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Philpax philpax

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Lynx Update 2024-04-22

Transcript produced using Whisper Turbo, cleaned up with GPT-4, and then edited by hand.

Hello everyone. So this was not supposed to go like that. I'm putting in the link for this video because I think all the people are on another video. Thank you. Hello to some of you already from the stream. Okay. Let me just change the frame of the camera. Hello. All right. This is live once again from Paris. We're trying another setup in the office because we have this magnificent wall over there. Good to see you again. Thank you for following the project.

As you can see from my face, I'm quite tired already. I have many things to share with you. Mostly good stuff. I'm going to share some of the bad stuff that happened though. We have... So it's not a new office. It's actually the other way. So usually I'm over there just behind the camera where I usually stream. This is the same office. And we just decided to use a more conventional background because it's p

Okay. Hi, we're live. I think we're live. Do we have the sound? Can you confirm in the chat please that we have the sound? Okay. So can you hear me? Okay, it works. Great.

So yeah, once again, we're in Paris. I'm here to give you an update on where we are, sit at Lynx, what's currently going on, what I can share with you. As usual, I'm trying to share the best I can and you know what's going on around the company, around the project now.

It's been a few busy months as you can imagine for the community that follows the project a lot. Maybe we've been quite silent or maybe a bit more than usual. It's because we had a lot of going on and now I can share a bit more. So I'll start with the hardware, with the software and then about the company updates that I can share and that I'm happy to share. Currently, the hardware, we are building what's called PVT. So PVT is this kind of last batch before mass production. So it's using the same line as DVT and it's called product validation and testing. It's the 500 units

Introduction (00:07)

Hello everyone. I hope you can hear me. Welcome at Lynx. We're still in Paris. Still the same office. I just moved the setup a bit far from here, but it's basically the same room. I hope, yeah, let me know in the chat if the sun and video is okay, we are live.

I have a few, I have a lot of things to say tonight. It's been quite some time since we've been communicating in an official manner. So this video will have three different main topics, the hardware and deliveries, then the software where I will show you demos and then some setup of the company itself.

Deliveries (00:55)

Running Disco Diffusion locally on a Windows machine

You will need a GPU with lots of VRAM, preferably at least 16GB. You will experience freezes and model failure with less, but you may be able to use a smaller resolution to overcome this.

Install Anaconda and the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit.

Open up an Anaconda Prompt:

conda init powershell
philpax / jcmp.d
Created February 22, 2017 06:48
Moonshot examples
// Bindings for JC2-MP API
struct Vector3
float x, y, z;
Vector3 __add(Vector3 rhs);
philpax / rust-codegen.ll
Created June 2, 2016 16:02
Rust naked codegen
; Function Attrs: naked uwtable
define internal void @_ZN8rust_out4test17h785f8ce455c67198E(i8*, i8*) unnamed_addr #0 !dbg !30 {
%a = alloca i8*
%b = alloca i8*
%const = alloca %str_slice
%2 = alloca { %str_slice, i32 }*
store i8* %0, i8** %a
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i8** %a, metadata !93, metadata !94), !dbg !95
store i8* %1, i8** %b
0 => Effects/explosion.bin
1 => Effects/destruction_default.bin
2 => Effects/bullet_impact_small.bin
3 => Effects/fireball.bin
4 => Effects/missile_fire.bin
5 => Effects/missile_explosion.bin
6 => Effects/character_hit.bin
7 => Effects/character_bloodsplat.bin
8 => Effects/character_fire.bin
9 => Effects/character_fire.bin
// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
# pragma once
class 'FirstPerson'
function FirstPerson:__init()
self.enabled = false
Events:Subscribe( "CalcView", self, self.CalcView )
Events:Subscribe( "LocalPlayerChat", self, self.LocalPlayerChat )
Events:Subscribe( "ModuleLoad", self, self.ModuleLoad )
Events:Subscribe( "ModuleUnload", self, self.ModuleUnload )