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Last active March 26, 2018 16:25
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Script for effortless playing of `code 777`
#lang typed/racket/base
(require racket/match
(Color . ⩴ . 'green 'yellow 'black 'brown 'red 'pink 'blue)
(Name . ≜ . Symbol)
(Piece . ≜ . (Piece [digit : Integer] [color : Color]) #:ad-hoc)
(Piece-Set . ≜ . (HashTable Piece Positive-Integer))
(Config . ≜ . (HashTable Name Piece-Set))
(State . ≜ . (Listof Config))
(Event . ≜ . (State → State))
(define Empty-Hand : Piece-Set (hash))
(define Standard-Game : Piece-Set
'([(1 . green) . 1]
[(2 . yellow) . 2]
[(3 . black) . 3]
[(4 . brown) . 4]
[(5 . red) . 4] [(5 . black) . 1]
[(6 . pink) . 3] [(6 . green) . 3]
[(7 . pink) . 1] [(7 . yellow) . 2] [(7 . blue) . 4])))
(: count-up (∀ (X) (Listof X) → (HashTable X Positive-Integer)))
;; Count up occurences of each element in list
(define (count-up xs)
(for/fold ([m : (HashTable X Positive-Integer) (hash)]) ([x (in-list xs)])
(match (hash-ref m x #f)
[(? values n) (hash-set m x (+ 1 n))]
[_ (hash-set m x 1)])))
(: ⊆ : Piece-Set Piece-Set → Boolean)
(define (⊆ set₁ set₂)
(for/and ([(piece count) (in-hash set₁)])
(<= count (hash-ref set₂ piece (λ () 0)))))
(: move-piece (case->
[Piece-Set Piece Piece-Set → (Values Piece-Set Piece-Set)]
[Config Name Name Piece → Config]))
;; Move piece from one set to the other
(define move-piece
[(from piece to)
(define from*
(match (- (hash-ref from piece) 1)
[(? positive? n) (hash-set from piece n)]
[_ (hash-remove from piece)]))
(define to*
(match (hash-ref to piece #f)
[(? values n) (hash-set to piece (+ 1 n))]
[_ (hash-set to piece 1)]))
(values from* to*)]
[(cfg from to piece)
(define-values (from* to*)
(move-piece (hash-ref cfg from) piece (hash-ref cfg to)))
(hash-set (hash-set cfg from from*) to to*)]))
(: start : (Listof (List Name Piece Piece Piece)) Piece-Set → State)
;; Initialize state space given pieces' distributions and observed pieces from other players
(define (start players distr)
;; Eliminate other seen pieces from other players
(define init-config
(for/fold ([config : Config (hash 'unused distr 'me Empty-Hand)])
([player (in-list players)])
(match-define (cons name pieces) player)
(for/fold ([config : Config (hash-set config name Empty-Hand)])
([piece (in-list pieces)])
(move-piece config 'unused name piece))))
;; Enumerate all possible hands that I can have.
;; In a standard game, there can't be more than (22*21*20)/3! possible hands
(define pool ; 22 pieces
(for*/vector : (Vectorof Piece) ([(piece count) (in-hash (hash-ref init-config 'unused))]
[_ (in-range count)])
(define (shift [cfg : Config] [i : Integer])
(move-piece cfg 'unused 'me (vector-ref pool i)))
(for*/list : State ([i (in-range (vector-length pool))]
[config₁ (in-value (shift init-config i))]
[j (in-range (+ 1 i) (vector-length pool))]
[config₂ (in-value (shift config₁ j))]
[k (in-range (+ 1 j) (vector-length pool))])
(shift config₂ k)))
(: solve ([(Listof (List Name Piece Piece Piece)) (Listof Event)] [Piece-Set] . ->* . State))
;; Shrink to smallest set of possible configurations I can have,
;; given initial observations and a sequence of game events, which are one of:
;; - Person `X` tells about their observation of ther hands
;; - Person `X` screws up and gets a new hand
(define (solve players refinements [pool Standard-Game])
(for/fold ([state : State (start players pool)])
([refine (in-list refinements)])
(refine state)))
(: replace : Name (Listof Piece) → Event)
;; Person `name` screews up and get new `pieces`
(define ((replace name pieces) configs)
(define piece-set (count-up pieces))
