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Last active January 26, 2018 17:52
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#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(only-in typed/racket/base assert))
;; Assume primitive `induct-on` that can inspect contracts
;; and produce induction principles for *some* contracts
;; deemed to specify inductive data
;; (e.g. naturals, and many ad-hoc recursive contracts
;; whose recursive references follow immutable struct fields)
;; (define nat-induct (induct-on exact-nonnegative-integer?))
(define/contract nat-induct
(->i ([x exact-nonnegative-integer?]
[P (exact-nonnegative-integer? . -> . contract?)]
[on-0 {P} (->i ([x 0]) (_ {x} (P x)))]
[on-n {P} (->i ([n exact-nonnegative-integer?] [ih {n} (P n)])
(_ {n} (P (+ 1 n))))])
(_ {x P} (P x)))
;; Assume `induct-on` generates something like this
(λ (n P on-0 on-n)
(case n
[(0) (on-0 0)]
[else (on-n (- n 1) (nat-induct (- n 1) P on-0 on-n))])))
;; (define list-induct (induct-on list?))
(define/contract list-induct
(->i ([xs list?]
[P (list? . -> . contract?)]
[on-null {P} (->i ([x null?]) (_ {x} (P x)))]
[on-cons {P} (->i ([ any/c] [x.cdr list?] [ih {x.cdr} (P x.cdr)])
(_ { x.cdr} (P (cons x.cdr))))])
(_ {xs P} (P xs)))
;; Assume `induct-on` generates something like this
(λ (l P on-null on-cons)
(match l
['() (on-null '())]
[(cons x l*) (on-cons x l* (list-induct l* P on-null on-cons))])))
;;;;; fib (nat induction)
(define plus-2-2/c (λ _ (= (+ 2 2) 4)))
(define plus-comm/c (->i ([x integer?] [y integer?])
(_ {x y} (λ _ (= (+ x y) (+ y x))))))
(define int-up/c (->i ([n integer?]) (_ {n} (and/c integer? (λ (m) (< n m))))))
(define/contract plus-2-2 plus-2-2/c 'duh)
(define/contract plus-comm plus-comm/c (λ (x y) 'duh))
(define/contract int-up int-up/c (λ (n) (+ n 1)))
(define fib
[0 0]
[1 1]
[n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
(define/contract fib-2=1 (λ _ (= (fib 2) 1))
(assert (= (fib 2) (+ (fib 1) (fib 0)))))
(define/contract fib-3=2 (λ _ (= (fib 3) 2))
(assert (= (fib 3) (+ (fib 2) (fib 1))))
;; Somehow need to have kept around fib-2=1's flat contract
;; If execution never approximates, none of these is neccessary
(define (up/c f)
(->i ([n exact-nonnegative-integer?])
(_ {n} (λ _ (<= (f n) (f (+ 1 n)))))))
(define/contract fib-up (up/c fib)
[0 (assert (< (fib 0) (fib 1)))]
[1 (assert (<= (fib 1) (+ (fib 1) (fib 0))))
(assert (= (fib 2) (+ (fib 1) (fib 0))))]
[n (assert (<= (fib n) (+ (fib n) (fib (- n 1)))))
(assert (= (fib (+ n 1)) (+ (fib n) (fib (- n 1)))))]))
(define mono/c
(->i ([f (exact-nonnegative-integer? . -> . integer?)]
[up-f {f} (up/c f)]
[x exact-nonnegative-integer?]
[y {x} (and/c exact-nonnegative-integer? (>/c x))])
(_ {f x y} (<= (f x) (f y)))))
(define/contract f-mono mono/c
(λ (f up x y)
(nat-induct (- y (+ 1 x))
(λ (d) (<= (f x) (f (+ x d))))
(λ (d) (assert (<= (f x) (f (+ x 1)))))
(λ (d ih)
(assert (<= (f x) (f (- y 1))))
(up (- y 1))))))
(define/contract fib-mono
(->i ([n exact-nonnegative-integer?]
[m {n} (>/c n)])
(_ {n m} (λ _ (<= (fib n) (fib m)))))
(λ (n m)
(f-mono fib fib-up n m)))
;;;;; append (list induction)
;; assume definitions of `append`, `map` available in same module
(define append-nil-id/c
(->i ([xs list?]) (_ {xs} (λ _ (equal? (append xs '()) xs)))))
(define append-assoc/c
(->i ([xs list?] [ys list?] [zs list?])
(_ (xs ys zs)
(λ _ (equal? (append xs (append ys zs))
(append (append xs ys) zs))))))
(define map-fusion/c
{α β γ}
(->i ([f (β . -> . γ)]
[g (α . -> . β)]
[xs (listof α)])
(_ {f g xs} (λ _ (equal? (map (compose1 f g) xs)
(map f (map g xs))))))))
(define/contract append-nil-id append-nil-id/c
(λ (xs)
(list-induct xs
(λ (l) (λ _ (equal? (append l '()) l)))
(λ (mt) 'duh)
(λ (h t ih) 'duh))))
(define/contract append-assoc append-assoc/c
(λ (xs ys zs)
(λ (l)
(λ _ (equal? (append l (append ys zs))
(append (append l ys) zs))))
(λ (_null) ; shouldn't need any of the blow
(assert (equal? (append '() (append ys zs)) (append ys zs)))
(assert (equal? (append (append '() ys) zs) (append ys zs))))
(λ (x xs* ih) ; shouldn't need any/most of the below
(define lhs (append (cons x xs*) (append ys zs)))
(define lhs* (cons x (append xs* (append ys zs))))
(define rhs (append (append (cons x xs*) ys) zs))
(define rhs* (append (cons x (append xs* ys)) zs))
(assert (equal? lhs lhs*))
(assert (equal? rhs rhs*))
(assert (equal? lhs* rhs*))))))
(define/contract map-fusion map-fusion/c
(λ (f g xs)
(list-induct xs
(λ (l) (λ _ (equal? (map (compose1 f g) l) (map f (map g l)))))
(λ (mt) 'duh)
(λ (h t ih) 'duh))))
;;;;; swap (case analysis )
(define swap
[(list* x₁ x₂ xs) (if (> x₁ x₂) (list* x₂ x₁ xs) (list* x₁ x₂ xs))]
[xs xs]))
(define/contract swap-idemp
(->i ([xs list?])
(_ (xs) (λ _ (equal? (swap (swap xs)) xs))))
[(list* x₁ x₂ xs) (if (> x₁ x₂) 'duh 'duh)]
[_ 'duh]))
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