trim (? (λ (s) (andmap (λ (c) (set-member? cs c)) (string->list s))) fs)))
(for/list ([c (in-string guess)] [f (in-string fs)] [i (in-naturals)])
(match f
[(or #\Y #\y) (At c i)]
[(or #\N #\n) (Absent c)]
[#\? (Present c i)]))]
[_ (displayln "No. Again.") (read-feedback guess)]))
(let loop ([acc (Accum (load-words) (set))])
(match (Accum-pool acc)
[(list w) (printf "\"~a\" it is~n" w)]
['() (displayln "Beyond my vocabulary.")]
[_ (define g (guess acc))
(match-define (Accum pool cs) acc)
(printf "Next guess (out of ~a candidates): ~a~n" (length pool) g)
(loop (refine (Accum (remove g pool) cs) (read-feedback g)))])))
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