(for/list : State ([config (in-list configs)]
#:when (⊆ piece-set (hash-ref config 'unused)))
(for/fold ([config : Config (hash-set config name Empty-Hand)])
([piece (in-list pieces)])
(define-values (pool hand)
(move-piece (hash-ref config 'unused) piece (hash-ref config name)))
(hash-set (hash-set config 'unused pool) name hand))))
(: says : Name (Config → Integer) (Integer Integer → Boolean) (Config → Integer) → Event)
;; Person `speaker` tells an observation of the form `_ (<|≤|=|>|≥|) _`
(define ((says speaker lhs op rhs) configs)
(for*/list : State ([config (in-list configs)]
[config* (in-value (hash-remove (hash-remove config 'unused) speaker))]
#:when (op (lhs config*) (rhs config*)))
(: summarize : State → (HashTable (HashTable Integer Integer) Integer))
;; Summarize the current possible hands and their (un-normalized) probabilities
(define (summarize configs)
(for*/fold ([m : (HashTable (HashTable Integer Integer) Integer) (hash)])
([config (in-list configs)])
(define hand
(for*/fold ([h : (HashTable Integer Integer) (hash)])
([(piece count) (in-hash (hash-ref config 'me))]
[_ (in-range count)])
(hash-update h (Piece-digit piece) add1 (λ () 0))))
(hash-update m hand add1 (λ () 0))))
;;;;; Combinators for common patterns
(: on-rack (∀ (X) ((Listof Piece) → X) → Piece-Set → X))
(define ((on-rack handler) pieces)
(handler (for*/list : (Listof Piece) ([(piece count) (in-hash pieces)]
[_ (in-range count)])
(: on-pieces (∀ (X) ((Listof Piece) → X) → Config → X))
(define ((on-pieces handler) cfg)
(for*/list : (Listof Piece) ([rack (in-hash-values cfg)]
[(piece count) (in-hash rack)]
[_ (in-range count)])
(: count-rack : (Piece-Set → Boolean) → Config → Integer)
(define ((count-rack sat?) cfg)
(for/sum : Integer ([hand (in-hash-values cfg)] #:when (sat? hand))
(: sum-digits : (Listof Piece) → Integer)
(define (sum-digits ps) (apply + (map Piece-digit ps)))
(: count-by (∀ (X Y) (Y → Boolean) (X → Y) → (Listof X) → Integer))
(define ((count-by p? f) xs) (length (filter-map (compose p? f) xs)))
(: count-uniques (∀ (X Y) (X → Y) → (Listof X) → Integer))
(define ((count-uniques f) xs) (set-count (list->set (map f xs))))
(: consec? : (Listof Piece) → Boolean)
(define (consec? xs)
(let check ([xs (sort (map Piece-digit xs) <)])
(match xs
[(or (list) (list _)) #t]
[(cons x₁ (and xs* (cons x₂ _))) (and (= x₂ (+ 1 x₁)) (check xs*))])))
(: just (∀ (X) X → Any → X))
(define ((just x) _) x)
(define-syntax-rule (with-inits (player ...) event ...)
(solve (list 'player ...) (list event ...)))
(module+ test
(require typed/rackunit)
(define mid-game ;; pretend mine are {(7 . pink) (7 . yellow) (7 . yellow)}
(with-inits ([Wes (1 . green) (2 . yellow) (3 . black)]
[Tom (4 . brown) (5 . red) (6 . pink)])
;; Tom says there are 4 unique colors
(says 'Tom (on-pieces (count-uniques Piece-color)) = (just 4))
;; Wes says there's 1 rack with consecutive digits
(says 'Wes (count-rack (on-rack consec?)) = (just 1))
;; Tom screws up and gets a new hand
(replace 'Tom '((6 . pink) (6 . pink) (7 . blue)))
;; Tom confirms even numbers are no more than odd ones
(says 'Tom
(on-pieces (count-by even? Piece-digit))
(on-pieces (count-by odd? Piece-digit)))
;; Wes says there are 2 racks whose sum is at least 13
(says 'Wes
(count-rack ((inst on-rack Boolean)
(λ (pieces) (>= (sum-digits pieces) 13))))
(just 2))
;; Game goes on ...
;; The true answer better still be in there
(check-true (hash-has-key? (summarize mid-game) '#hash((7 . 3))))
;; The search space better have shrinked from original
(check-true (< (length mid-game) (/ (* 22 21 20) 6))))
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