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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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// Created by (in case a harvester picks this up)
// To run this:
// - download this file
// - run `npm install git://`
// - run `./node_modules/.bin/lessc skeleton-generation.less`
// Uncomment the .preface and .appendix lines to see why the @part is necessary.
#part {
.content-counter(preface; @before; @after) { content: @before @after; }
.content-counter(chapter; @before; @after) { content: @before counter(chapter) '.' @after; }
.content-counter(appendix; @before; @after) { content: @before counter(appendix, upper-alpha) @after; }
@Example: 'Example';
@Exercise: 'Exercise';
@Figure: 'Figure';
@Note: 'Note';
// # Slots Code
// **NOTE:** These slots can be filled in by several files:
// - `base-content-slots.less` can fill in all the empty `.defaults` for slots
// - `numbering-slots.less` can fill in all the `.counters` and `.numbering` slots
// - `[BOOK_NAME]-slots.less` can fill in all the `.style` and `.title` slots
// `base-content-slots.less`
#content {
// A list of custom classes for this `@type` of content (or `none`)
.kinds (@type) { @return: none; }
// ## Empty Defaults
// Include this mixin when defining mixins for each type of content
// to provide a no-op by default.
.x-inline-defaults() {
.style (@kind; @part; @contexts...) { }
.x-has-title-defaults() {
#title {
.style (@kind; @part; @contexts...) { }
.x-blockish-defaults() {
.counters (@kind; @part; @contexts...) { }
.number (@kind; @part; @contexts...) { }
#section { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#para { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#note { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#example { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#exercise { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#problem { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#solution { .x-blockish-defaults(); }
#figure {
.caption(@kind; @part; @contexts...) { }
#definition { .x-inline-defaults(); }
#term { .x-inline-defaults(); }
#meaning { .x-inline-defaults(); .x-has-title-defaults(); }
#quote { .x-inline-defaults(); .x-has-title-defaults(); }
#list { .x-inline-defaults(); .x-has-title-defaults(); }
#list { #item { .x-inline-defaults(); } }
// ... More types removed for brevity
// `numbering-slots.less`
#content {
// **NOTE:** the `any` is **only** used to make the generated CSS easier to read.
// it could have just as easily been `@kind` but would have resulted
// in much more verbose CSS.
#note {
.counters(any; @part) { counter-increment: note; }
.number(any; @part) { #part>.content-counter(@part; @Note ' '; counter(note)); }
#example {
.counters(any; @part) { counter-increment: example; }
.number(any; @part) { #part>.content-counter(@part; @Example ' '; counter(example)); }
#exercise {
.counters(any; @part) { counter-increment: exercise; }
// do NOT increment Exercises inside an example
.counters(any; @part; example) { counter-increment: none; }
.number(any; @part) { #part>.content-counter(@part; @Exercise ' '; counter(exercise)); }
// do NOT number Exercises inside an example
.number(any; @part; example) { content: @Exercise }
#figure {
.counters(any; @part) { counter-reset: subfigure; }
// Do not reset the subfigure counter when this is a subfigure
.counters(any; @part; figure) { counter-reset: none; }
.counters(any; @part) { counter-increment: figure; counter-reset: subfigure; }
.counters(any; @part; figure) { counter-increment: subfigure; }
.number(any; @part) { #part>.content-counter(@part; @Figure ' '; counter(figure)); }
// For subfigures add a letter representing the figure
.number(any; @part; figure) {
/* NOTE: The numbering includes the subfigure counter (ie Figure 4a) */
#part>.content-counter(@part; @Figure ' '; counter(figure) counter(subfigure, lower-alpha));
// ... More types removed for brevity
// `[BOOK_NAME]-slots.less`
#content {
// Tell the skeleton file to generate skeletons for the following
// book-specific kinds of types (classes).
// For example, this book defines several custom notes (features):
// a `.how-to` note and a `.understanding` note.
