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Created January 12, 2024 17:22
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use super::*;
// Helper Methods
fn empty_wallet() -> Wallet {
fn wallet_with_alice() -> Wallet {
fn wallet_with_alice_and_bob() -> Wallet {
Wallet::new(vec![Address::Alice, Address::Bob].into_iter())
fn marker_tx() -> Transaction {
Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![Coin {
value: 123,
owner: Address::Custom(123),
// Official tests included in the starter repo
// This will check the basic values after wallet creation.
fn correct_genesis_values() {
let wallet = wallet_with_alice();
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 0);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), Block::genesis().id());
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), 0);
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Alice).unwrap().len(), 0);
// This case ensures that the wallet will reject requests for foreign addresses.
fn foreign_address_error() {
let wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Check validation for an empty wallet with no registered addresses
fn no_address_error() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let wallet = empty_wallet();
wallet.create_manual_transaction(Vec::new(), Vec::new()),
wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Eve, 0, 0),
// Empty transactions should be fine
fn empty_manual_transaction() {
let wallet = wallet_with_alice();
let result = wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Eve, 0, 0);
let transaction = result.unwrap().clone();
assert_eq!(transaction.inputs.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(transaction.outputs.len(), 0);
fn empty_automatic_transaction() {
let wallet = wallet_with_alice();
let result = wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Eve, 0, 0);
let transaction = result.unwrap().clone();
assert_eq!(transaction.inputs.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(transaction.outputs.len(), 0);
// Check the basic case of sync, should have correct height
fn sync_two_blocks() {
// Build a mock node that has a simple two block chain
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let b1_id = node.add_block(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 2);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b2_id);
// Should reorg to longer chain and calculate correct height
fn short_reorg() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Sync a chain to height 1
let _old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
// Reorg to longer chain of length 2
let b1_id = node.add_block(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 2);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b2_id);
// Old_B2 (discard) - Old_B3 (discard)
// /
// G
// \ B2 (should reorg the chain here)
fn reorg_to_shorter_chain() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Sync a chain to height 3
let old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let old_b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b1_id, vec![]);
let _old_b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b2_id, vec![]);
// Reorg to shorter chain of length 2
let b1_id = node.add_block(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 2);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b2_id);
// Check that sync updates with internal state of the wallet with transaction UTXO
fn tracks_single_utxo() {
// We have a single transaction that consumes some made up input
// and creates a single output to alice.
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(COIN_VALUE));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), COIN_VALUE);
Ok(vec![(coin_id, COIN_VALUE)])
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Ok(coin));
// Check that user can transfer to themselves
fn consumes_own_utxo() {
// All coins will be valued the same in this test
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
// We start by minting a coin to alice
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx_mint = Transaction {
inputs: vec![],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx_mint.coin_id(0);
// Then we burn that coin
let input = Input {
// The signature is invalid to save syntax.
// The wallet doesn't check validity anyway.
// This transaction is in a block, so the wallet syncs it.
signature: Signature::Invalid,
let tx_burn = Transaction {
inputs: vec![input],
outputs: vec![],
// Apply this all to a blockchain and sync the wallet.
// We apply in two separate blocks although that shouldn't be necessary.
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx_mint]);
let _b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![tx_burn]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Make sure the UTXO is consumed
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), 0);
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Alice), Ok(vec![]));
// Pedagogy: It is reasonable that the wallet could provide details about
// the coin even after it was spent. But requiring that gives away the trick of
// tracking spent coins so you can revert them later.
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Err(WalletError::UnknownCoin));
// Check that transaction between users correctly updates wallet state
fn tracks_utxo_from_two_tx_in_one_block_to_multiple_users() {
// We have a single transaction that consumes some made up input
// and creates a single output to alice.
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin1 = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let coin2 = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE * 2,
owner: Address::Bob,
let tx1 = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin1.clone()],
let tx2 = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin2.clone()],
let coin_id1: CoinId = tx1.coin_id(0);
let coin_id2: CoinId = tx2.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx1, tx2]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(COIN_VALUE));
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Bob), Ok(COIN_VALUE * 2));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), COIN_VALUE * 3);
Ok(vec![(coin_id1, COIN_VALUE)])
Ok(vec![(coin_id2, COIN_VALUE * 2)])
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id1), Ok(coin1));
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id2), Ok(coin2));
// Should be able to create a manual transaction by providing inputs and outputs
fn manual_tx_should_succeed() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let input_coin_ids = vec![coin_id];
let coin_bob = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Bob,
let output_coins = vec![coin_bob];
let tx_result = wallet.create_manual_transaction(input_coin_ids, output_coins.clone());
let result = tx_result.unwrap().clone();
assert_eq!(result.outputs, output_coins);
assert_eq!(result.inputs[0].signature, Signature::Valid(Address::Alice));
// Should return an error when unknown coin is provided to create a manual transaction
fn manual_tx_missing_input() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), Vec::new());
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let dummy_input = Input::dummy();
let input_coin_ids = vec![dummy_input.coin_id];
let coin_bob = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Bob,
let output_coins = vec![coin_bob];
let tx_result = wallet.create_manual_transaction(input_coin_ids, output_coins.clone());
assert_eq!(tx_result.unwrap_err(), WalletError::UnknownCoin);
// Should return an error if the output value is greater than input value
fn manual_tx_too_much_output() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let input_coin_ids = vec![coin_id];
let coin_bob = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Bob,
let coin_alice = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let output_coins = vec![coin_bob, coin_alice];
let tx_result = wallet.create_manual_transaction(input_coin_ids, output_coins.clone());
assert_eq!(tx_result.unwrap_err(), WalletError::OutputsExceedInputs);
// Should be able to create an automatic transaction
fn automatic_tx_should_succeed_zero_tip() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let coin_charlie = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Charlie,
let output_coins = vec![coin_charlie];
let tx_result = wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Charlie, COIN_VALUE, 0);
let results = tx_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.outputs, output_coins);
assert_eq!(results.inputs[0].coin_id, coin_id);
// Should be able to create an automatic transaction with a tip
fn automatic_tx_should_succeed_with_tip() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE * 2,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let coin_charlie = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Charlie,
let output_coins = vec![coin_charlie];
let tx_result = wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Charlie, COIN_VALUE, 100);
let results = tx_result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.outputs, output_coins);
assert_eq!(results.inputs[0].coin_id, coin_id);
// Should be able to validate when output value exceeds available inputs
fn automatic_tx_too_much_output() {
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
// Create a minimal chain to contain this transaction and sync it
let mut node = MockNode::new();
node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![tx]);
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
let tx_result = wallet.create_automatic_transaction(Address::Charlie, 2 * COIN_VALUE, 0);
// Reorgs with utxos in the chain history
fn reorg_with_utxos_input() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// We have a single transaction that consumes some made up input
// and creates a single output to alice.
