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Created October 16, 2016 19:00
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# Based on
# Added support for virtio network driver, NAT DNS resolver, and insecure registries.
# Change line 47 to either point to your insecure registry or delete the
# "--engine-insecure-registry <insecure registry name>:5000" parameter.
#TODO Be nice and accept these as cmd line args...
if [ -z "$B2D_MACHINE_NAME" ]; then
GUEST_STATUS=`docker-machine status ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} 2>&1`
set -e
if [[ "${GUEST_STATUS}" =~ "Host does not exist".*"${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}" ]]; then
#Create a new Docker host if it doesn't already exist
VPN_KEY=`echo "show State:/Network/Service/" | scutil`
if [[ "${VPN_KEY}" != *"No such key"* ]]; then
echo "Please disconnect from the VPN and re-run the command: $0 $@"
exit 1
VBOX_PROCS=`pgrep -f "" || exit 0`
if [ -n "${VBOX_PROCS}" ]; then
echo "Please stop all processes"
echo ${VBOX_PROCS}
exit 2
#TODO Always reload these if the routing table doesn't have vboxnet entries? Either we've:
#1. Disconnected from the VPN and the VPN client has removed the routes without restoring them
# -> The VirtualBox kernel modules are unhappy and can't re-add the routes
# We *must* restart the kernel modules to recover from this situation
#2. Started on a fresh host that hasn't connected to VPN...yet
# -> Starting any VirtualBox VM should create the routes
# Restarting the kernel modules isn't needed, but doesn't cost us anything (other than time)
#3. Started on a host where VirtualBox isn't configured with *any* host-only network adapters
# -> No routes are needed or will ever be added
# Restarting the kernel modules isn't needed, but doesn't cost us anything (other than time)
#TODO Expose this as a standalone command (with the pgrep sanity check)
echo "=====Restarting VirtualBox kernel modules====="
#We only really need to restart the VirtualBox network kernel modules, but it's easier to restart everything
sudo /Library/Application\ Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/ restart
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Creating Docker host====="
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-insecure-registry <insecure registry name>:5000 ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Setting NIC to use virtio ====="
docker-machine stop ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}
VBoxManage modifyvm ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} --nictype1 virtio
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Setting VM to use NAT DNS Resolver ====="
VBoxManage modifyvm ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} --natdnshostresolver1 on
docker-machine start ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}
elif [ "${GUEST_STATUS}" == "Stopped" ]; then
#Start the Docker host if it isn't already running
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Starting Docker host====="
docker-machine start ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}
#Add a port forwarding rule if it doesn't already exist
GUEST_DOCKER_DAEMON_PORT=`VBoxManage showvminfo ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} | grep "guest port = 2376" | sed -e "s/^.*host port = \([0-9]*\),.*/\1/"`
if [ -z "${GUEST_DOCKER_DAEMON_PORT}" ]; then
#Work around the Cisco VPN client bogarting the routing table by using port forwarding for the Docker daemon in the VM
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Inserting Docker daemon port forwarding rule====="
VBoxManage controlvm ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} natpf1 dockerdaemon,tcp,,${HOST_DOCKER_DAEMON_PORT},,2376
#The Docker daemon and client are protected by mutual auth, but docker-machine creates a cert for the Docker daemon that
#only binds to the IP of VirtualBox's host-only adapter (that's unroutable because of the Cisco VPN client). Let's fix
#this by creating a cert that binds to localhost,, *and* the IP of the Virtualbox host-only adapter so the Docker
#daemon can service requests from the forwarded port *and* the host-only adapter.
SERVER_PEM=`docker-machine ssh ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} "openssl x509 -noout -text -in ${SERVER_PEM_LOCATION}"`
#TODO Check the cert that the daemon is serving rather than the cert on disk?
# openssl s_client -connect localhost:2376 -tls1 -CAfile ${DOCKER_CERTS_HOME}/ca.pem -cert ${DOCKER_CERTS_HOME}/cert.pem -key ${DOCKER_CERTS_HOME}/key.pem 2>/dev/null </dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM
#TODO Regenerate the cert if it's going to expire in the next day?
# openssl x509 -checkend 86400 -noout -in ${SERVER_PEM_LOCATION}
#TODO Expose manual regeneration of the cert as a standalone command
if [[ ${SERVER_PEM} != *"CN=localhost"* && ${SERVER_PEM} != *"IP:"* ]]; then
#(Re)create the cert if it's missing localhost or
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Creating a new Docker daemon certificate====="
#Let's be good citizens. Preserve the original cert and re-use the private key.
#Create a new cert for the Docker daemon and sign it
openssl req -subj "/CN=localhost" -sha256 -new -key ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/server-key.pem -out ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/server.csr
echo "subjectAltName = IP:$(docker-machine ip ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}),IP:" > ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/extfile.cnf
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/server.csr -CA ${DOCKER_CERTS_HOME}/ca.pem -CAkey ${DOCKER_CERTS_HOME}/ca-key.pem -set_serial 0x6f6e656a6c69 -out ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/server.pem -extfile ${DOCKER_MACHINES_HOME}/${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}/extfile.cnf
#Deploy the new cert to the Docker host and restart the Docker daemon to pick up the change
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Deploying Certificate to Docker host====="
docker-machine ssh ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} "echo -e '${NEW_SERVER_PEM}' | sudo tee ${SERVER_PEM_LOCATION}"
echo "=====[${B2D_MACHINE_NAME}] Restarting Docker daemon====="
docker-machine ssh ${B2D_MACHINE_NAME} "sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart"
echo "=====Add these to your environment====="
printf "%s\n" "export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1"
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://localhost:${HOST_DOCKER_DAEMON_PORT}"
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