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Created February 12, 2023 12:06
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Convert WGS84 latitude/longitude coordinates into OSGB36 easting/northing coordinates (as used in OS maps and web sites)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
// Convert Latitude and Longitude to Easting and Northing coordinates
// Distilled from Visual Basic code published by the Ordnance Survey.
// Constants
#define DEG2RAD (M_PI / 180)
#define OSGB36_A 6377563.396 // OSGB36 semi-major & semi-minor axis
#define OSGB36_B 6356256.909
#define WGS84_A 6378137.0 // WGS84 semi-major & semi-minor axis
#define WGS84_B 6356752.314245
#define F0 0.9996012717 // Central meridian scale
// OSGB origin (lat/lon and easting/northing)
#define PHI0 (49.0 * DEG2RAD)
#define LAM0 (-2.0 * DEG2RAD)
#define E0 400000.0
#define N0 -100000.0
// Helmert transform constants (WGS84 to OSGB36; reverse signs for inverse transform)
#define HELMERT_DX -446.448
#define HELMERT_DY 125.157
#define HELMERT_DZ -542.060
#define HELMERT_S 20.4894e-06
#define HELMERT_XROT (-0.1502 / 3600 * DEG2RAD)
#define HELMERT_YROT (-0.2470 / 3600 * DEG2RAD)
#define HELMERT_ZROT (-0.8421 / 3600 * DEG2RAD)
void wgs84LatLon2Osgb36EastNorth(double wgs84_latitude, double wgs84_longitude, double *easting, double *northing) {
// Step 1: Convert WGS84 Lat/Lon to geocentric XYZ coordinates
// (We don't have a value for height; let's just guess 50 m)
double phi = wgs84_latitude * DEG2RAD;
double lam = wgs84_longitude * DEG2RAD;
double h = 50.0;
double sinPhi = sin(phi);
double sinPhi2 = sinPhi * sinPhi;
double cosPhi = cos(phi);
double sinLam = sin(lam);
double cosLam = cos(lam);
double wgs84_e2 = (WGS84_A * WGS84_A - WGS84_B * WGS84_B) / (WGS84_A * WGS84_A);
double wgs84_v = WGS84_A / sqrt(1 - (wgs84_e2 * sinPhi2));
double x = (wgs84_v + h) * cosPhi * cosLam;
double y = (wgs84_v + h) * cosPhi * sinLam;
double z = ((wgs84_v * (1 - wgs84_e2)) + h) * sinPhi;
// Step 2: Perform a Helmert transformation to convert these
// geocentric coordinates into the system used by OSGB36
double helmertX = x + x * HELMERT_S - y * HELMERT_ZROT+ z * HELMERT_YROT + HELMERT_DX;
double helmertY = x * HELMERT_ZROT + y + y * HELMERT_S - z * HELMERT_XROT + HELMERT_DY;
double helmertZ = -x * HELMERT_YROT + y * HELMERT_XROT + z + z * HELMERT_S + HELMERT_DZ;
x = helmertX;
y = helmertY;
z = helmertZ;
// Step 3: Convert these geocentric coordinates back into Lat/Long
// values in the OSGB36 coordinate system
double osgb36_e2 = ((OSGB36_A * OSGB36_A) - (OSGB36_B * OSGB36_B)) / (OSGB36_A * OSGB36_A);
double rootXY2 = hypot(x, y);
double phi1, sinPhi1, osgb36_v;
double phi2 = atan(z / (rootXY2 * (1 - osgb36_e2)));
do {
phi1 = phi2;
sinPhi1 = sin(phi1);
osgb36_v = OSGB36_A / sqrt(1 - osgb36_e2 * sinPhi1 * sinPhi1);
phi2 = atan((z + (osgb36_e2 * osgb36_v * sinPhi1)) / rootXY2);
} while (fabs(phi1 - phi2) > 1e-09);
phi = phi2;
if (x >= 0) {
lam = atan(y / x);
else if (x < 0 && y >= 0) {
lam = atan(y / x) + M_PI;
else if (x < 0 && y < 0) {
lam = atan(y / x) - M_PI;
// Step 4: Map these Lat/Lon values to the Ordnance Survey grid
sinPhi = sin(phi);
sinPhi2 = sinPhi * sinPhi;
cosPhi = cos(phi);
sinLam = sin(lam);
cosLam = cos(lam);
double tanPhi = tan(phi);
double cosPhi3 = cosPhi * cosPhi * cosPhi;
double cosPhi5 = cosPhi3 * cosPhi * cosPhi;
double tanPhi2 = tanPhi * tanPhi;
double tanPhi4 = tanPhi2 * tanPhi2;
double af0 = OSGB36_A * F0;
double bf0 = OSGB36_B * F0;
double n = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0);
double nu = af0 / sqrt(1 - osgb36_e2 * sinPhi2);
double rho = (nu * (1 - osgb36_e2)) / (1 - osgb36_e2 * sinPhi2);
double eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1;
double p = lam - LAM0;
double n2 = n * n;
double n3 = n2 * n;
double m = bf0 * (((1 + n + 5 * n2 / 4 + 5 * n3 / 4) * (phi - PHI0)) - ((3 * n + 3 * n2 + (21 * n3 / 8))
* sin(phi - PHI0) * cos(phi + PHI0)) + ((15 * n2 / 8 + 15 * n3 / 8) * sin(2 * (phi - PHI0))
* cos(2 * (phi + PHI0))) - (35 * n3 * sin(3 * (phi - PHI0)) * cos(3 * (phi + PHI0)) / 24));
double i = m + N0;
double ii = nu * sinPhi * cosPhi / 2;
double iii = (nu * sinPhi * cosPhi3 / 24) * (5 - tanPhi2 + 9 * eta2);
double iiia = (nu * sinPhi * cosPhi5 / 720) * (61 - 58 * tanPhi2 + tanPhi4);
double iv = nu * cosPhi;
double v = nu * cosPhi3 * (nu / rho - tanPhi2) / 6;
double vi = nu * cosPhi5 * (5 - 18 * tanPhi2 + tanPhi4 + 14 * eta2 - 58 * tanPhi2 * eta2) / 120;
double p2 = p * p;
double p3 = p2 * p;
double p4 = p2 * p2;
double p5 = p3 * p2;
double p6 = p3 * p3;
*easting = E0 + p * iv + p3 * v + p5 * vi;
*northing = i + p2 * ii + p4 * iii + p6 * iiia;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double latitude, longitude, easting, northing;
if (argc != 3) {
return puts("Please provide latitude and longitude as command line arguments");
latitude = atof(argv[1]);
longitude = atof(argv[2]);
wgs84LatLon2Osgb36EastNorth(latitude, longitude, &easting, &northing);
printf("Easting: %lf\nNorthing: %lf\n", easting, northing);
return 0;
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