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = tx.coin_id(0);
// Sync a chain to height 3
let old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let old_b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b1_id, vec![]);
let _old_b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b2_id, vec![tx]);
// Reorg to shorter chain of length 2
let b1_id = node.add_block(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 2);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b2_id);
// Check that the calculation is right
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), 0);
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Alice), Ok(vec![]));
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Err(WalletError::UnknownCoin));
// Reorgs with utxos in the chain history
fn reorg_with_utxos_output() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let mint_tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = mint_tx.coin_id(0);
let spend_tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input {
coin_id: coin_id.clone(),
signature: Signature::Invalid,
outputs: vec![],
// Sync a chain to height 5
let old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![mint_tx]);
let old_b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b1_id, vec![]);
let old_b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b2_id, vec![]);
let old_b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![spend_tx]);
let _old_b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b4_id, vec![]);
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), 0);
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Alice), Ok(vec![]));
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Err(WalletError::UnknownCoin));
// Reorg to longer chain of same length
let b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![]);
let b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(b4_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 5);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b5_id);
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(COIN_VALUE));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), COIN_VALUE);
Ok(vec![(coin_id, COIN_VALUE)])
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Ok(coin));
// Reorgs with utxos in the chain history
fn reorg_with_utxos_complete() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice_and_bob();
const COIN_VALUE: u64 = 100;
let coin = Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Alice,
let mint_tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input::dummy()],
outputs: vec![coin.clone()],
let coin_id = mint_tx.coin_id(0);
let spend_tx = Transaction {
inputs: vec![Input {
coin_id: coin_id.clone(),
signature: Signature::Invalid,
outputs: vec![Coin {
value: COIN_VALUE,
owner: Address::Bob,
// Sync a chain to height 5
let old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![mint_tx]);
let old_b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b1_id, vec![]);
let old_b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b2_id, vec![]);
let old_b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![spend_tx]);
let _old_b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b4_id, vec![]);
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Bob), Ok(COIN_VALUE));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), COIN_VALUE);
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Alice), Ok(vec![]));
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Err(WalletError::UnknownCoin));
// Reorg to longer chain of same length
let b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![]);
let b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(b4_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 5);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), b5_id);
// Check that the coins have been correctly accounted for
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Alice), Ok(COIN_VALUE));
assert_eq!(wallet.total_assets_of(Address::Bob), Ok(0));
assert_eq!(wallet.net_worth(), COIN_VALUE);
Ok(vec![(coin_id, COIN_VALUE)])
assert_eq!(wallet.all_coins_of(Address::Bob), Ok(vec![]));
assert_eq!(wallet.coin_details(&coin_id), Ok(coin));
// Reorg performance tests to make sure they aren't just syncing from genesis each time.
fn reorg_performance_test() {
// Create node and wallet
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Sync a chain to height 5
let old_b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let old_b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b1_id, vec![]);
let old_b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b2_id, vec![]);
let old_b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![]);
let _old_b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b4_id, vec![]);
let regular_sync_calls = node.how_many_queries();
// Reorg to longer chain of same length
let b4_id = node.add_block_as_best(old_b3_id, vec![]);
let b5_id = node.add_block_as_best(b4_id, vec![]);
let reorg_calls = node.how_many_queries() - regular_sync_calls;
assert!(reorg_calls < regular_sync_calls);
// Check the reorg case until the genesis block
// B2 (discard) - B3 (discard)
// /
// G
// \
// C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 (new wallet state)
fn deep_reorg() {
let mut node = MockNode::new();
let mut wallet = wallet_with_alice();
// Sync a chain to height 3
let b1_id = node.add_block_as_best(Block::genesis().id(), vec![]);
let b2_id = node.add_block_as_best(b1_id, vec![]);
let b3_id = node.add_block_as_best(b2_id, vec![]);
let c1_id = node.add_block(Block::genesis().id(), vec![marker_tx()]);
let c2_id = node.add_block_as_best(c1_id, vec![]);
let c3_id = node.add_block_as_best(c2_id, vec![]);
let c4_id = node.add_block_as_best(c3_id, vec![]);
let c5_id = node.add_block_as_best(c4_id, vec![]);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_height(), 5);
assert_eq!(wallet.best_hash(), c5_id);
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