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Last active August 17, 2016 18:42
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  • Save philskents/4e61ebe418a7861ed294044814d193d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save philskents/4e61ebe418a7861ed294044814d193d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script will delete all blobs from the specified container over a certain age.
When given the necessary storage account information this script will find any blobs over the given age in days and
remove them. If the job fails it will send an email to the specified recipient.
This script is designed to be executed as a scheduled task.
.\Remove-OldAzureStorageBlob.ps1 -storageAccountName foo -storageAccountKey bar -containerName backups -age 30 -errorSMTPServer -errorSourceAddress -errorDestAddress
Author: Phil Skents (
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=2)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=3)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=4)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=5)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=6)]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true,Position=7)]
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
$date = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-$age)
Try {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Get-AzureStorageBlob -Context $context -Container $containerName | Where-Object {$_.LastModified -lt $date} | Remove-AzureStorageBlob
$hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$sub = 'Job failed on '+$hostname
$err = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = 'Scheduled job Remove-OldAzureStorageBlob failed on '+$hostname+' with error '+$err
Send-MailMessage -From $errorSourceAddress -To $errorDestAddress -Subject $sub -Body $msg -SmtpServer $errorSMTPServer
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