.kinds(note) { @return: 'how-to', 'understanding'; }
#note {
// **NOTE:** The arguments "mean" any note in any part (preface, chapter, etc) get this styling
.style(any; @part) { background-color: yellow; }
// ## Example: Custom Notes (aka "features")
#title {
.style('how-to'; @part) { background-color: pink; content: 'How-To'; }
.style('understanding'; @part) { background-color: purple; content: 'Understanding'; }
#example {
.style(any; @part) { background-color: green; }
#exercise {
.style(any; @part) { background-color: silver; }
#figure {
.style(any; @part) { background-color: blue; }
.caption(any; @part) { color: blue; }
// Complex example: a figure inside a `how-to` note
.style(any; @part; note; 'how-to') {
content: 'how-to>figure TEST1';
// Complex example: a figure inside a `how-to` note inside an example
// (think: `example > > figure`)
.style(any; @part; example; note; 'how-to') {
content: 'example>>figure TEST2';
// Complex example: a figure inside an `understanding` note inside an example
// (think: `note.understanding > example > figure`)
.style(any; @part; note; 'understanding'; example) {
content: 'note.understanding>example>figure TEST3';
#para { .style(any; @part) { color: black; } }
#term { .style(any; @part) { font-weight: bold; } }
// ... More types removed for brevity
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// Everything below should **NOT** change for different books so it can be considered "magic".
// If you **do* need to change something in here it would probably be to:
// 1. Increase the maximum context length
// 2. Add a new `type` of content or `part` (ie exercise, note, figure)
// # Skeleton Code
// This code will "build" the skeleton and generate all permutations of `@contexts` for the slots.
// The interesting bits are each content `@type`.
// There is a `.template-selector()` that **defines** the selector to match a CNXML element (`@type`)
// - for `c:note` or `c:example` it would be a `[data-type="foo"]`
// - for `c:list` it would be a `ul, ol, [data-type="list"]`
// - for `c:figure` it would be a `figure`
// There is a `.template-slots()` that defines all the slots **inside** a CNXML element
// - for `c:note` it would be a `.style()`, `.title()`. and `.body()`
// - for `c:exercise` it would be a `.style()`, `.title()`
// - for `c:figure` it would be a `.style()`, `.title()` and `.caption()`
// There are at least 2 files in here:
// - `skeleton-content-templates.less` defines all the content types and which slots they have
// - `skeleton.less` actually generate all the skeleton selectors
// `skeleton-content-templates.less`
#skeleton {
#content {
// This namespace defines the following mixins:
// - `.children(@type)` : "returns" a list of valid child types
// - `.template-selector(@type; @depth; @part-contexts...)` : Generates the proper selector for this type
// - `.template-slots(@type; @part-contexts...)` : generates the proper slots for this type
// Prune the permutations in the skeleton-generation code (so we do not run out of memory)
// by restricting the set of children
.x-root-types() {
// From
@return: section,
// code,
// preformat,
// media,
// table,
// rule,
// equation,
// From
.x-noteish-types() {
@return: para,
// cite,
// cite-title,
// foreign,
// emphasis,
// sub,
// sup,
// code,
// preformat,
// note,
// media,
// footnote,
// link,
// newline,
// space,
// table,
// rule,
// equation,
// From
.x-inline-types() {
@return: term,
// cite,
// cite-title,
// foreign,
// emphasis,
// sub,
// sup,
// code,
// preformat,
// note,
// media,
// footnote,
// link,
// newline,
// space,
// definition, TODO: Should this remain an inline type?
// example, TODO: Should these remain an inline type?
// figure,
// table,
// rule,
// equation,
// exercise;
//.children(@any) { @return: none; } // by default, no children
.children(none) { .x-root-types(); } // The root types
.children(section) { .x-root-types(); }
.children(example) { .x-root-types(); }
.children(problem) { .x-root-types(); }
.children(solution) { .x-root-types(); }
.children(note) { .x-noteish-types(); }
.children(quote) { .x-noteish-types(); }
.children(para) { .x-inline-types(); }
.children(term) { .x-inline-types(); }
.children(meaning) { .x-inline-types(); } // Might need to be x-noteish-types
.children(exercise) { @return: problem, solution; }
.children(definition) { @return: term, meaning, example, /*seealso*/; }
.children(figure) { @return: figure /* , media, table, code */; }
.children(list) { @return: list-item; }
.children(list-item) { .x-inline-types(); }
// These define the selector for the `@type`
// `.x-template-helper` will augment the selector with a class depending on the value of `@kind`
// For most elements the selector will be `[data-type="@{type}"]` but for some things
// like lists and figures it may be `figure` or `ol, ul`.
.template-selector(@type; @depth; @rest...) when (@type=section),
(@type=meaning) {
//[data-type="@{type}"] {
.@{type} {
.template-selector(figure; @rest...) {
figure {
// debug-template-outer-figure: '@rest=' @rest;
.x-template-helper(figure; @rest...);
.template-selector(para; @rest...) {
p { .x-template-helper(para; @rest...); }
.template-selector(quote; @rest...) {
blockquote { .x-template-helper(quote; @rest...); }
// Lists are special because they may contain a title. If they have a title
// then there is a special wrapper div since `ol` and `ul` cannot contain a title
.template-selector(list; @rest...) {
ul, ol, [data-type='list'] {
.x-template-helper(list; @rest...);
.template-selector(list-item; @rest...) {
li { .x-template-helper(list-item; @rest...); }
// ## Slots inside Content
// These describe the stricture of slots **inside** a `type` of content.
// - for notes these would be the title and body
// - for figures these would be the caption and title
// - for exercises these would be the title, problem, solutions, and commentary
.template-slots(example; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(exercise; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(problem; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(solution; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(figure; @args...) {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
figcaption {
&::before { #content>#figure>.number(@args...); }
.template-slots(note; @args...) {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
&::before {
.template-slots(section; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(para; @args...) {
&::before {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(definition; @args...) { #content>#definition>.style(@args...); }
.template-slots(term; @args...) { #content>#term>.style(@args...); }
.template-slots(meaning; @args...) {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(quote; @args...) {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(list; @args...) {
//> [data-type='title'] {
> .title {
.template-slots(list-item; @args...) {
// `skeleton.less`
// This variable denotes the maximum length of `@contexts...`
@contexts-max-depth: 2;
#skeleton {
// Customize these for different elements
// These are the skeleton "snippet" describing the element and all the slots on it.
// .template-selector(@type; @depth; @kind; @part-and-contexts...) { }
// .template-slots( @type; @depth; @kind; @part-and-contexts...) { }
// makes a different selector if `@kind` is `any` or if it is anything else
.x-template-helper(@type; @depth; any; @part-and-contexts...) {
.template-slots(@type; any; @part-and-contexts...);
// Recurse by appending the `@type` to the `@contexts...`
#skeleton>.build-children(@type; (@depth - 1); @part-and-contexts...; @type);
.x-template-helper(@type; @depth; @kind; @part-and-contexts...) when not (@kind = any) {
// `@kind` is a string but we need to un-string it to use it as a class name
@unstringed-kind: e(@kind);
&.@{unstringed-kind} {
.template-slots(@type; @kind; @part-and-contexts...);
// Recurse by appending both the `@type` and `@kind` to the `@contexts...`
#skeleton>.build-children(@type; (@depth - 1); @part-and-contexts...; @type; @kind);
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts) { } // base case
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; none) { } // base case
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type; @rest...) {
#skeleton>#content>.template-selector(@type; @depth; any; @part-and-contexts...);
// Loop for any custom `@kind`s
@kinds: @return;
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type; @kinds...);
// recurse
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @rest...);
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type) { } // base case
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type; none) { } // base case
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type; @kind; @rest...) {
// debug-custom-types: @type-and-kind;
#skeleton>#content>.template-selector(@type; @depth; @kind; @part-and-contexts...);
// recurse
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @part-and-contexts; @type; @rest...);
.build-children(@type; 0; @part-and-contexts...) { } // base case
.build-children(@type; @depth; @part-and-contexts...) when (@depth > 0) {
//debug-build-children: 'depth=' @depth 'contexts=' @part-and-contexts;
@content-base-types: @return;
.x-helper-base-types (@depth; @part-and-contexts; @content-base-types...);
// Skeleton code
.build-part(@part) {
// Use the `none` type for root elements
#skeleton>.build-children(none; (@contexts-max-depth + 1); @part);
//.preface { .build-part(preface); }
.chapter { .build-part(chapter); }
//.appendix { .build-part(appendix); }
/* ------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
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